31 research outputs found

    Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided Millimetre Wave Communications Utilizing Two-Phase Minimax Optimal Stochastic Strategy Bandit

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    Millimetre wave (mm Wave) communications, that is, 30 to 300 GHz, have intermittent short-range transmissions, so the use of reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) seems to be a promising solution to extend its coverage. However, optimizing phase shifts (PSs) of both mm Wave base station (BS) and RIS to maximize the received spectral efficiency at the intended receiver seems challenging due to massive antenna elements usage. In this paper, an online learning approach is proposed to address this problem, where it is considered a two-phase multi-armed bandit (MAB) game. In the first phase, the PS vector of the mm Wave BS is adjusted, and based on it, the PS vector of the RIS is calibrated in the second phase and vice versa over the time horizon. The minimax optimal stochastic strategy(MOSS) MAB algorithm is utilized to implement the proposed two-phase MAB approach efficiently. Furthermore, to relax the problem of estimating the channel state information(CSI) of both mm Wave BS and RIS, codebook-based PSs are considered. Finally, numerical analysis confirms the superior performance of the proposed scheme against the optimal performance under different scenarios

    A Crypto-Steganography Approach for Hiding Ransomware within HEVC Streams in Android IoT Devices

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    Steganography is a vital security approach that hides any secret content within ordinary data, such as multimedia. This hiding aims to achieve the confidentiality of the IoT secret data; whether it is benign or malicious (e.g., ransomware) and for defensive or offensive purposes. This paper introduces a hybrid crypto-steganography approach for ransomware hiding within high-resolution video frames. This proposed approach is based on hybridizing an AES (advanced encryption standard) algorithm and LSB (least significant bit) steganography process. Initially, AES encrypts the secret Android ransomware data, and then LSB embeds it based on random selection criteria for the cover video pixels. This research examined broad objective and subjective quality assessment metrics to evaluate the performance of the proposed hybrid approach. We used different sizes of ransomware samples and different resolutions of HEVC (high-efficiency video coding) frames to conduct simulation experiments and comparison studies. The assessment results prove the superior efficiency of the introduced hybrid crypto-steganography approach compared to other existing steganography approaches in terms of (a) achieving the integrity of the secret ransomware data, (b) ensuring higher imperceptibility of stego video frames, (3) introducing a multi-level security approach using the AES encryption in addition to the LSB steganography, (4) performing randomness embedding based on RPS (random pixel selection) for concealing secret ransomware bits, (5) succeeding in fully extracting the ransomware data at the receiver side, (6) obtaining strong subjective and objective qualities for all tested evaluation metrics, (7) embedding different sizes of secret data at the same time within the video frame, and finally (8) passing the security scanning tests of 70 antivirus engines without detecting the existence of the embedded ransomware

    E2E-RDS: Efficient End-to-End Ransomware Detection System Based on Static-Based ML and Vision-Based DL Approaches

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    Nowadays, ransomware is considered one of the most critical cyber-malware categories. In recent years various malware detection and classification approaches have been proposed to analyze and explore malicious software precisely. Malware originators implement innovative techniques to bypass existing security solutions. This paper introduces an efficient End-to-End Ransomware Detection System (E2E-RDS) that comprehensively utilizes existing Ransomware Detection (RD) approaches. E2E-RDS considers reverse engineering the ransomware code to parse its features and extract the important ones for prediction purposes, as in the case of static-based RD. Moreover, E2E-RDS can keep the ransomware in its executable format, convert it to an image, and then analyze it, as in the case of vision-based RD. In the static-based RD approach, the extracted features are forwarded to eight various ML models to test their detection efficiency. In the vision-based RD approach, the binary executable files of the benign and ransomware apps are converted into a 2D visual (color and gray) images. Then, these images are forwarded to 19 different Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models while exploiting the substantial advantages of Fine-Tuning (FT) and Transfer Learning (TL) processes to differentiate ransomware apps from benign apps. The main benefit of the vision-based approach is that it can efficiently detect and identify ransomware with high accuracy without using data augmentation or complicated feature extraction processes. Extensive simulations and performance analyses using various evaluation metrics for the proposed E2E-RDS were investigated using a newly collected balanced dataset that composes 500 benign and 500 ransomware apps. The obtained outcomes demonstrate that the static-based RD approach using the AB (Ada Boost) model achieved high classification accuracy compared to other examined ML models, which reached 97%. While the vision-based RD approach achieved high classification accuracy, reaching 99.5% for the FT ResNet50 CNN model. It is declared that the vision-based RD approach is more cost-effective, powerful, and efficient in detecting ransomware than the static-based RD approach by avoiding feature engineering processes. Overall, E2E-RDS is a versatile solution for end-to-end ransomware detection that has proven its high efficiency from computational and accuracy perspectives, making it a promising solution for real-time ransomware detection in various systems

