13 research outputs found

    Usage of electronic journals at National Physical Laboratory (India): A Case Study

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    The article presents a study that seeks to examine the usage of e-journal by the scientific community at NPL. The survey reveals that use of e-journals has been a huge success in improving research productivity at NPL. That e-journal has in a way sought to extend boundaries of open access system from four walls of library to whole NPL campus. the study offers suggestions on how to maximize use of e-journals collections at NPL/ The study reports that both print to digital era has brought out new challenges before the NPL library in planning and building a hybrid library and redefining library staff role in the emerging context

    Collection Development in National Physical Laboratory, Library: A Case Study

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    This paper describes the collection development program of National Physical Laboratory, Library. The library had good financial support but it could not meet all the requirement of its user community due to the exponential growth of literature, rising price of books and periodicals and shortage of space. An appropriate collection development plan was developed by resource sharing with outside libraries and making use of available information technology

    Materials Science Research in India: A Scientometric Analysis

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    The paper analyses the growth and publications size of the Indian publications in materials science during 1993-2001. It also analyses various other features of publications output such as modes of communication, areas of research priority, research quality, nature of collaboration, and institutional productivity

    Role and Importance of database creation in the transition to emerging electronic information Era: A Case Study

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    This paper gives an account of retroconversion activities undertaken in the NPL library. It describes the approaches undertaken for the purpose and discusses their usefulness. This case study highlights the role of library databases in the transition library to electronic era

    Impact of digital environment of library users: A case study of NPL

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    This paper examines internet use for identifying information seeking habits of user by using observation, interview ans questionnaire techniques. Based on survey of internet users in the National Physical Laboratory, the study identifies how scientific and technical community utilize internet for meeting their information needs. It has been found that, scientific and technical community seek training program on computer, search training on internet and they also seeks to get latest information on happenings and developments in electronic publishing and digital world

    Use of Electronic Resources by NPL(India) Researchers: A Survey

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    The present era is the age of electronic system. The advancement in information processing, storage and communication technologies have revolutionized the role of the libraries and information centers allover the world, new competitions, new demands and proving a variety of information services now a days as a result libraries are facing new challenges evaluate the sue of library at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in New Delhi India

    Electronic publishing and access to scientific journals: The role of the library and the librarian

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    Use of electronic information is increasing day by day. Information available on internet is one example. E-journals have become indispensable these days. They are the vehicle of the nascent thought, which move faster with free flowing internet. In this article, an attempt has been made to highlight the status of electronic publishing, particularly in terms of sharing new ideas. Advantages as well as disadvantages of electronic publishing and electronic access to scientific journals are discussed. An attempt has also been made to highlight the role of the library and the librarian in the present electronic information scenario

    Thin Film Research: A scientimetric Assessment of Indian Publications during 2009-18

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    The paper presents a quantitative and qualitative analysis of thin films research in India vis-a-vis the world. The publications data for the study was sourced from Scopus international bibliographical and citation database during 2009-18.The study profiles top 10 most productive countries in the subject, top 20 most productive research organizations, and 15 most productive authors. The study presents distribution of research by subject areas that intersect with thin films and by source journals. The study finds that the China and the USA are the world leader in the subject, followed by South Korea, Japan, India and others.India registered 11.04% annual average growth in the subject, five times the world average growth of 2.20%. India contributed 8.55% share of its output towards global share, 23.47% towards international collaborative papers. It averaged citations impact of 8.73 citations per paper. India contributed 4.12%share of its output as highly cited papers. Shivaji University, Kolhapur has emerged as the top ranking research organization in thin films research in the country

    Materials Science Research in India: A Quantitative Study, 1993-01

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    Describes the importance of materials science and the current efforts in India in R&D. Discusses the status of materials science research output in India during 1993-01, with a view to analyze its publication size and growth, media of communication, strong and weak areas of research, quality of research output, nature of collaboration, and institutional productivity and quality