1,466 research outputs found

    Sagnac Effect of Goedel's Universe

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    We present exact expressions for the Sagnac effect of Goedel's Universe. For this purpose we first derive a formula for the Sagnac time delay along a circular path in the presence of an arbitrary stationary metric in cylindrical coordinates. We then apply this result to Goedel's metric for two different experimental situations: First, the light source and the detector are at rest relative to the matter generating the gravitational field. In this case we find an expression that is formally equivalent to the familiar nonrelativistic Sagnac time delay. Second, the light source and the detector are rotating relative to the matter. Here we show that for a special rotation rate of the detector the Sagnac time delay vanishes. Finally we propose a formulation of the Sagnac time delay in terms of invariant physical quantities. We show that this result is very close to the analogous formula of the Sagnac time delay of a rotating coordinate system in Minkowski spacetime.Comment: 26 pages, including 4 figures, corrected typos, changed reference

    Collective Feshbach scattering of a superfluid droplet from a mesoscopic two-component Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We examine the collective scattering of a superfluid droplet impinging on a mesoscopic Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) as a target. The BEC consists of an atomic gas with two internal electronic states, each of which is trapped by a finite-depth external potential. An off-resonant optical laser field provides a localized coupling between the BEC components in the trapping region. This mesoscopic scenario matches the microscopic setup for Feshbach scattering of two particles, when a bound state of one sub-manifold is embedded in the scattering continuum of the other sub-manifold. Within the mean-field picture, we obtain resonant scattering phase shifts from a linear response theory in agreement with an exact numerical solution of the real time scattering process and simple analytical approximations thereof. We find an energy-dependent transmission coefficient that is controllable via the optical field between 0 and 100%.Comment: 4 Latex pages, including 4 figure

    Formation of Pairing Fields in Resonantly Coupled Atomic and Molecular Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    In this paper, we show that pair-correlations may play an important role in the quantum statistical properties of a Bose-Einstein condensed gas composed of an atomic field resonantly coupled with a corresponding field of molecular dimers. Specifically, pair-correlations in this system can dramatically modify the coherent and incoherent transfer between the atomic and molecular fields.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Equivalence of Kinetic Theories of Bose-Einstein Condensation

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    We discuss the equivalence of two non-equilibrium kinetic theories that describe the evolution of a dilute, Bose-Einstein condensed atomic gas in a harmonic trap. The second-order kinetic equations of Walser et al. [PRA 63, 013607 (2001)] reduce to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation and the quantum Boltzmann equation in the low and high temperature limits, respectively. These kinetic equations can thus describe the system in equilibrium (finite temperature) as well as in non-equilibrium (real time). We have found this theory to be equivalent to the non-equilibrium Green's function approach originally proposed by Kadanoff and Baym and more recently applied to inhomogeneous trapped systems by M. Imamovi\'c-Tomasovi\'c and A. Griffin [arXiv:cond-mat/9911402].Comment: REVTeX3, 6 pages, 2 eps figures, published version, minor change

    Laser-noise-induced correlations and anti-correlations in Electromagnetically Induced Transparency

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    High degrees of intensity correlation between two independent lasers were observed after propagation through a rubidium vapor cell in which they generate Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT). As the optical field intensities are increased, the correlation changes sign (becoming anti-correlation). The experiment was performed in a room temperature rubidium cell, using two diode lasers tuned to the 85^{85}Rb D2D_2 line (λ=780\lambda = 780nm). The cross-correlation spectral function for the pump and probe fields is numerically obtained by modeling the temporal dynamics of both field phases as diffusing processes. We explored the dependence of the atomic response on the atom-field Rabi frequencies, optical detuning and Doppler width. The results show that resonant phase-noise to amplitude-noise conversion is at the origin of the observed signal and the change in sign for the correlation coefficient can be explained as a consequence of the competition between EIT and Raman resonance processes.Comment: Accepted for publication in EPJ

    Pruning the Home Orchard

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    The Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network: Results of the naturalistic follow-up study after 2.5 years of follow-up in the German centres

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    The Stanley Foundation Bipolar Network (SFBN) is an international, multisite network investigating the characteristics and course of bipolar disorder. Methods (history, ratings and longitudinal follow-up) are standardized and equally applied in all 7 centres. This article describes demographics and illness characteristics of the first 152 German patients enrolled in them SFBN as well as the results of 2.5 years of follow-up. Patients in Germany were usually enrolled after hospitalisation. More than 72% of the study population suffered from bipolar I disorder and 25% from bipolar 11 disorder. The mean +/- SD age of the study participants was 42.08 +/- 13.5 years, and the mean SD age of onset 24.44 +/- 10.9 years. More than 40% of the sample reported a rapid-cycling course in history, and even more a cycle acceleration overtime. 37% attempted suicide at least once. 36% had an additional Axis I disorder, with alcohol abuse being the most common one, followed by anxiety disorders. During the follow-up period, only 27% remained stable, 56% had a recurrence, 12.8% perceived subsyndromal symptoms despite treatment and regular visits. 27% suffered from a rapid-cycling course during the follow-up period. Recurrences were significantly associated with bipolar I disorder, an additional comorbid Axis I disorder, rapid cycling in history, a higher number of mood stabilizers and the long-term use of typical antipsychotics. Rapid cycling during follow-up was only associated with a rapidcycling course in history, a higher number of mood stabilizers and at least one suicide attempt in history. Copyright (c) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Gap-filling strategies for annual VOC flux data sets

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    Up to now the limited knowledge about the exchange of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) between the biosphere and the atmosphere is one of the factors which hinders more accurate climate predictions. Complete long-term flux data sets of several VOCs to quantify the annual exchange and validate recent VOC models are basically not available. In combination with long-term VOC flux measurements the application of gap-filling routines is inevitable in order to replace missing data and make an important step towards a better understanding of the VOC ecosystem–atmosphere exchange on longer timescales. <br><br> We performed VOC flux measurements above a mountain meadow in Austria during two complete growing seasons (from snowmelt in spring to snow reestablishment in late autumn) and used this data set to test the performance of four different gap-filling routines, mean diurnal variation (MDV), mean gliding window (MGW), look-up tables (LUT) and linear interpolation (LIP), in terms of their ability to replace missing flux data in order to obtain reliable VOC sums. According to our findings the MDV routine was outstanding with regard to the minimization of the gap-filling error for both years and all quantified VOCs. The other gap-filling routines, which performed gap-filling on 24 h average values, introduced considerably larger uncertainties. The error which was introduced by the application of the different filling routines increased linearly with the number of data gaps. Although average VOC fluxes measured during the winter period (complete snow coverage) were close to zero, these were highly variable and the filling of the winter period resulted in considerably higher uncertainties compared to the application of gap-filling during the measurement period. <br><br> The annual patterns of the overall cumulative fluxes for the quantified VOCs showed a completely different behaviour in 2009, which was an exceptional year due to the occurrence of a severe hailstorm, compared to 2011. Methanol was the compound which, at 381.5 mg C m<sup>&minus;2</sup> and 449.9 mg C m<sup>&minus;2</sup>, contributed most to the cumulative VOC carbon emissions in 2009 and 2011, respectively. In contrast to methanol emissions, however, considerable amounts of monoterpenes (−327.3 mg C m<sup>&minus;2</sup>) were deposited onto the mountain meadow during 2009 caused by a hailstorm. Other quantified VOCs had considerably lower influences on the annual patterns
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