    Recurrent neural networks for enhanced joint channel estimation and interference cancellation in FBMC and OFDM systems: unveiling the potential for 5G networks

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    Abstract FBMC is a pivotal system in 5G, serving as a cornerstone for efficient use of available bandwidth while simultaneously meeting stringent requirements for high spectral efficiency. Notably, FBMC harnesses the power of multicarrier modulation (MC), a good alternative to orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) technology that supports fourth-generation (4G) systems. The wireless communications field is full of challenges, the most important of which are channel estimation and interference cancellation, both of which deserve comprehensive study to increase the efficiency of data transmission. In this paper, our investigation takes a deliberate step towards the convergence of two prominent modulation models: OFDM and FBMC. We specifically contrast these modulation techniques with the intricate field of joint channel estimation and interference cancellation (JCEIC). In this research study, we take advantage of recurrent neural networks' (RNNs') efficiency as a vehicular channel to perform precise channel estimation and recovery of uncorrupted transmitted signals, thereby lowering the bit error rate (BER). Our channel estimation for a dual selective channel is based on the thoughtful placement of pilots scattered over the temporal and frequency dimensions, and is further improved by the interference cancellation method of low complexity that was selected. Our JCEIC proposal aims to integrate RNNs carefully, using the output sequences of JCEIC algorithms as useful inputs to this neural architecture. By clearly demonstrating a decrease in BER as compared to traditional approaches, it is evident that the performance of the novel approach is near to that of a perfect channel. Additionally, a comparison of the performance of FBMC and OFDM systems at various signal-to-noise ratios reveals a clear performance divide that favors the former in terms of system efficiency. The BER is restricted by FBMC to a commendable threshold of less than 0.1 at a modest 5 dB, continuing the higher trend started by its improved RNN-based channel estimate. The accuracy of channel estimation is clearly improved by this paradigm shift, and the computing complexity typical of 5G networks is also clearly reduced

    TESR: Two-Stage Approach for Enhancement and Super-Resolution of Remote Sensing Images

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    Remote Sensing (RS) images are usually captured at resolutions lower than those required. Deep Learning (DL)-based super-resolution (SR) architectures are typically used to increase the resolution artificially. In this study, we designed a new architecture called TESR (Two-stage approach for Enhancement and super-resolution), leveraging the power of Vision Transformers (ViT) and the Diffusion Model (DM) to increase the resolution of RS images artificially. The first stage is the ViT-based model, which serves to increase resolution. The second stage is an iterative DM pre-trained on a larger dataset, which serves to increase image quality. Every stage is trained separately on the given task using a separate dataset. The self-attention mechanism of the ViT helps the first stage generate global and contextual details. The iterative Diffusion Model helps the second stage enhance the image’s quality and generate consistent and harmonic fine details. We found that TESR outperforms state-of-the-art architectures on super-resolution of remote sensing images on the UCMerced benchmark dataset. Considering the PSNR/SSIM metrics, TESR improves SR image quality as compared to state-of-the-art techniques from 34.03/0.9301 to 35.367/0.9449 in the scale ×2. On a scale of ×3, it improves from 29.92/0.8408 to 32.311/0.91143. On a scale of ×4, it improves from 27.77/0.7630 to 31.951/0.90456. We also found that the Charbonnier loss outperformed other loss functions in the training of both stages of TESR. The improvement was by a margin of 21.5%/14.3%, in the PSNR/SSIM, respectively. The source code of TESR is open to the community

