227 research outputs found

    Oblikovanje jestivih filmova iz proteina soje unakrsnim vezivanjem transglutaminazom iz bakterije Streptomyces

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    Soybean protein isolate (SPI) was used in the investigation of the formation of edible protein films through an enzymatic cross-linking method with a purified microbial transglutaminase (MTG) produced from a new effective strain Streptomyces sp. WZFF.L-M1 preserved in our laboratory, followed by the addition of glycerol and suitable heating and drying treatments. Cheaper partially-purified skimmed soybean protein powder (SSP) and whey protein isolates (WPI) were used as the substitutes partially replacing the expensive SPI products, and purified β-lactoglobulin was taken as the positive control of WPI. As a result, the three alternatives could also form highly efficient edible films under the optimal operation conditions. The films made with SPI alternatives, about 50 µm thin, had homogenous network structures, without any holes by direct observation with the naked eye. The tests of the properties of these films showed that they had high water-keeping capacity and strong elasticity, that the ultimate tensile strength (TS) and the elongation at break (Eb) had been remarkably increased (TS>5 MPa, Eb>50 %), and that the prevention rates against the permeability of water vapour and oxygen in the air were also upgraded more than 85 and 70 %, respectively.Izolat proteina soje upotrijebljen je pri oblikovanju jestivih filmova metodom unakrsnog vezivanja transglutaminaze iz novoga soja bakterije Streptomyces sp. WZFF.L-M1, uzgojenog u našem laboratoriju. Nakon dodavanja glicerola, film je zagrijan te osušen. Dio skupih izolata proteina soje zamijenjen je jeftinijim, djelomično pročišćenim obranim prahom proteina soje i izolatima proteina surutke, a pročišćenim β-laktoglobulinom dokazana je prisutnost izolata proteina surutke. Rezultati su pokazali da se u optimalnim uvjetima, upotrebom triju zamjenskih izolata, mogu proizvesti vrlo učinkoviti jestivi filmovi. Struktura filmova debljine oko 50 µm, dobivenih uporabom zamjenskih izolata, bila je homogena, bez okom vidljivih rupica. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazali su veliku moć zadržavanja vode i elastičnost tih filmova. Znatno je povećana granična čvrstoća (>5 MPa) i istezljivost (>50 %) te smanjena njihova propusnost na vodenu paru za 85 % i kisika za 70 %

    Economic Uncertainty and Earnings Management

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    In the presence of managerial short-termism and asymmetric information about skill and effort provision, firms may opportunistically shift earnings from uncertain to more certain times. We document that firms report more negative discretionary accruals when financial markets are less certain about their future prospects. Stock-price responses to earnings surprises are moderated when firm-level uncertainty is high, consistent with performance being attributed more to luck rather than skill and effort, which can create incentives to shift earnings toward lower-uncertainty periods. We show that the resulting opportunistic earnings management is concentrated in CEOs, firms, and periods where such incentives are likely to be strongest: (1) where CEO wealth is sensitive to change in the share price, (2) where announced earnings are particularly likely to be an important source of information about managerial ability and effort, and (3) before implementation of Sarbanes-Oxley made opportunistic earnings management more challenging. Our evidence highlights a novel channel through which uncertainty affects managerial decision making in the presence of agency conflicts