25 research outputs found

    Perceptions of Body Size in Mothers and Their Young Children in the Galapagos Islands

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    Little specific information has been published about the health of people who live in the Galapagos Islands. As part of determining the status of the nutrition transition that may be occurring in the islands mothers of young children in the Galapagos perceptions of their child’s body size and therefore health status was evaluated along with actual body size

    2020 is the “Year of the Nurse and Midwife”

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    Exploration Of Reasons For Feeding Choices In Hispanic Mothers

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    PURPOSE: To explore factors that contribute to feeding choices Hispanic women make for their newborn infants in the immediate postpartum period, with a focus on the phenomenon of los dos, breastfeeding with formula supplementation. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A descriptive qualitative design that utilized a semistructured interview guide with open-ended questions was used. Qualitative data preparation and analysis methods were used to identify themes surrounding feeding choices. The sample included 19 women within 48 hours of giving birth who self-identified as Spanish speakers. RESULTS: Reasons included 1) previous experience; 2) no llora con hambre (no crying for hunger); 3) para salud (for health); and 4) to prevent suffering that might occur when the mother and infant were separated while the mother worked no quiero que sufra mientras trabajo. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS: Discussion of infant feeding choices should occur prior to birth since many mothers decide on feeding method while still pregnant. At the first prenatal visit identification of preference should occur to include not just breast or formula, but also asking about los dos. Educational interventions that directly address the los dos feeding practice should be culturally appropriate, evaluated and disseminated for use in the prenatal period. Influential family members should be included in prenatal visits and educational sessions to help assure that the woman is not receiving mixed messages at home. Assessment of the workplace environment should also occur during the prenatal period with an exploration of how pumping and storing of breast milk might be possible once women return to work after the baby\u27s birth. Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

    NP Role and Patient Outcomes Are Supported by High-Level Evidence. Comment on Almutairi et al. Nurse Practitioner: Is It Time to Have a Role in Saudi Arabia? Nurs. Rep. 2020, 10, 41–47

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    This is a letter to the editor in response to the article titled “Nurse Practitioner: Is it Time to Have a Role in Saudi Arabia?” Clarifications on the nurse practitioner role definition and description, educational preparation, and quality and value of care are made and supported with authoritative, high-quality evidence

    Twitter An Application To Encourage Information Seeking Among Nursing Students

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    Twitter is a social networking application that has seen limited evaluation in nursing education. The aim of this study was to determine if Twitter could be used to stimulate further exploration about current clinical and professional topics with nurse practitioner students. The students used Twitter to receive tweets on clinical and professional topics from the instructor throughout the semester: 75% demonstrated willingness to follow the links in the tweets to seek more information, and 87% expressed a desire to receive the tweets even after the semester was over

    Lead Faculty Workload Model: Recognizing Equity And Leadership In Faculty

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    Teaching more efficiently while maintaining quality and consistency of course offerings is imperative in nursing education. At odds with this goal for nursing faculty are increased workloads impacted by trends to provide more distance learning, the faculty shortage, and pressure to produce more nurses at all educational levels. The Lead Faculty Workload Model updates current methods of evaluating workload and formalizes the role of lead faculty members and supporting faculty members with current expectations and responsibilities for mentoring and monitoring junior faculty. As a new standard, this new model provides a more equitable way to address chronic and more recent faculty workload issues. © 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

    The Safety Advantages Of Pentavalent Vaccines

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    We demonstrated continuum high-order harmonics from carbon plasma using the double optical gating method. The extreme ultraviolet continuum covered 1725 eV. The observation of such continuum is the first step towards the generation of high-flux single attosecond pulses from plasma harmonics. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd

    The New Nicotine Threat

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    Support for Nurse Practitioner Role Development Worldwide

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