    A Hybrid Compressive Sensing and Classification Approach for Dynamic Storage Management of Vital Biomedical Signals

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    The efficient compression and classification of medical signals, particularly electroencephalography (EEG) and electrocardiography (ECG) signals in wireless body area network (WBAN) systems, are crucial for real-time monitoring and diagnosis. This paper addresses the challenges of compressive sensing and classification in WBAN systems for EEG and ECG signals. To tackle the challenges of the compression process, a sequential approach is proposed. The first step involves compressing the EEG and ECG signals using the optimized Walsh-Hadamard transform (OWHT). This transform allows for efficient representation of the signals, while preserving their essential characteristics. However, the presence of noise can impact the quality of the compressed signals. To mitigate this effect, the signals are subsequently recovered using the Sparse Group Lasso 1 (SPGL1) algorithm and OWHT, which take into account the noise characteristics during the recovery process. To evaluate the performance of the proposed compressive sensing algorithm, two metrics are employed: mean squared error (MSE) and maximum correntropy criterion (MCC). These metrics provide insights into the accuracy and reliability of the recovered signals at different signal-to-sample ratios (SSRs). The results of the evaluation demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in accurately reconstructing the EEG and ECG signals, while effectively managing the noise interference. Furthermore, to enhance the classification accuracy in the presence of signal compression, a local binary pattern (LBP) tehnique is applied. This technique extracts discriminative features from the compressed signals. These features are then fed into a classification algorithm based on residual learning. This classification algorithm is trained from scratch and specifically designed to work with the compressed signals. The experimental results showcase the high accuracy achieved by the proposed approach in classifying the compressed EEG and ECG signals without the need for signal recovery. The findings of this study highlight the potential of the proposed approach in achieving efficient and accurate medical signal analysis in WBAN systems. By eliminating the computational burden of signal recovery and leveraging the advantages of compressive sensing, the proposed approach offers a promising solution for real-time monitoring and diagnosis, ultimately improving the overall efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare systems

    An Immutable Framework for Smart Healthcare Using Blockchain Technology

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    The advancements in sensing technologies, information processing, and communication schemes have revolutionized the healthcare sector. Electronic Healthcare Records (EHR) facilitate the patients, doctors, hospitals, and other stakeholders to maintain valuable data and medical records. The traditional EHRs are based on cloud-based architectures and are susceptible to multiple cyberattacks. A single attempt of a successful Denial of Service (DoS) attack can compromise the complete healthcare system. This article introduces a secure and immutable blockchain-based framework for the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) to address the stated challenges. The proposed architecture is on the idea of a lightweight private blockchain-based network that facilitates the users and hospitals to perform multiple healthcare-related operations in a secure and trustworthy manner. The efficacy of the proposed framework is evaluated in the context of service execution time and throughput. The experimental outcomes indicate that the proposed design attained lower service execution time and higher throughput under different control parameters

    Securing Images Using High Dimensional Chaotic Maps and DNA Encoding Techniques

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    With the growing need for secure multimedia data transmission, image encryption has become an important research area. Traditional encryption algorithms like RSA are not well-suited for this purpose, leading researchers to explore new approaches such as chaotic maps. The present study introduces a new image encryption algorithm that utilizes an improved Rossler system as a keystream generator. The improved Rossler system is an enhanced version of the original Rossler system, which has been optimized for better chaotic behavior and improved security. For the confusion part, we combine DNA encoding techniques with Baker maps to ensure high levels of security. Various performance metrics, including NPCR, UACI, correlation coefficient, histogram analysis, and key sensitivity analysis, were used to evaluate the proposed scheme. The results showed that the proposed method surpassed several existing image encryption methods in terms of both security and efficiency