11 research outputs found

    Uloga potroÅ”ačeva povjerenja, kvalitete usluge i dimenzija vrijednosti pri određivanju zadovoljstva i lojalnosti: empirijsko istraživanje mobilne telekomunikacijske industrije u Pakistanu

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    Purpose ā€“ The primary purpose of this study is to investigate the factors which influence customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in telecommunication services. Customer satisfaction and loyalty are considered to be major components ensuring effectiveness and growth in the services industry. Design/Methodology/Approach ā€“ The data of 406 respondents was gathered via an adapted questionnaire. The statistical techniques of reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and SEM Path analysis were employed to test the hypotheses. Findings and implications ā€“ The findings of the research study show that trust and satisfaction have a significant impact on customer loyalty, with satisfaction holding a strong position. Trust and service quality have a significant impact on customer satisfaction. Also, from the point of view of perceived value, emotional value and monetary value are significantly correlated to customer satisfaction. According to TRA, this shows that positive consumer attitude leads towards a strong intention to fulfil their belief. Limitations ā€“ The sample of the study may be one of the limitations. Cross-cultural comparison may be conducted in future to identify the differences among the cultures. Also, comparison between developed and under-developed countries may provide holistic results. Originality ā€“ The study focused on an examination of customer satisfaction and loyalty on the basis of perceived value determinants, trust, and service quality.Svrha ā€“ Primarna je svrha ovoga istraživanja ispitati i istražiti čimbenike koji utječu na zadovoljstvo i lojalnost potroÅ”ača telekomunikacijskim uslugama jer se oni smatraju glavnim komponentama za osiguranje učinkovitosti i rasta u industriji usluga. MetodoloÅ”ki pristup ā€“ Prikupljeni su podatci od 406 ispitanika putem prilagođenog upitnika. Statističke tehnike: analiza pouzdanosti, eksploratorna faktorska analiza (EFA), konfirmatorna faktorska analiza (CFA) i SEM Path analiza koriÅ”tene su radi testiranja hipoteza. Rezultati i implikacije ā€“ Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da povjerenje i zadovoljstvo imaju značajan utjecaj na lojalnost potroÅ”ača, a zadovoljstvo snažnu poziciju. Povjerenje i kvaliteta usluge imaju značajan utjecaj na zadovoljstvo potroÅ”ača. Isto tako, kad je u pitanju konstrukt percipirane vrijednosti, emocionalna vrijednost i novčana vrijednost značajno su povezane sa zadovoljstvom potroÅ”ača. Prema TRA-u, to pokazuje da pozitivan stav potroÅ”ača vodi prema snažnoj namjeri ispunjavanja njegova uvjerenja. Ograničenja ā€“ Uzorak istraživanja može biti jedno od ograničenja. U budućnosti se može provesti međukulturalna usporedba kako bi se vidjele razlike između kultura. Usporedba razvijenih i nedovoljno razvijenih zemalja isto tako može pružiti holističke rezultate. Doprinos ā€“ Istraživanje je usmjereno na razmatranje zadovoljstva i lojalnosti potroÅ”ača na temelju percipiranih odrednica vrijednosti, povjerenja i kvalitete usluge

    Students' dependence on smart phone and its effect on purchase behavior

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    This study explores effect of social need, social influence and convenience on university studentā€™s dependence on smart phones and on its purchase behavior. Survey method was used to collect data from 337 respondents and structural equation modelling was used to test the hypothesis. Overall results provide evidence that social need, social influence and convenience significantly affect studentsā€™ dependence on smart phone. A significant relation also existed between studentā€™s dependence on smart phone and purchase behavior. This research provides customer insight to smart phone manufacturers and suppliers in meeting customer needs. Further it provides an exclusive viewpoint of studentsā€™ dependence on smart phone and its effect on purchase behavior, which were not covered earlier in Pakistani context

    Namjere ponaÅ”anja potroÅ”ača prema uslugama mobilnoga plaćanja: empirijsko istraživanje u Pakistanu

