306 research outputs found

    Motion Imitation Based on Sparsely Sampled Correspondence

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    Existing techniques for motion imitation often suffer a certain level of latency due to their computational overhead or a large set of correspondence samples to search. To achieve real-time imitation with small latency, we present a framework in this paper to reconstruct motion on humanoids based on sparsely sampled correspondence. The imitation problem is formulated as finding the projection of a point from the configuration space of a human's poses into the configuration space of a humanoid. An optimal projection is defined as the one that minimizes a back-projected deviation among a group of candidates, which can be determined in a very efficient way. Benefited from this formulation, effective projections can be obtained by using sparse correspondence. Methods for generating these sparse correspondence samples have also been introduced. Our method is evaluated by applying the human's motion captured by a RGB-D sensor to a humanoid in real-time. Continuous motion can be realized and used in the example application of tele-operation.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, technical repor

    Collision-Aware Fast Simulation for Soft Robots by Optimization-Based Geometric Computing

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    Soft robots can safely interact with environments because of their mechanical compliance. Self-collision is also employed in the modern design of soft robots to enhance their performance during different tasks. However, developing an efficient and reliable simulator that can handle the collision response well, is still a challenging task in the research of soft robotics. This paper presents a collision-aware simulator based on geometric optimization, in which we develop a highly efficient and realistic collision checking / response model incorporating a hyperelastic material property. Both actuated deformation and collision response for soft robots are formulated as geometry-based objectives. The collision-free body of a soft robot can be obtained by minimizing the geometry-based objective function. Unlike the FEA-based physical simulation, the proposed pipeline performs a much lower computational cost. Moreover, adaptive remeshing is applied to achieve the improvement of the convergence when dealing with soft robots that have large volume variations. Experimental tests are conducted on different soft robots to verify the performance of our approach

    Concise and Effective Network for 3D Human Modeling from Orthogonal Silhouettes

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    In this paper, we revisit the problem of 3D human modeling from two orthogonal silhouettes of individuals (i.e., front and side views). Different from our prior work {\cite{wang2003virtual}}, a supervised learning approach based on \textit{convolutional neural network} (CNN) is investigated to solve the problem by establishing a mapping function that can effectively extract features from two silhouettes and fuse them into coefficients in the shape space of human bodies. A new CNN structure is proposed in our work to exact not only the discriminative features of front and side views and also their mixed features for the mapping function. 3D human models with high accuracy are synthesized from coefficients generated by the mapping function. Existing CNN approaches for 3D human modeling usually learn a large number of parameters (from {8.5M} to {355.4M}) from two binary images. Differently, we investigate a new network architecture and conduct the samples on silhouettes as input. As a consequence, more accurate models can be generated by our network with only {2.4M} coefficients. The training of our network is conducted on samples obtained by augmenting a publicly accessible dataset. Learning transfer by using datasets with a smaller number of scanned models is applied to our network to enable the function of generating results with gender-oriented (or geographical) patterns
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