22 research outputs found

    Perencanaan Desain Tapak Jasa Lingkungan Wisata Alam Di Hutan Lindung Gunung Mahawu

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    The main objective of this study is to develop a site design for planning the development and management of natural tourism environmental services that are harmonious and harmonious with the natural environmental conditions in the Mount Mahawu Protection Forest by describing the potential, potential distribution and site analysis of each potential natural tourist attraction object. This research began in March to May 2023. The data used in this study were secondary data and primary data. Survey methods namely observation and inventory are used to obtain primary data in the form of biophysical data on research locations, types of potential natural tourist attraction objects as well as information on flora and fauna obtained at potential ODTW points determined by purposive sampling. Secondary data was obtained from a literature study as well as data from related institutions, namely the Forest Management Unit V of the Regional Forestry Service of North Sulawesi Province. The results showed that there were 6 forms of Land Mapping Unit (LMU) and 7 Land Utilization Types (LUT). The level of feasibility of developing ODTW potential consists of low to high categories. The high potential category is in LMU V and VI. LMU II is in the medium category class, LMU I, III and IV are in the medium and low categories. Alternatives to developing management space consist of business space covering an area of 522.663 Ha and public space of 53.265 Ha or 9.25% of the total site area by considering ecological, policy, technical and socio-cultural aspects


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    This study aims to identify socio-economic problems and agronomic potential on the island of Morotai in relation to the development of Bido Coconut and develop strategies for developing Bido Coconut as an endemic plant. This research was conducted using qualitative and quantitative methods, the research time was from February to April 2021. The data collection methods were interviews, questionnaires and observation. Data analysis used correlation analysis and SWOT analysis. The stages of analysis, correlation analysis are r_xy = Correlation between variables x and y, X = (X_(i-X )) and Y = (Y_(i-Y )). SWOT analysis, namely problem identification, determination of IFAS and EFAS, grand strategy analysis. The results of this study indicate a low to high correlation value based on the results of the correlation analysis of agronomic traits. The highest correlation was between the number of bunches and the number of fruit, which was 0.588. Where the higher the number of bunches followed by the number of fruits. The correlation of these two traits is very decisive in the selection of plant parents. Furthermore, the correlation between the number of leaflets and stem diameter is negative and the height is -0.665 meaning that the greater the diameter of the stem, the reduction is followed by the reduction of leaflets or vice versa. Correlation of fruit weight and number of leaf midribs - 0.485. Correlation results show that agronomic traits have a relationship with each other, from high to low values. The results of the SWOT analysis from the SWOT analysis weight matrix, the value of x is 1.05 (total total score between strengths and weaknesses) and y value is 1.53 (total number of scores between opportunities and threats). The position of the strategy in developing Bido Coconut as a leading commodity for the Morotai Island Regency, the strategy for developing Bido Coconut as a leading commodity in the Morotai Island Regency is an aggressive strategy for quadrant 1 which is a very profitable situation. The area has opportunities and strengths so that it can take advantage of existing opportunities. The strategy that must be applied in this condition is the need to support a very aggressive growth pattern (growth oriented strategy)

    Strategi Mitigasi Konflik Manusia Dan Monyet Yaki (Macaca nigra) Di Cagar Alam Duasudara Dan Taman Wisata Alam Batuputih Kota Bitung

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    This study aims to analyze ecological, socioeconomic and institutional factors affecting the management of conservation areas and analyze conflict mitigation strategies between wildlife and communities around the Duasudara CA and Batuputih TWA areas. This research was conducted from May - December 2022. The research method uses qualitative and quantitative descriptive approaches. Primary data on the collection of strategic issues through focus discussion groups (FGDs) and direct interviews with key informants. Secondary data was obtained from the Tangkoko Long-Term Management Plan (RPJP) document for 2017-2026 and the Regulation of the Minister of Forestry Number P.48 / Menhut-II / 2008 as well as the results of previous research related to the research. The results showed that there are internal and external factors that affect the management of conservation areas, including area status, yaki monkey status, yaki monkey population, land cover, community activities, tourist visits, NGO involvement, community socioeconomic conditions, and regional boundaries. The results of the analysis related to human and monkey yaki conflict mitigation strategies in Duasudara CA and Batuputih TWA Bitung City using the SWOT method show a position in quadrant I, namely supporting an aggressive strategy where the application of conflict mitigation in Duasudara CA and Batuputih TWA is supported by great strength and opportunity and consider the simultaneous ecological, economic and socio-cultural synergy

