23 research outputs found

    Classification and risk stratification of invasive breast carcinomas using a real-time quantitative RT-PCR assay

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    INTRODUCTION: Predicting the clinical course of breast cancer is often difficult because it is a diverse disease comprised of many biological subtypes. Gene expression profiling by microarray analysis has identified breast cancer signatures that are important for prognosis and treatment. In the current article, we use microarray analysis and a real-time quantitative reverse-transcription (qRT)-PCR assay to risk-stratify breast cancers based on biological 'intrinsic' subtypes and proliferation. METHODS: Gene sets were selected from microarray data to assess proliferation and to classify breast cancers into four different molecular subtypes, designated Luminal, Normal-like, HER2+/ER-, and Basal-like. One-hundred and twenty-three breast samples (117 invasive carcinomas, one fibroadenoma and five normal tissues) and three breast cancer cell lines were prospectively analyzed using a microarray (Agilent) and a qRT-PCR assay comprised of 53 genes. Biological subtypes were assigned from the microarray and qRT-PCR data by hierarchical clustering. A proliferation signature was used as a single meta-gene (log(2 )average of 14 genes) to predict outcome within the context of estrogen receptor status and biological 'intrinsic' subtype. RESULTS: We found that the qRT-PCR assay could determine the intrinsic subtype (93% concordance with microarray-based assignments) and that the intrinsic subtypes were predictive of outcome. The proliferation meta-gene provided additional prognostic information for patients with the Luminal subtype (P = 0.0012), and for patients with estrogen receptor-positive tumors (P = 3.4 Ă— 10(-6)). High proliferation in the Luminal subtype conferred a 19-fold relative risk of relapse (confidence interval = 95%) compared with Luminal tumors with low proliferation. CONCLUSION: A real-time qRT-PCR assay can recapitulate microarray classifications of breast cancer and can risk-stratify patients using the intrinsic subtype and proliferation. The proliferation meta-gene offers an objective and quantitative measurement for grade and adds significant prognostic information to the biological subtypes

    Variables Affecting the Recovery of <i>Acanthamoeba</i> Trophozoites

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    While the results of Acanthamoeba testing have been extensively published, laboratories conducting such testing are left to develop their own methods in the absence of a standardized methodology. The wide disparity of methods has resulted in equally inconsistent reported results for contact lens care (CLC) products. This study’s objective was to determine the source of these discrepancies by evaluating basic Acanthamoeba biology and their impact on antimicrobial efficacy testing, including the ability of a recovery method to stimulate a single trophozoite to proliferate. Antimicrobial efficacy testing was conducted using well-published Acanthamoeba strains, storage conditions, and growth-based recovery methods. To identify variables that influence results, test solutions with low Acanthamoeba disinfection rates were utilized to prevent differences from being masked by high log reductions. In addition, single-cell proliferation assays were executed to understand the growth requirements to stimulate trophozoite propagation in two recovery methods. These studies indicated that both nutrient density (>106 CFU) and the length of plate incubation (at least 14 days) could significantly influence the accurate recovery of trophozoites. Together, this study emphasizes the need to understand how Acanthamoeba trophozoites biology can impact test methods to create divergent results

    Continuous Real-Time Motility Analysis of Acanthamoeba Reveals Sustained Movement in Absence of Nutrients

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    Acanthamoeba keratitis is a serious ocular infection which is challenging to treat and can lead to blindness. While this pathogen is ubiquitous and can contaminate contact lenses after contact with water, its habits remain elusive. Understanding this organism’s natural behavior will better inform us on how Acanthamoeba colonize contact lens care systems. Acanthamoeba trophozoites were allowed to adhere to either a glass coverslip or non-nutrient agar (NNA) within a flow cell with nutrients (Escherichia coli or an axenic culture medium (AC6)) or without nutrients (Ringer’s solution). Images were taken once every 24 s over 12 h and compiled, and videos were analyzed using ImageJ Trackmate software. Acanthamoeba maintained continuous movement for the entire 12 h period. ATCC 50370 had limited differences between conditions and surfaces throughout the experiment. Nutrient differences had a noticeable impact for ATCC 30461, where E. coli resulted in the highest total distance and speed during the early periods of the experiment but had the lowest total distance and speed by 12 h. The Ringer’s and AC6 conditions were the most similar between strains, while Acanthamoeba in the E. coli and NNA conditions demonstrated significant differences between strains (p &lt; 0.05). These results indicate that quantifiable visual tracking of Acanthamoeba may be a novel and robust method for identifying the movement of Acanthamoeba in relation to contact lens care products. The present study indicates that Acanthamoeba can undertake sustained movement for at least 12 h with and without nutrients, on both rough and smooth surfaces, and that different strains have divergent behavior

    Paid work, unpaid work and social support: A study of the health of male and female nurses

