687 research outputs found

    African countries need to be more savvy in their dealings with the international media

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    LSE alumnus Waiswa Nkwanga argues that, in order to reduce the negative effects of international media exposure, African countries may have to copy the example of countries such as North Korea

    Fifteen years after the Millennium Development Goals, are Africans any better off?

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    While the Millennium Development Goals program has made some major gains in its targets in many African countries, that progress could be reversed if concrete steps are not taken to eradicate poverty, argues Waiswa Nkwanga

    Rhetoric, Reality and Obama’s Speech to the African Union

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    Waiswa Nkwanga argues that a huge gulf lies between US President Barack Obama’s rhetoric and actions on Africa

    Why the 2015 African Union Summit a missed opportunity?

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    Waiswa Nkwanga argues that as the only continental organisation in Africa that brings the continent’s heads of state together every year, the AU should provide the leadership needed to address the most vexing problems affecting the continent

    The Ebola crisis in West Africa and the enduring legacy of the structural adjustment policies

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    LSE alumnus Waiswa Nkwanga argues that the World Bank and IMF must shoulder some of the blame for the poor health infrastructure in many African countries

    A New Treatment That Could Change the Way we Fight Aids #WorldAidsDay

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    We continue our commemoration of 2013 World Aids Day with LSE alumnus Waiswa Nkwanga reporting on a new drug that could transform the struggle against Aids in African countries

    The #GlobalGoals are more comprehensive, but fall short in targets for #health

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    Waiswa Nkwanga argues that despite major changes in the Global Goals for Sustainable Development (SDGs) overall, the targets for health represent more of the same

    Let’s end the African Union’s monopoly on the unity issue

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    LSE alumnus Waiswa Nkwanga argues that the African Union has failed in its objective of creating a truly unified continent

    The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is bad news for the whole continent

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    Waiswa Nkwanga calls on Ebola-free African countries to realise that international media coverage of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa is bad news for economic growth in the whole continent

    African elites must rethink their relationship with China

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    LSE’s Waiswa Nkwanga argues that there is great need for African elites to protect their economies and people from potential Chinese exploitation, even if the latter’s vast investment into the African continent is to be a force for good in the long term
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