    Strategi Penyelesaian Konflik Tenurial Melalui Kemitraan Konservasi Di Taman Nasional Bunaken (Studi Kasus Pulau Mantehage)

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    This research aims to analyze stakeholders for the implementation of conservation partnerships on Mantehage Island and formulate strategies for implementing conservation partnerships on Mantehage Island. This research was conducted from April to July 2022. The research method used a qualitative and quantitative descriptive approach. Primary data were obtained through direct interviews with managers of the Bunaken National Park area, village governments and community leaders on Mantehage Island. The questionnaire was conducted on the people on Mantehage Island with a total of 30 respondents who have plantation land on Mantehage Island. Secondary data was obtained from the Bunaken National Park Management Plan document for 2019-2028 as well as village monograph data. The results showed that there were seven stakeholders with the implementation of conservation partnerships on Mantehage Island, namely the Bunaken National Park Office, Local Communities, Village Governments and Non-Governmental Organizations as Key Players; Farmer's Group is located as Subject; Academics/Universities are located as Context Setters and Investors are located as Crowd. The results of the analysis related to the strategy of implementing conservation partnerships on Mantehage Island using the SWOT method show a position in quadrant I, namely supporting an aggressive strategy in which the implementation of conservation partnerships on Mantehage Island is supported by great strengths and opportunities

    Strategi Penyelesaian Konflik Tenurial Melalui Kemitraan Konservasi Di Taman Nasional Bunaken (Studi Kasus Pulau Mantehage)

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    This research aims to analyze stakeholders for the implementation of conservation partnerships on Mantehage Island and formulate strategies for implementing conservation partnerships on Mantehage Island. This research was conducted from April to July 2022. The research method used a qualitative and quantitative descriptive approach. Primary data were obtained through direct interviews with managers of the Bunaken National Park area, village governments and community leaders on Mantehage Island. The questionnaire was conducted on the people on Mantehage Island with a total of 30 respondents who have plantation land on Mantehage Island. Secondary data was obtained from the Bunaken National Park Management Plan document for 2019-2028 as well as village monograph data. The results showed that there were seven stakeholders with the implementation of conservation partnerships on Mantehage Island, namely the Bunaken National Park Office, Local Communities, Village Governments and Non-Governmental Organizations as Key Players; Farmer's Group is located as Subject; Academics/Universities are located as Context Setters and Investors are located as Crowd. The results of the analysis related to the strategy of implementing conservation partnerships on Mantehage Island using the SWOT method show a position in quadrant I, namely supporting an aggressive strategy in which the implementation of conservation partnerships on Mantehage Island is supported by great strengths and opportunities


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    The objectives of the study were to analyze: (1) direct and indirect benefits; and (2) The total economic value of mangrove forests in Dudepo Cape, Bolaang Uki Sub-district, South Bolaang Mongondow Regency, North Sulawesi Province. This research was conducted inside and around the area of mangrove protected forest in Dudepo Cape. The study was conducted for 3 (three) months from January - March of 2016. This research uses primary data and secondary data. Primary data were collected through interviews with the community based on prepared questionnaires. Sampling colection using purposive sampling method. Secondary data were collected including from Bolaang Uki Sub-district Office and Dudepo Village Office. The data collected from the field were analyzed using descriptive and quantitative analysis methods. The study found that (1) the direct benefits earned by the community consisted of the value of forest products and the value of the fishery benefits (the benefits of wood for house construction, the benefits of wood for houses, the benefits of firewood, the benefits of wood for stakes and fences, the benefits of shrimp, and the benefits of crabs). While the value of indirect benefits of abrasion retention and erosion benefits, the benefits of choice, the benefits of existence and inheritance benefits. (2) The total economic value of mangrove forest ecosystem in Dudepo village consists of direct benefit value of Rp. 822,165,000 / year of indirect benefit amount of Rp. 453.792.178 / year, the value of the preferred benefit of Rp. 306.405.000./year, the value of the existence benefit of Rp. 1.372.635 / year, the value of the existence benefit of Rp. 13.353.660 / year. and inheritance value of Rp. 82.216.500 / year. The total economic value of the total benefit of mangrove forest ecosystem in Dudepo village is Rp. 1.677.932.338./ year

