4 research outputs found
Using thyroid hormone in brain-dead donors to maximize the number of organs available for transplantation
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Beta adrenoceptor density in the donor heart: a guide to prognosis?
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'BMJ'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- A Huss
- A Mailer
- A Preukschat
- A Srheiterlein
- B Bäker
- B Connor
- B Richer
- Bulbar
- C Arcoumanis
- Dolde
- Elieand Milling
- F Baum
- F Iaulilru
- F Pischinger
- F Schiher
- F-I Drerl
- Fraidl
- G Fischer
- G Hauschal
- G Kohl
- G Lechner
- G Pahl
- G Schmidt
- H Fennel
- H Gaus
- H Gnldheek
- H Hiittebriiurker
- H Huch
- H Leffler
- H Maass
- H Maass
- H Menrad
- H Winner
- H-H Braess
- H-I Förster
- H-J Schopf
- Hahenberg
- HD Baehr
- HD Baehr
- HJ Förster
- I Giiddel
- I Kühler
- I Lliittebrriurker
- I Maier
- J Launen
- J Melcher
- J Pfyl
- JC Ingamells
- K Ehlers
- K Noah
- K-H Bill
- K-P Schindler
- KL Hafner
- Klimaänderungen
- Krtflfahrtechnisches Taschenbuch/BOSCH 22
- Lang
- Lituna
- M Boaö
- M Dick
- M Ervatt
- M Krinies
- M Wilnumn
- Maser
- Piscltinger
- Quissek
- R Belschner
- R Eberspücher
- R Kitsch
- R Riisch
- S Zima
- SAE-SP-1019
- SAE-SP-1049
- SAE-SP-1131
- SAE-SP-1254
- SAE-SP-988
- Sanrada
- Schmidt
- T Knckelberg
- Th Pels
- U Fahl
- U Seiffert
- V Schindler
- V Tinschert
- W Engeler
- W Mauch
- W Peschka
- Walhers
- Y Yiwrntri
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2000
- Field of study