26 research outputs found

    Would the pattern be drawn smaller without vision?

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    It was determined whether the pattern would be drawn smaller in drawing task without vision than with vision in the first two experiments. In the first experiment, the 198 subjects were asked to draw the circle of free size and 30 mm circle in diameter. In the second experiment, ten subjects were asked to draw the horizontal line with and without vision. The shrinking effect of drawn pattern without vision was confirmed both for the circle and the line. The other four experiments were done for the purpose of defining the mechanisms of the shrinking effect. In the third experiment, the circle was drawn in the following four conditions; with vision, with vision but not following up a trace of drawing circle, opening eyes in the dark, closing eyes. The 56% of the subjects drew smaller circle with the decrease of the visual information. In the Experiment 4 and Experiment 6, the subject allowed to confirm the objective size by the visual or tactual model given just before drawing the circle and the line. The shrinking effect was also clear in spite of the model. This means that the shrinking effect is not depend on the difference of the memory size in vision and touch. In the Experiment 5, the vertical and horizontal line was drawn without vision and with naked vision and three low vision condition. The drawn line was the shortest without vision in every subjects, but the effect of low visual acuity was not the same as the Individual. In the last experiment, the size of the circle and the length of the line was psychophysically estimated both with and without vision. No difference was recognized in estimated size with vision compared without vision, and also the difference of the estimated size from the objective size was very few both with and without vision. As the results of seven experiments, the shrinking effect of pattern would be recognized essentially in the drawing task


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    「多文化共生社会の創出と日本社会の変容 -神奈川県横浜地域を中心に-」 研究活動報告「加齢による認知機能変化の評価と,環境設計に関する研究」―サクセスフル・エイジングのために


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