1,388 research outputs found

    MW 720 Mission to Muslim Peoples

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    Readings: Students are expected to read widely throughout the semester. The goal should be a minimum of 1500 pages, or approximately 110 pages per week. Some readings will be assigned; others will be chosen by the student, according to each one\u27s interests and needs, e.g. research for the papers. Browse in the library stacks, in the following areas: B 741-753 Islamic philosophy BP 1-399 Islam, in general BV 2625-2626 Missions to Muslims DS 35+ Historical, geographical, and political aspects HQ 1170 Women in Islam PJ 6000+ Arabic language and literature Don\u27t neglect the periodicals. Glance through, at least, Islamic Horizons, a general magazine for the Muslim public in the U.S. The Qur\u27an: Read what you can of the Qur\u27an. Some sections will be assigned, or read in class; bring your copy to each class session. You will not be required to read the whole book during the course of the semester. Everyone in ministry to Muslims, however, should be able to say, I\u27ve read it.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/2940/thumbnail.jp

    MB 610 Learning a Language and Culture

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    Required books for the course: 1. Abbott, Edwin A. (1884; 1979) Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions. NY: Dover. 2. Brewster, E Thomas, and Brewster, Elizabeth S (1976). Language Learning Made Practical. Pasadena: Lingua House (book plus cassette). (The book plus cassette is available from the instructor for $20.00). 3. Marshall, Terry (1989). The Whole World Guide to Language Learning. Yarmouth: Intercultural Press. 4. Nida, Eugene A (1960; 1990). Message and Mission: The Communication of the Christian Faith. Pasadena: William Carey. 5. Sandoz, Mari (1953; 1992). Cheyenne Autumn. Lincoln: Univ of Nebraska Press.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/3603/thumbnail.jp

    MS 610 MB 710 Learning a Language and Culture

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    Books and Materials: Required books for the course: Abbott, Edwin A. (1884; 1979) Flatland: A romance of many dimensions. NY; Dover. Agar, Michael (1994) Language Shock: Understanding the Culture of Conversation. NY: Quill. Brewster, E Thomas, and Brewster, Elizabeth S (1976) Language Learning Made Practical. Pasadena: Lingua House (This book plus cassette is available from the instructor for $21.00) Marshall, Terry (1989) The Whole World Guide to Language Learning. Yarmouth: Intercultural Press. Nida, Eugene A. (1960; 1990) Message and Mission: The communication of the Christian Faith. Pasadena: Wm Carey. Sandoz, Mari (1953; 1992) Cheyenne Autumn. Lincoln: Univ of Nebraska Press.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/1756/thumbnail.jp

    MW 720 Mission to Muslim Peoples

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    Readings B 741-753 BP 1-399 BV 2625-2626 DS 35+ HQ 1170 PJ 6000+ Islamic philosophy Islam, in general Missions to Muslims Historical, geographical, and political aspects Women in Islam Arabic language and literaturehttps://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/3958/thumbnail.jp

    OT 702 Ugaritic

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    Stanislav Segert, A Basic Grammar of the Ugaritic Language: With Selected Texts and Glossary. Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1998.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/3281/thumbnail.jp

    MW 720 Mission to Muslim Peoples

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    Accad, Fouad Elias. Building Bridges: Christianity and Islam. Colorado Springs: Navpress, 1977. Goddard, Hugh. A History of Christian-Muslim Relations. Chicago: New Amsterdam, 2000. Miller, Roland E, Muslim Friends: Their Faith and Feeling. St Louis: Concordia, 1995. Moucarry, Chawkat, The Prophet and the Messiah. Downers Grove: IVP, 2001.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/2450/thumbnail.jp

