1 research outputs found

    Integrating Standardized Videos to Supplement the Clinical Physical Examination Curriculum in the First Year of Medical School: An Assessment of Medical Student and OSCE Evaluator Perspective

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    Background Existing literature indicates medical students benefit from the utilization of multimedia tools to supplement traditional didactic curricula of physical examination technique, as well as the standardization of physical examination instruction.1 2 Although current literature supports the integration of standardized multimedia tools into the didactic curriculum, it lacks a detailed, reproducible integration model for other institutions to follow. Current literature also fails to assess the effect of multimedia tools on student well-being and largely ignores the educator perspective. This study aims to address the above discrepancies by demonstrating a practical approach to integrating supplemental videos into an existing curriculum and assessing first year medical student and OSCE evaluator perspectives at strategic points throughout the process. Methods First-year medical students at the USD SSOM participated in a 7-item Likert scale pre-video integration survey assessing student self-efficacy and competence. Following the video release and OSCE I examination, first-year medical students completed a 15-item Likert scale post-video integration survey assessing student self-efficacy, anxiety reduction, education standardization, and video quality. The OSCE I evaluators completed a 5-item Likert scale survey assessing the role of the video series in education and evaluation standardization. Results Of survey respondents, 63.5% (n = 52) utilized at least one of the videos in the series. Prior to the implementation of the video series, an average of 30.2% of students agreed or strongly agreed with the statement, “I am confident in my ability to demonstrate the skills needed to complete the following exam.” After the implementation of the video series, 100% of video-users agreed or strongly agreed with this statement as compared to 94.2% amongst non-video-users. Amongst video users, 81.8% of students agree or strongly agree that the video series decreased anxiety associated with performing the neurologic, abdomen/thorax, and head and neck exams, compared to 83.8% of students reporting decreased anxiety with the use of the musculoskeletal video series. Of video users, 84.2% of students agree or strongly agree the video resource instructed the students in a similar manner to their peers. Eleven of 16 OSCE evaluators completed the survey, 90.9% of which agree or strongly agree the videos enhanced their understanding of the evaluation expectations. Additionally, 90.9% of OSCE evaluators agree or strongly agree the video series aided in standardization of the evaluation process. Conclusions Overall, this study outlines the successful process of augmenting the traditional didactic curricula of physical examination techniques with a comprehensive, instructional video series, as supported by student and OSCE evaluator response. Video users report decreased anxiety and increased self-efficacy after using the video series. Students and OSCE evaluators found the video series to be useful tool for both educational technique and evaluation standardization