262 research outputs found

    Numerical Renormalization Group Analysis of Interacting Quantum Dots

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    Wilson's Numerical Renormalization Group (NRG) is so far the only nonperturbative technique that can reliably access low-energy properties of quantum impurity systems. We present a recent extension of the method, the DM-NRG, which yields highly accurate results for dynamical quantities at arbitrary frequencies and temperatures. As an application, we determine the spectrum of a quantum dot in an external magnetic field. Furthermore, we discuss magnetic impurities with orbital degeneracy, which have been inferred in recent experiments on quantum dots in an Aharonov-Bohm geometry. It is demonstrated that for spinless electrons, interference between neighbouring levels sets the low-energy scale of the system. Switching on an external field leads to a remarkable crossover into a regime dominated by orbital Kondo screening. We predict that the broadening-induced level splitting should be clearly visible in measurements of the optical absorption power. A more general model including the electron spin is studied within an extended two-band NRG procedure. We observe competition between interference and Kondo screening, similar to the situation in two-impurity models (RKKY).Comment: Invited talk at the DPG spring meeting 2001, to appear in Advances in Solid State Physics 4

    Flavor Degeneracy and Effects of Disorder in Ultracold Atom Systems

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    Cold atoms in optical lattices offer an exciting new laboratory where quantum many-body phenomena can be realized in a highly controlled way. They can even serve as quantum simulators for notoriously difficult problems like high-temperature superconductivity. This review is focussed on recent developments and new results in multi-component systems. Fermionic atoms with SU(N) symmetry have exotic superfluid and flavor-ordered ground states. We discuss symmetry breaking, collective modes and detection issues. Bosonic multi-flavor ensembles allow for engineering of spin Hamiltonians which are interesting from a quantum computation point of view. Finally, we will address the competition of disorder and interaction in optical lattices. We present a complete phase diagram obtained within dynamical mean-field theory and discuss experimental observability of the Mott and Anderson phases.Comment: 13 pages, 9 eps figures included, Adv. Solid State Phys. (in press

    Supersolid Phase of Cold Fermionic Polar Molecules in 2D Optical Lattices

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    We study a system of ultra-cold fermionic polar molecules in a two-dimensional square lattice interacting via both the long-ranged dipole-dipole interaction and a short-ranged on-site attractive interaction. Singlet superfluid, charge density wave, and supersolid phases are found to exist in the system. We map out the zero temperature phase diagram and find that the supersolid phase is considerably stabilized by the dipole-dipole interaction and thus can exist over a large region of filling factors. We study the melting of the supersolid phase with increasing temperature, map out a finite temperature phase diagram of the system at fixed filling, and determine the parameter region where the supersolid phase can possibly be observed in experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Ultracold fermions and the SU(N) Hubbard model

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    We investigate the fermionic SU(N) Hubbard model on the two-dimensional square lattice for weak to moderate interaction strengths using one-loop renormalization group and mean-field methods. For the repulsive case U>0 at half filling and small N the dominant tendency is towards breaking of the SU(N) symmetry. For N>6 staggered flux order takes over as the dominant instability, in agreement with the large-N limit. Away from half filling for N=3 the system rearranges the particle densities such that two flavors remain half filled by cannibalizing the third flavor. In the attractive case and odd N a full Fermi surface coexists with a superconductor in the ground state. These results may be relevant to future experiments with cold fermionic atoms in optical lattices.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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