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    Purpose ā€“ This research aims to investigate the behavior of consumers towards the implementation of mobile payment services, factors that can affect their attitudes towards this behavior, and how these attitudes transform into intentions. Methodology ā€“ A survey instrument was developed using items developed in similar studies. In total, 335 usable responses were used to do a series of statistical tests aimed at confirming the reliability and validity of the instrument. Hypotheses were tested using structural equation modeling. Findings and Implications ā€“ Our results showed that perceived compatibility, perceived usefulness, and subjective norm are significant predictors of consumer attitude towards the use of mobile payment services, whereas the impact of perceived security and perceived ease on attitude is insignificant. Finally, attitude towards mobile payment services have a significant impact on intention to use mobile payment services. This research contributes to the development of the technology acceptance model (TAM) in general, as well as in the context of mobile payment services. It tests TAMā€™s explanatory ability and suggests new variables as model extensions. Limitations ā€“ The fact that the sample includes respondents from only one country (Pakistan) could be considered the main limitation of this study. A cross-cultural study would likely lead to important knowledge since cultural context has proved to be important in previous research on intentions. Also, the sample used here comprises mostly young and educated people. Originality ā€“ The present research study empirically tests the significance of newly suggested TAM extensions (subjective norm and perceived security) and provides a complete and tested measurement instrument as a basis for future research.Svrha ā€“ Ovo istraživanje ima za cilj istražiti ponaÅ”anje potroÅ”ača prema implementaciji usluga mobilnoga plaćanja, čimbenike koji mogu utjecati na stav prema tom ponaÅ”anju te kako se taj stav pretvara u namjeru ponaÅ”anja. MetodoloÅ”ki pristup ā€“ Mjerni je instrument oblikovan koriÅ”tenjem čestica razvijenih za potrebe sličnih istraživanja. Ukupno je valjano ispunjeno 335 upitnika, a odgovori ispitanika podvrgnuti su nizu statističkih testova kako bi se potvrdila pouzdanost i valjanost mjernog instrumenta. Hipoteze su testirane primjenom modeliranja strukturnih jednadžbi. Rezultati i implikacije ā€“ Rezultati pokazuju da su percipirana kompatibilnost, percipirana korisnost i subjektivne norme značajne prethodnice stava prema koriÅ”tenju usluga mobilnoga plaćanja. Znači, percipirana sigurnost i percipirana jednostavnost koriÅ”tenja nemaju značajan utjecaj na stav o uslugama mobilnog plaćanja. Konačno, stav prema uslugama mobilnoga plaćanja ima značajan utjecaj na namjeru koriÅ”tenja ovih usluga. Istraživanje doprinosi razvoju Technology acceptance model (TAM) teorije općenito i u kontekstu usluga mobilnog plaćanja. Ispituje se istraživačka sposobnost ove teorije te predlažu nove varijable kao proÅ”irenja modela. Ograničenja ā€“ Uzorak ispitanika iz jedne zemlje može se smatrati glavnim ograničenjem istraživanja. Kroskulturno istraživanje dovelo bi do važnih spoznaja jer se kulturni kontekst pokazao važnim u prethodnim istraživanjima namjera. Isto tako, koriÅ”teni uzorak uključuje pretežno mlade i obrazovane ispitanike. Doprinos ā€“ Istraživanje empirijski ispituje značaj predloženih novih proÅ”irenja TAM modela (subjektivnu normu i percipiranu sigurnost) te pruža cjelovit i testiran mjerni instrument kao osnovu za buduća istraživanja

    Impact of after-sales service on consumer behavioural intentions

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    Influencing factors of brand perception on consumersā€™ repurchase intention: An examination of online apparel shopping

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    The objective of this study is to analyse the impact of brand perception on repurchase intention in the case of online apparel shopping in Pakistan. This study is based on a more holistic approach than previous studies, incorporating multiple theories and concepts of brand perception in order to capture the complexity of influences and to explain repurchase intention as a dependent variable. The theoretical framework of the study was developed on the basis of schema theory, image-congruence theory, commitment-trust theory and on the basis of earlier empirical findings. The study investigates brand experience, brand image-congruence, brand affect, and brand trust as influencing variables on repurchase intention. In total, 396 responses were gathered from online consumers of Karachi, Pakistan, using a non-probability convenience sampling. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were employed as data analysis techniques using SPSS 22 and AMOS 22 respectively. The results of the study showed significant positive influences of all the proposed constructs on repurchase intention except for the brand experience

    Influencing factors of brand perception on consumersā€™ repurchase intention: An examination of online apparel shopping

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    The objective of this study is to analyse the impact of brand perception on repurchase intention in the case of online apparel shopping in Pakistan. This study is based on a more holistic approach than previous studies, incorporating multiple theories and concepts of brand perception in order to capture the complexity of influences and to explain repurchase intention as a dependent variable. The theoretical framework of the study was developed on the basis of schema theory, image-congruence theory, commitment-trust theory and on the basis of earlier empirical findings. The study investigates brand experience, brand image-congruence, brand affect, and brand trust as influencing variables on repurchase intention. In total, 396 responses were gathered from online consumers of Karachi, Pakistan, using a non-probability convenience sampling. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were employed as data analysis techniques using SPSS 22 and AMOS 22 respectively. The results of the study showed significant positive influences of all the proposed constructs on repurchase intention except for the brand experience

    Role of electronic word of mouth on purchase intention

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    Smartphone dependence among students: gender-based analysis

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    Role of electronic word of mouth on purchase intention

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    Attitudes and Behaviors of the Mobile Phones Users towards SMS Advertising: A Study in an Emerging Economy

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    Advertisement through SMS is a commonly used medium in the era of technology. Companies are utilizing this medium of advertisement quite frequently. Rapid increase of the usage of mobile phones has developed an innovative way of utilizing this marketing tool. Due to the exponential growth in telecommunication industry after introduction of SMS and MMS, this study has been conducted to investigate the consumer attitude towards SMS advertisement and its relationship with behavior. Entertainment, irritation, product involvement and appeal were used in order to investigate the attitude of the consumer. A questionnaire was used to examine the relationships among variables of the study. Overall 350 usable responses were gathered. SEM was used to obtain the results of the overall model. Results of the study indicate that (1) product involvement, appeal and entertainment have a positive impact on attitude towards advertisement. Only irritation was found to be negatively insignificant. (2) Relationship between consumer attitude towards SMS advertising and attitude was positively significant. (3) Positive and direct relationship between attitude and consumer behavior was also found. (4) Permission appeared to be significant on consumer attitude towards mobile advertisement, which confirmed that prior permission is required to gain the positive response of the consumer. (5) Consumers are attracted by rewards therefore monetary benefits was also found to be significant