    Evaluasi Keragaan Kelompok Binaan Di Daerah Penyangga Bagian Selatan Taman Nasional Bunaken

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    This study aims to describe as well to evaluate the performance of the fostered groups in the southern buffer zone of the Bunaken National Park. This research was conducted from April to June 2022. The research method used is semi-quantitative analysis where data collection is carried out using a questionnaire to see the indicators of Institutional Management, Estate Management and Business Management of each target group based on the Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry PP.89/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/8/2018 concerning Forest Farmer Groups. The selection of respondents was done intentionally, who are the administrators and members of the Bunaken National Park Center assisted groups, namely: Cahaya Trans, Singkanaung, Mutirara Kreatif, Minaesa Sylva Jaya and Cahaya Tatapaan. The results of the interview will be verified with physical evidence in the form of Minutes, Decision Letters, Attendance and so on. The results showed that the dynamics of the different assisted groups fluctuated so that they needed social engineering to improve their performance, while for the performance assessment the Minaesa Sylva Jaya group with a score of 10.53 or the Less category, while for the three groups it was in the Enough category; Mutiara Kreatif (54.39), Cahaya Trans (47.37), and Singkanaung (33.33) while Cahaya Tatapaan with a score of 65.79 or included in the Good category. prevent a vacuum and maintain the continuity of the community empowerment program in the southern buffer area of Bunaken National Park


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    This study aims to: (1) Analyze management models with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), (2) Arrange alternative directions for priority management with a combination of GIS and Analytical HirarchyProcess (AHP) and policy direction of land tenure in forest areas that are in the utilization block KPHL Unit VI which is in Talawaan MDM. The method used in this study is a survey method, namely: a method forobtaining field data by means of systematic observation, measurement and recording of the object under study and supported by the results of laboratory analysis. Sampling and field measurements are carried out using strata techniques with consideration to adjusting the location of the collection. Analysis of the data used: a) Estimating the amount of erosion using the formula Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE), b) The combination of Geographic Information Systems and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used to prepare alternatives for decision making. The results of this study indicated that the Management Model formed in the study area is the Community Forest Management Model (HKm) and Community Plantation Forest (HTR) and with a management period of 35 years and can be extended thereafter. Furthermore, the direction of management priorities according to AHP analysis with economic, ecological and social targets is to implement a management model with Land Utilities Type (LUT) Agrorestry, enrichment LUT and reforestation LUT with an economic target value of 429 points, ecological target value of 143 points and weight social target value of 429 points. The direction of the Government's policy for the completion of land tenure in this forest area is to provide management access to forest areas in the form of Social Forestry Program with the Community Forest Management Model (HKm) and Community Plantation Forest (HTR).*eprm

    Persepsi Petani Terhadap Pengelolaan Hutan Rakyat Campaka di Kabupaten Minahasa

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    This research aims to determine the farmers' perceptions of managing the Cempaka community forest in Minahasa District. The study was conducted for five months, from December 2022 to April 2023. The selection of respondents was intentional. The data used in this research includes primary and secondary data. Primary data was collected through interviews using questionnaires administered to 98 community forest farmers in Minahasa District. The collected data includes the characteristics of the community forest, such as the respondents' characteristics (ethnicity, gender, age, education level, number of dependents, monthly income, principal occupation, membership in forest farmer groups, and the intensity of extension services), as well as the characteristics of the community forest, such as the applied community forest patterns, land area, land status, and the farmers' perceptions of the management of the Cempaka community forest. The farmers' perceptions were assessed based on their knowledge of Cempaka, and the functions of the community forest were evaluated from four aspects: social-cultural, conservation and ecological, economic, and regulatory. Secondary data were obtained from reports and journal articles that support the research topic. The research findings indicate that the level of perception among community forest farmers in Minahasa District is categorized as high. This means that the farmers have a good understanding of Cempaka and the functions of the Cempaka community forest in terms of social-cultural, ecological and conservation, economic, and regulatory aspects. The cultivation of Cempaka is a genetic legacy that needs to be preserved and passed down to future generations. Therefore, the functions of the community forest should not only be seen from an economic perspective but also in terms of preserving local tree species. Government support in developing the Cempaka community forest is crucial, particularly in terms of policy regulation.   &nbsp