    MB 610 Learning a Language and Culture

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    Course Description: (From the ATS Catalog): “The developed generic methods of applied linguistics which equip the cross-cultural worker with methods of acquiring a field language with maximum efficiency.” This course is a follow-up to MB600 / 700: Anthropology for Christian Mission, and a bridge to MB 720: Cross-Cultural Communication of Christianity. We will be concerned with several aspects of cross-cultural living and learning, in order to facilitate communication in our various ministries. The course has several facets, each of which could be expanded into at least a full semester’s course. Being put together into one semester here, these facets will serve as introductions to areas of life-long interest, learning, and possible research. These facets are: An introduction to language and linguistics, as the scientific study of language; An introduction to field methods in cultural anthropology and linguistics; An introduction to learning strategies in language study.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/1286/thumbnail.jp

    MB 610 Learning a Language and Culture

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    Abbott, Edwin A. (1884; 1979) Flatland: A romance of many dimensions. NY; Dover. Brewster, E Thomas, and Brewster, Elizabeth S (1976) Language Learning Made Practical. Pasadena: Lingua House (This book plus cassette is available from the instructor for $21.00) Marshall, Terry (1989) The Whole World Guide to Language Learning. Yarmouth: Intercultural Press. Nida, Eugene A. (1960; 1990) Message and Mission: The communication of the Christian Faith. Pasadena: Wm Carey. Sandoz, Mari (1953; 1992) Cheyenne Autumn. Lincoln: Univ of Nebraska Press.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/2502/thumbnail.jp

    MB 610 Learning a Language and Culture

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    Books and Materials: Required books for the course: Abbott, Edwin A. (1884; 1979) Flatland: A romance of many dimensions. NY; Dover. Agar, Michael (1994) Language Shock: Understanding the Culture of Conversation. NY: Quill. Brewster, E Thomas, and Brewster, Elizabeth S (1976) Language Learning Made Practical. Pasadena: Lingua House (This book plus cassette is available from the instructor for 21.00)Marshall,Terry(1989)TheWholeWorldGuidetoLanguageLearning.Yarmouth:InterculturalPress.Nida,EugeneA.(1960;1990)MessageandMission:ThecommunicationoftheChristianFaith.Pasadena:WmCarey.Sandoz,Mari(1953;1992)CheyenneAutumn.Lincoln:UnivofNebraskaPress.Recommended:Larson,DonaldA.(1998)TheStoryofSamtheSojourner:Livingandlearningwellwhereyoudon2˘7tbelong.Fresno:LinkCareCenter.(1999),TheStoryofOlaf:LearningalanguageagainFirststepsinbarefootlearning.Fresno:LinkCareCenter.(Thesebooksareavailablefromtheinstructorfor21.00) Marshall, Terry (1989) The Whole World Guide to Language Learning. Yarmouth: Intercultural Press. Nida, Eugene A. (1960; 1990) Message and Mission: The communication of the Christian Faith. Pasadena: Wm Carey. Sandoz, Mari (1953; 1992) Cheyenne Autumn. Lincoln: Univ of Nebraska Press. Recommended: Larson, Donald A. (1998) The Story of Sam the Sojourner: Living and learning well where you don\u27t belong. Fresno: Link Care Center. (1999), The Story of Olaf: Learning a language again – First steps in barefoot learning. Fresno: Link Care Center. (These books are available from the instructor for 20.00 per set) Lingua Links Library (on CD-ROM). (2000). Dallas: SIL International. (This CD-ROM is available on several computers in the Fisher Library. It is also recommended for home use, and for your future use too).https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/3925/thumbnail.jp

    MB 610 Learning a Language and Culture

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    Required books for the course: 1. Abbott, Edwin A. (1884; 1979) Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions. NY: Dover. 2. Agar, Michael (1994) Language Shock: Understanding the Culture of Conversation. NY: Quill. 3. Brewster, E. Thomas and Brewster, Elizabeth S. (1976) Language Learning Made Practical. Pasadena: Lingua House. 4. Marshall, Terry (1989) The Whole World Guide to Language Learning. Yarmouth: Intercultural Press. 5. Nida, Eugene A. (1960; 1990) Message and Mission: The Communication of the Christian Faith. Pasadena: Wm Carey. 6. Sandoz, Mari (1953; 1992) Cheyenne Autumn. Lincoln: Univ. of Nebraska Press.https://place.asburyseminary.edu/syllabi/3672/thumbnail.jp