2 research outputs found

    Comparative study--efficacy, safety and compliance of intravenous iron sucrose and intramuscular iron sorbitol in iron deficiency anemia of pregnancy

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    Objective: (1) To determine an alternative iron supplementation with better efficacy, compliance & safety in treatment of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy, (2) to reduce blood transfusion during pregnancy, labor and puerperium.Material and Method: A prospective comparative study. A total number of 60 pregnant women with the gestational age of 12 - 34 weeks were included in the study who were suffering from iron deficiency anemia. They were divided in 3 groups (A, B and C). Group A (n15) received intravenous iron sucrose according to recommended dose containing 500 mg of iron sucrose for storage, in group B (n=20) iron sucrose was administered according to deficit calculated as per formula but 200 mg of iron was given for storage instead of 500 mg, to reduce cost. While group C received intra muscular iron Sorbitol in the dose used as practice.Results: Mean hemoglobin in group A and B was 8.0 ± 1.1 g/dl and 8.9 ± 0.7 respectively, in group C, it was 8.8 ± 0.9 g/dl. In group A & B initial hemoglobin was assessed 3 weeks post therapy which showed an average rise of 2.8 g/dl (group A) and 1.9 g/dl (group B) and second assessment of Hemoglobin was done prior to delivery (aye: 6.6 weeks) showed a total rise of 3.8 g/dl (group A) and 2.4 g/dI (group B). Pre delivery mean Hemoglobin in group A and B was 11.8 g/dl and 11.3 g/dl respectively. In group C, the Hemoglobin was assessed only prior to delivery (average: 8.4 weeks from the start of therapy), and a rise of 1.4 g/dI was observed with pre delivery mean Hemoglobin of 10.2 g/dl. Target hemoglobin levels i.e. lig/di was achieved by 80% in Group A, 70% in Group B and 28% in Group C by the time of delivery. Blood transfusion was not required in any group. In group A and B one patient had moderate abdominal pain, 2 had weakness and shivering and 3 had phlebitis at the site where intravenous canula was retained. None of patient discontinued the therapy due to any adverse effect. In group C majority complained of pain at injection site while 5 patients dropped out from the study due to intolerance.Conclusion: Intravenous iron therapy is safe, convenient and more effective then intramuscular iron therapy in treatment of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy. The intravenous iron therapy can replace blood transfusion in antenatal perio