29 research outputs found

    Ruled Laguerre minimal surfaces

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    A Laguerre minimal surface is an immersed surface in the Euclidean space being an extremal of the functional \int (H^2/K - 1) dA. In the present paper, we prove that the only ruled Laguerre minimal surfaces are up to isometry the surfaces R(u,v) = (Au, Bu, Cu + D cos 2u) + v (sin u, cos u, 0), where A, B, C, D are fixed real numbers. To achieve invariance under Laguerre transformations, we also derive all Laguerre minimal surfaces that are enveloped by a family of cones. The methodology is based on the isotropic model of Laguerre geometry. In this model a Laguerre minimal surface enveloped by a family of cones corresponds to a graph of a biharmonic function carrying a family of isotropic circles. We classify such functions by showing that the top view of the family of circles is a pencil.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures. Minor correction: missed assumption (*) added to Propositions 1-2 and Theorem 2, missed case (nested circles having nonempty envelope) added in the proof of Pencil Theorem 4, missed proof that the arcs cut off by the envelope are disjoint added in the proof of Lemma

    Generalized isothermic lattices

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    We study multidimensional quadrilateral lattices satisfying simultaneously two integrable constraints: a quadratic constraint and the projective Moutard constraint. When the lattice is two dimensional and the quadric under consideration is the Moebius sphere one obtains, after the stereographic projection, the discrete isothermic surfaces defined by Bobenko and Pinkall by an algebraic constraint imposed on the (complex) cross-ratio of the circular lattice. We derive the analogous condition for our generalized isthermic lattices using Steiner's projective structure of conics and we present basic geometric constructions which encode integrability of the lattice. In particular, we introduce the Darboux transformation of the generalized isothermic lattice and we derive the corresponding Bianchi permutability principle. Finally, we study two dimensional generalized isothermic lattices, in particular geometry of their initial boundary value problem.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures; v2. some typos corrected; v3. new references added, higlighted similarities and differences with recent papers on the subjec

    Kinematical Methods for the Classification, Reconstruction, and Inspection of Surfaces

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    Introduction This contribution discusses recent progress in our investigation of reconstruction of geometric objects from point clouds such as laser scanner data. We rst focus on a class of simple surfaces, which includes surfaces of revolution, cylindrical surfaces, and helical surfaces. The basic idea behind the reconstruction process is to nd a motion which generates this surface. The algorithm works by tting a velocity vector eld to a given point cloud. This procedure is of a line-geometric nature and can be formulated as an approximation problem in line space. It basically amounts to solving a general eigenvalue problem. By locally applying this method we can reconstruct other types of surfaces as well | composite surfaces, and pipe or pro le surfaces. The second part of this addresses a geometric positioning problem, namely the optimal matching of a cloud of points (obtained by discrete measurements) to a CAD model. We further discuss related problems in Computer Vision a