379 research outputs found

    Bernard Roth: The early days of the design division at Stanford, and the beginnings of research in robotics

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    © 2017 This paper comprises a review of Bernard Roth's technical contributions and contributions to his professional community. Particular attention is paid to his role in the establishment of the unique design program of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University. Another theme is the creation of one of the very first research programs in digitally controlled robotics in the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. No review of Roth's career would be complete without touching on the numerous fundamental contributions to research in linkages and robotics. At the same time it is not possible in a work on this type to examine every one of his publications and other contributions. We have endeavored to select the most important, but that is, of course, a personal judgment

    Coordination of an Unmanned Vehicle with Active Suspension over Extreme Terrain

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    Active suspension is now a well-tried technology in road vehicles. It has been installed on a HMMV and demonstrated to significantly improve performance in rough road conditions1. This capability presents an opportunity for improved mobility in off-road conditions. The challenge is to devise a means of translating the desired trajectory of the vehicle into commands to the suspension actuators and the traction motors in an optimal, or near optimal manner. In this paper we describe part of a software architecture that was developed to enable such performance from a six-wheeled vehicle with active suspension and independent wheel drives. The vehicle was a concept developed under the DARPA Unmanned Ground Combat Vehicle Program

    Attitude estimation for dynamic legged locomotion using range and inertial sensors

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    Legged robots offer exceptional mobility in uncharted terrains. Their dynamic nature yields unrivaled mobility, but serves to destabilize the motion estimation process that underlies legged operations. In particular, the discontinuous foot fall patterns and flight phases result in severe impulses, which, in turn, result in excessive accumulation of drift by inertial sensors. Ground range measurements, amongst several others, are robust to this drift yet are limited in application due to their low-bandwidth and sensitivity to ground conditions. In considering the attitude estimation problem for this dynamic legged locomotion, this paper develops a pose calculation method based on ground range measurements. This is used in conjunction with a hybrid Extended Kalman Filter that takes advantage of the ballistic nature of the flight phases. Results indicate that this combination provides rapid, robust estimates of attitude necessary for extended dynamic legged operations. In single leg experiments, which were conducted using low-cost sensing hardware, this method had an RMS error of <1°, half that of a non-hybrid EKF approach. ©2005 IEEE

    Thrust control, stabilization and energetics of a quadruped running robot

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    In order to achieve powered autonomous running robots it is essential to develop efficient actuator systems, especially for generating the radial thrust in the legs. In addition, the control of the radial thrust of the legs can be a simple, effective method for stabilizing the body pitch in a running gait. This paper presents the mechanical systems, models and control strategies employed to generate and control leg thrust in the KOLT quadruped running robot. An analytical model of the electro-pneumatic leg thrusting system is presented and analyzed to evaluate its performance and to facilitate the design of control strategies. Several experiments have been conducted to estimate the energy losses and determine their origins as well as to compute the energetic efficiency of the actuation system. Two thrust control methods are also proposed and tested experimentally. The closed loop method regulates thrust through the control of the hip liftoff speed, a conceptually simple control strategy that stabilizes the body pitch in pronk and trot gaits without the need for central feedback, even on irregular terrain. The open-loop control method regulates the energy added in each hop based on the model of the actuator system. The efficacy of these models and techniques is tested in several planar trot and pronk experiments, and the results are analyzed focusing on the body stabilization, the power consumption and the energetic efficiency. © SAGE Publications 2008 Los Angeles

    Professional interactions with Professor Erskine Crossley

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    © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. The authors describe several ways in which Professor Crossley's contributions have influenced their own professional lives and research. These range from Professor Crossley's work on constraint analysis, through his contributions as journal editor, and as a founder and officer of IFToMM, to his work in collaboration with Hunt on mechanical impacts. The latter body of work, in particular, has been important to our own work on modeling robotic foot-ground impacts

    Investigation of reducing fatigue and musculoskeletal disorder with passive actuators

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    Robotic systems such as exoskeletons can be effectively used in the reduction of fatigue and musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) associated with physical tasks, but robots which work in physical contact with humans pose problems with user safety. A novel approach to developing intrinsically safe robots is to use passive actuators which have the advantage of being safer, ensuring stability, high force/weight ratios and lower power consumption. It is however not clear how effective an exoskeleton utilizing passive actuators would be in reducing fatigue and the risk of MSD. This paper analyzes the benefit of using such a system with results from dynamic simulations and an experiment using a specially designed mechanism used for evaluation. Results indicate that fatigue and effort could be reduced if robot impedance is minimized. Experiments also highlighted issues of implementing such a system into practice. ©2010 IEEE

    Upper body pose estimation utilizing kinematic constraints from physical human-robot interaction

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    In physical Human-Robot Interaction (pHRI), knowing the pose of the operator is beneficial and may allow the robot to better accommodate the human operator. Due to a large redundancy in the human body, determining the pose of the human operator is difficult to achieve in unstructured environments especially in human-robot collaborative operations where the robot often occludes the human from vision-based sensors. This work presents an upper body pose estimation method based on exploiting known positions of the human operator's hands while performing a task with the robot. Upper body pose is estimated using upper limb kinematic models alongside sensor information and model approximations to produce solutions that are biomechanically feasible. The pose estimation method was compared to upper body poses obtained using a motion capture system. It was shown to be able to perform robustly with varying amounts of available information. This approach is well suited in applications where robots are controlled using well-defined interfaces such as handlebars, operating in unstructured environments

    Angled sensor configuration capable of measuring tri-axial forces for pHRI

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    © 2016 IEEE. This paper presents a new configuration for single axis tactile sensor arrays molded in rubber to enable tri-axial force measurement. The configuration requires the sensing axis of each sensor in the array to be rotated out of alignment with respect to external forces. This angled sensor array measures shear forces along axes in a way that is different to a planar sensor array. Three sensors using the angled configuration (22.5°, 45° and 67.5°) and a fourth sensor using the planar configuration (0°) have been fabricated for experimental comparison. Artificial neural networks were trained to interpret the external force applied along each axis (X, Y and Z) from raw pressure sensor values. The results show that the angled sensor configuration is capable of measuring tri-axial external forces with a root mean squared error of 1.79N, less error in comparison to the equivalent sensor utilizing the planar configuration (4.52N). The sensors are then implemented to control a robotic arm. Preliminary findings show angled sensor arrays to be a viable alternative to planar sensor arrays for shear force measurement; this has wide applications in physical Human Robot Interaction (pHRI)

    Infrastructure robotics: Research challenges and opportunities

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    Infrastructure robotics is about research on and development of methodologies that enable robotic systems to be used in civil infrastructure inspection, maintenance and rehabilitation. This paper briefly discusses the current research challenges and opportunities in infrastructure robotics, and presents a review of the research activities and projects in this field at the Centre for Autonomous Systems, University of Technology Sydney
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