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    Paid work, unpaid work in the home and social support are important elements of the social production of health and illness, though their combined effects on both women and men have only recently become a focus of research. This paper examines their association with the health problems of nurses, presenting data from a survey of a proportional random sample of 2285 male and female nurses registered in the Province of Ontario. The data are first analysed for the full sample and then multiple regression analyses are run separately for male and female Registered Nurses. The demands of paid work (overload, exposure to hazards), unpaid work (time pressures, caring for a dependent adult) and overall stress in life are associated with greater health problems. There is also evidence of significant links between social support and health. A poor relationship with a supervisor is associated with health problems. On the other hand, enjoying a confiding relationship with a friend and having up to 4 children reduces the likelihood of experiencing health problems. The features of nursing associated with fewer health problems are challenge, satisfaction with work and working under 20 hours a week. Several common themes emerge in the analyses of women and men: overload, hazard exposure, satisfaction with work, having 3-4 children and level of overall stress in life. Yet the models are also very different and point to the need for further analyses of the social production of health problems in relation to gender. They also suggest that female nurses, in particular, may suffer the effects of restructuring in the health care sector. Workload issues are especially important for women. Younger women, those reporting time pressures and caring for a dependent adult are more likely to report health problems. Having a confiding relationship with a friend is associated with fewer health problems for women. Among men, those who dislike housework are more likely to experience health problems. Satisfaction with work and overall stress in life were associated with health problems for both men and women, though there may be gender differences in what generates satisfaction and stress.health problems gender nursing unpaid work social support

    Reduction of disinfection efficacy of contact lens care products on the global market in the presence of contact lenses and cases

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    Objective Sight-threatening infections can be caused by pathogenic micro-organisms colonising the cornea, leading to microbial keratitis (MK). These micro-organisms can be introduced to the eye via improper contact lens use and care. MK can also result from ineffective contact lens care solutions (CLCs), even if the patient is following best practice guidelines. Therefore, it is critical to understand the differences between the effectiveness of popular CLCs on the global market.Methods and analysis Following the International Standards Organisation standards 14 729 and 18259, bacteria (Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens, Staphylococcus aureus), fungi (Candida albicans, Fusarium strains) and Acanthamoeba strains were inoculated into each CLC with and without contact lenses, and held for the manufacturer’s stated disinfection time. Plate counts were conducted to determine the number of surviving micro-organisms.Results All CLCs examined met the primary log reduction criteria during stand-alone testing for Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus, Candida and Fusarium. renu Multiplus, All Clean Soft, and Kombilösung Super did not meet the primary criteria when challenged with Serratia. Only OPTI-FREE Express exceeded 4 log reduction for both strains of Acanthamoeba tested. We noted a substantial reduction in disinfection efficacy when CLCs were challenged with Fusarium in the presence of lenses and cases versus stand-alone testing. OPTI-FREE Express demonstrated significantly less net log reduction loss than the other four CLCs tested.Conclusion Of the popular CLCs on the global market, the product which relies on dual biocides polyquaternium-1 and myristamidopropyl dimethylamine demonstrated the highest disinfection efficacy in microbial disinfection challenges in the absence and presence of contact lenses

    Antimicrobial Efficacy of Contact Lens Solutions Assessed by ISO Standards

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    Microbial keratitis (MK) is an eye infection caused by opportunistic bacteria or fungi, which may lead to sight-threatening corneal ulcers. These microorganisms can be introduced to the eye via improper contact lens usage or hygiene, or ineffective multipurpose solutions (MPSs) to disinfect daily wear contact lenses. Thus, the patient’s choice and use of these MPSs is a known risk factor for the development of MK. It is then critical to determine the efficacy of popular MPSs against ubiquitous ocular microorganisms. Therefore, we compare the efficacy of nine major MPSs on the global market against four different microorganism species, and with four different common contact lenses. In accordance with International Standards Organization protocol 14729 and 18259, the microorganisms were inoculated into each MPS with and without contact lenses, and held for the manufacturer’s disinfection time, 24 h, and 7 days after challenge with Serratia marcescens or Fusarium spp. Plates were incubated for 2–7 days and plate counts were conducted to determine the number of surviving microorganisms. The majority of MPSs demonstrated significantly higher disinfection efficacies without contact lenses. Broadly, among the microorganisms tested, the OPTI-FREE products (Puremoist, Express, and Replenish) maintained the highest disinfection efficacies at the manufacturer’s stated disinfection time when paired with any contact lens, compared with other MPSs. These were followed closely by RevitaLens and renu Advanced. MPSs containing dual biocides polyquaternium-1 and myristamidopropyl dimethylamine possessed the highest disinfection efficacy against multiple ocular pathogens

    Novel oncogene-induced metastatic prostate cancer cell lines define human prostate cancer progression signatures

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    Herein, murine prostate cancer cell lines, generated via selective transduction with a single oncogene (c-Myc, Ha-Ras, and v-Src), demonstrated oncogene-specific prostate cancer molecular signatures that were recapitulated in human prostate cancer, and developed lung metastasis in immune competent mice. Interrogation of two independent retrospective cohorts of patient samples using the oncogene signature demonstrated an ability to distinguish tumor from normal prostate with a predictive value for prostate cancer of 98 – 99%. In a blinded study, the signature algorithm demonstrated independent substratification of reduced recurrence free survival by Kaplan-Meier analysis. The generation of new oncogene-specific prostate cancer cell lines that recapitulate human prostate cancer gene expression, that metastasize in immune-competent mice, are a valuable new resource for testing targeted therapy while the molecular signatures identified herein provides further value over current gene signature markers of prediction and outcome