10 research outputs found

    Review of Remediation Approaches Implemented in Radioactively Contaminated Areas

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    The chapter aims to summarize different remediation approaches of radionuclide pollutants in water and soil media carried out after decommissioning of nuclear installations worldwide. The attention was focused on different methods of remediation, e.g. natural attenuation, bioremediation, excavating and removing contaminated soil and in situ treatments. The results of radiological assessments of the influence of nuclear cycle facilities in the environment using different modelling approach of the radionuclides transport through the environmental medium are adopted as a useful tool in decision making process applied in remediation of contaminated areas. The current trend in development strategy to support the environmental decision systems for optimization of remediation actions is to use databases on environmental and managerial parameters and radioecological models for the prediction of the effectiveness of remediation measures

    Doença de Kawasaki Kawasaki disease

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    A doença de Kawasaki é vasculite sistêmica e aguda de etiologia desconhecida. Constitui a principal causa de doença cardíaca adquirida em crianças nos EUA. Ocorre mais frequentemente em meninos, 80% dos casos em crianças com menos de cinco anos, sendo rara após os oito anos. Pode atingir crianças de todas as raças, tendo maior incidência entre os descendentes asiáticos. Caracteriza-se por febre, conjuntivite bilateral não exsudativa, eritema e edema de língua, lábios e mucosa oral, alterações de extremidades, linfonodomegalia cervical, exantema polimórfico. Aneurismas e estenoses de artérias coronárias são comuns em percentual que varia de 20 a 25% dos pacientes não tratados, podendo posteriormente levar a infarto agudo do miocárdio e morte súbita. O tratamento com imunoglobulina intravenosa é efetivo e deve ser iniciado precocemente a fim de evitar sequelas cardíacas. O desenvolvimento de testes diagnósticos, terapêuticas mais específicas e a prevenção dessa doença potencialmente fatal em crianças dependem dos contínuos avanços na determinação de sua etiopatogenia.<br>Kawasaki disease is a systemic acute vasculitis of unknown etiology. It is the leading cause of acquired heart disease in children in the USA. It occurs more frequently in boys and eighty percent of the cases occur in children under five years of age. The disease rarely occurs after eight years and it can affect children of all races, with higher incidence among Asian descendants. Kawasaki disease is characterized by fever, bilateral non-exudative conjunctivitis, redness and swelling of the tongue, lips and oral mucosa, abnormalities in the extremities, cervical lymph node, and polymorphic exanthema. Aneurysms and stenoses of coronary arteries occur in pproximately 20 to 25% of untreated patients and subsequently can lead to acute myocardial infarction and sudden death. Treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin is effective and should be initiated early to prevent cardiac sequel. The development of diagnostic tests, more specific treatment approaches and prevention of this potentially fatal disease in children depends on continuous advances in the determination of its pathogenesis

    Development of COS-SNP and HRM markers for high-throughput and reliable haplotype-based detection of Lr14a in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.)

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    Life Histories, Salinity Zones, and Sublethal Contributions of Contaminants to Pelagic Fish Declines Illustrated with a Case Study of San Francisco Estuary, California, USA

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