33 research outputs found

    Recent Advances and Prospects in the Differentiation of Pancreatic Cells From Human Embryonic Stem Cells

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    Recent studies with human embryonic stem (hES) cells have established new protocols for substantial generation of pancreatic progenitors from definitive endoderm. These findings add to the efficient derivation of definitive endoderm, which is controlled by Wnt and Nodal pathways, and delineate a step forward in the quest for alternative Ξ²-cell sources. It also indicates that critical refining of the available strategies might help define a universal protocol for pancreatic differentiation applicable to several cell lines, therefore offering the possibility for transplantation of immune-matched or patient-specific hES–derived Ξ²-cells. We appraise here the fundamental role that bone morphogenetic protein, fibroblast growth factor, and retinoid signaling play during pancreas development, and describe a fundamental emergence of their combination in recent studies that generated pancreatic cells from hES cells. We finally enumerate some prospects that might improve further differentiation of the progenitor cells into functional Ξ²-cells needed in diabetes cell therapy

    Potential Pathways to Restore Ξ²-Cell Mass: Pluripotent Stem Cells, Reprogramming, and Endogenous Regeneration

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    Currently available Ξ²-cell replacement therapies for patients with diabetes, including islet and pancreas transplantation, are largely successful in restoring normal glucose metabolism, but the scarcity of organ donors restricts their more widespread use. To solve this supply problem, several different strategies for achieving Ξ²-cell mass restoration are being pursued. These include the generation of Ξ² cells from stem cells and their subsequent transplantation, or regeneration-type approaches, such as stimulating endogenous regenerative mechanisms or inducing reprogramming of non-Ξ² cells into Ξ² cells. Because these strategies would ultimately generate allogeneic or syngeneic Ξ² cells in humans, the control of alloimmunity and/or autoimmunity in addition to replacing lost Ξ² cells will be of utmost importance. We briefly review the recent literature on these three promising strategies toward Ξ²-cell replacement or restoration and point out the major issues impacting their translation to treating human diabetes

    Cyclic Expression of Lhx2 Regulates Hair Formation

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    Hair is important for thermoregulation, physical protection, sensory activity, seasonal camouflage, and social interactions. Hair is generated in hair follicles (HFs) and, following morphogenesis, HFs undergo cyclic phases of active growth (anagen), regression (catagen), and inactivity (telogen) throughout life. The transcriptional regulation of this process is not well understood. We show that the transcription factor Lhx2 is expressed in cells of the outer root sheath and a subpopulation of matrix cells during both morphogenesis and anagen. As the HFs enter telogen, expression becomes undetectable and reappears prior to initiation of anagen in the secondary hair germ. In contrast to previously published results, we find that Lhx2 is primarily expressed by precursor cells outside of the bulge region where the HF stem cells are located. This developmental, stage- and cell-specific expression suggests that Lhx2 regulates the generation and regeneration of hair. In support of this hypothesis, we show that Lhx2 is required for anagen progression and HF morphogenesis. Moreover, transgenic expression of Lhx2 in postnatal HFs is sufficient to induce anagen. Thus, our results reveal an alternative interpretation of Lhx2 function in HFs compared to previously published results, since Lhx2 is periodically expressed, primarily in precursor cells distinct from those in the bulge region, and is an essential positive regulator of hair formation

    New Approaches in the Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells toward Hepatocytes

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    Orthotropic liver transplantation is the only established treatment for end-stage liver diseases. Utilization of hepatocyte transplantation and bio-artificial liver devices as alternative therapeutic approaches requires an unlimited source of hepatocytes. Stem cells, especially embryonic stem cells, possessing the ability to produce functional hepatocytes for clinical applications and drug development, may provide the answer to this problem. New discoveries in the mechanisms of liver development and the emergence of induced pluripotent stem cells in 2006 have provided novel insights into hepatocyte differentiation and the use of stem cells for therapeutic applications. This review is aimed towards providing scientists and physicians with the latest advancements in this rapidly progressing field

    The polarity protein Scrib is essential for directed endothelial cell migration

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    RATIONALE: Polarity proteins are involved in the apico-basal orientation of epithelial cells, but relatively little is known regarding their function in mesenchymal cells. OBJECTIVE: We hypothesized that polarity proteins also contribute to endothelial processes like angiogenesis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Screening of endothelial cells revealed high expression of the polarity protein Scribble (Scrib). On fibronectin-coated carriers Scrib siRNA (siScrib) blocked directed but not random migration of human umbilical vein endothelial cells and led to an increased number and disturbed orientation of cellular lamellipodia. Coimmunoprecipitation/mass spectrometry and glutathione S-transferase (GST) pulldown assays identified integrin Ξ±5 as a novel Scrib interacting protein. By total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy, Scrib and integrin Ξ±5 colocalize at the basal plasma membrane of endothelial cells. Western blot and fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis revealed that silencing of Scrib reduced the protein amount and surface expression of integrin Ξ±5 whereas surface expression of integrin Ξ±V was unaffected. Moreover, in contrast to fibronectin, the ligand of integrin Ξ±5, directional migration on collagen mediated by collagen-binding integrins was unaffected by siScrib. Mechanistically, Scrib supported integrin Ξ±5 recycling and protein stability by blocking its interaction with Rab7a, its translocation into lysosomes, and its subsequent degradation by pepstatin-sensitive proteases. In siScrib-treated cells, reinduction of the wild-type protein but not of PSD95, Dlg, ZO-1 (PDZ), or leucine rich repeat domain mutants restored integrin Ξ±5 abundance and directional cell migration. The downregulation of Scrib function in Tg(kdrl:EGFP)(s843) transgenic zebrafish embryos delayed the angiogenesis of intersegmental vessels. CONCLUSIONS: Scrib is a novel regulator of integrin Ξ±5 turnover and sorting, which is required for oriented cell migration and sprouting angiogenesis