2 research outputs found

    Kesesuaian Uji Antigen Capture Enzyme Linked Immunosorbant Assay dan Nested Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction untuk Diagnosis Rutin Bovine Viral Diarrhea

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    Abstract Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) is one of the main causes of impaired productivity and reproduction of cows. Antigen capture Elisa (ACE) is one of the serological technique that is sensitive, reliable and used regularly for detecting persistent BVD infection individually which simpler than  multiplex nested PCR. The aim of this study was to determine the agreement between ACE and multiplex nested PCR as a routine laboratory diagnostic technique to detect the presence of BVD infection. A total of 128 cow serum samples consisting of 63 positive and 65 negative samples based on ACE were used in this study. The samples were collected from active and passive surveillance in dairy and beef cattle conducted by Balai Besar Veteriner (BBVet) Wates. The serum samples were then tested molecularly using multiplex nested PCR against BVD. The result showed 48 out of 63  BVDV-1 positive samples were found positive BVD antigen whereas 57 of 65  BVDV-1 negative samples were negative using multiplex nested PCR, . The agreement value between the two different assays based on statistic analysis using Kappa method was 0.64 and classified a good one. The result concluded that the ACE BVD assay was equally suitable as routine diagnosis to determine BVD infected cattle in the farm. Keywords: Antigen capture ELISA; Bovine viral diarrhea; Kappa; Multiplex nested PCR.   Abstrak Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD) merupakan salah satu penyebab gangguan produktivitas dan reproduksi sapi. Antigen capture ELISA (ACE) merupakan salah satu teknik serologis yang sensitif, dapat diandalkan dan digunakan secara teratur untuk mendeteksi infeksi BVD persisten secara individual yang lebih sederhana daripada multiplex nested PCR. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kesesuaian antara uji ACE dan multiplex nested PCR sebagai teknik diagnostik laboratorium rutin untuk mendeteksi adanya infeksi BVD. Sebanyak 128 sampel serum sapi yang terdiri dari 63 sampel positif dan 65 negatif berdasarkan ACE BVDV Antigen Test Kit/Serum Plus (Idexx®) digunakan dalam kajian ini. Sampel serum sapi merupakan koleksi dari surveilans aktif dan pasif pada sapi perah dan potong yang dilakukan Balai Besar Veteriner (BBVet) Wates. Sampel serum kemudian diuji secara molekuler menggunakan multiplex nested PCR terhadap BVD. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dengan teknik multiplex nested PCR, 48 dari 63 sampel positif BVDV-1 ditemukan positif untuk antigen BVD sedangkan 57 dari 65 sampel negatif BVDV-1 negatif untuk antigen BVD. Analisis statitik berdasarkan perhitungan metoda Kappa menunjukkan nilai kesesuaian antara dua uji sebesar 0,64 dan tergolong bagus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kesimpulan bahwa uji ACE BVD sesuai sebagai diagnosis rutin untuk menentukan ternak yang terinfeksi BVD di peternakan. Kata kunci: Antigen capture ELISA; Bovine viral diarrhea; Kappa; Multiplex nested PCR

    Comparison of serological assays for detecting antibodies in ducks exposed to H5 subtype avian influenza virus

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    Background: Chicken red blood cells (RBCs) are commonly used in hemagglutination inhibition (HI) tests to measure hemagglutinating antibodies against influenza viruses. The use of horse RBCs in the HI test can reportedly increase its sensitivity when testing human sera for avian influenza antibodies. This study aims to compare the proportion of positives detected and the agreement between two HI tests using either chicken or horse red blood cells for antibody detection in sera of ducks experimentally infected or naturally exposed to Indonesian H5 subtype avian influenza virus. In addition, comparison with a virus neutralisation (VN) test was conducted with the experimental sera