510 research outputs found

    Effective Transfer of Pretrained Large Visual Model for Fabric Defect Segmentation via Specifc Knowledge Injection

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    Fabric defect segmentation is integral to textile quality control. Despite this, the scarcity of high-quality annotated data and the diversity of fabric defects present significant challenges to the application of deep learning in this field. These factors limit the generalization and segmentation performance of existing models, impeding their ability to handle the complexity of diverse fabric types and defects. To overcome these obstacles, this study introduces an innovative method to infuse specialized knowledge of fabric defects into the Segment Anything Model (SAM), a large-scale visual model. By introducing and training a unique set of fabric defect-related parameters, this approach seamlessly integrates domain-specific knowledge into SAM without the need for extensive modifications to the pre-existing model parameters. The revamped SAM model leverages generalized image understanding learned from large-scale natural image datasets while incorporating fabric defect-specific knowledge, ensuring its proficiency in fabric defect segmentation tasks. The experimental results reveal a significant improvement in the model's segmentation performance, attributable to this novel amalgamation of generic and fabric-specific knowledge. When benchmarking against popular existing segmentation models across three datasets, our proposed model demonstrates a substantial leap in performance. Its impressive results in cross-dataset comparisons and few-shot learning experiments further demonstrate its potential for practical applications in textile quality control.Comment: 13 pages,4 figures, 3 table

    Telecom InP/InGaAs nanolaser array directly grown on (001) silicon-on-insulator

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    A compact, efficient, and monolithically grown III–V laser source provides an attractive alternative to bonding off-chip lasers for Si photonics research. Although recent demonstrations of microlasers on (001) Si wafers using thick metamorphic buffers are encouraging, scaling down the laser footprint to nanoscale and operating the nanolasers at telecom wavelengths remain significant challenges. Here, we report a monolithically integrated in-plane InP/InGaAs nanolaser array on (001) silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platforms with emission wavelengths covering the entire C band (1.55 μm). Multiple InGaAs quantum wells are embedded in high-quality InP nanoridges by selective-area growth on patterned (001) SOI. Combined with air-cladded InP/Si optical cavities, room-temperature operation at multiple telecom bands is obtained by defining different cavity lengths with lithography. The demonstration of telecom-wavelength monolithic nanolasers on (001) SOI platforms presents an important step towards fully integrated Si photonics circuits

    Genome sequence and genetic linkage analysis of Shiitake mushroom _Lentinula edodes_

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    _Lentinula edodes_ (Shiitake/Xianggu) is an important cultivated mushroom. Understanding the genomics and functional genomics of _L. edodes_ allows us to improve its cultivation and quality. Genome sequence is a key to develop molecular genetic markers for breeding and genetic manipulation. We sequenced the genome of _L. edodes_ monokaryon L54A using Roche 454 and ABI SOLiD genome sequencing. Sequencing reads of about 1400Mb were de novo assembled into a 40.2 Mb genome sequence. We compiled the genome sequence into a searchable database with which we have been annotating the genes and analyzing the metabolic pathways. In addition, we have been using many molecular techniques to analyze genes differentially expressed during development. Gene ortholog groups of _L. edodes_ genome sequence compared across genomes of several fungi including mushrooms identified gene families unique to mushroom-forming fungi. We used a mapping population of haploid basidiospores of dikaryon L54 for genetic linkage analysis. High-quality variations such as single nucleotide polymorphisms, insertions, and deletions of the mapping population formed a high-density genetic linkage map. We compared the linkage map to the _L. edodes_ L54A genome sequence and located selected quantitative trait loci. The Shiitake community will benefit from these resources for genetic studies and breeding.

    Cross-disciplinary collaboration through WuZhiQiao Project to foster cultural exchange and community engagement

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    In 2013, students of the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi), with the support of WuZhiQiao (WZQ) Charitable Foundation, formed a core team of 11 students to organize and participate in social service projects to help the underprivileged in the Chinese mainland. WuZhiQiao (WZQ) projects, the first cross-region social service engagement by THEi students, bring together students from Hong Kong and the Mainland. WZQ Charitable Foundation aims to help the Chinese traditional village in building Pedestrian Bridge and organizing community projects. Since there are Chinese villages facing flooding during rainy seasons, the local villagers will be trapped inside the village without the chance to go outside or wade outside the village. There are hundreds of such villages and they highly need our help. Each project mainly involves two or three institutes from Hong Kong and the Mainland, and they organize the whole volunteer project including planning, investigation, design, promotion and operation. Through involvement in different states or provinces, WZQ projects provide good chance of communication and interaction between Hong Kong teams and the Mainland teams and advocate intercultural social services. The projects can foster the cultural exchange between Hong Kong and the Mainland. Moreover, the majority of WZQ project members are coming from the fields of engineering, architecture and health care. We can practice our learning from lectures through the project implementation. Different parties are involved in the engineering projects including clients, consultants, contractors, surveyors, engineers and workers. Engineering students can gain good understanding of the holistic picture of a real-life engineering project. We visited the location village for investigation to learn more about the local culture, geometry and the people’s needs and discussed with the Mainland Team through online chatting tools in order to propose the optimal pedestrian building design and other community projects. Having spent over six months in planning and preparation, THEi students will implement a bridge-building and community project in Chongqing in January 2015. Through engagement in this service-learning project, not only the undergraduates of THEi can benefit through personal development but the life quality of the disadvantaged can also be improved

    Preparation of highly and generally enriched mammalian tissues for solid state NMR.

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    An appreciable level of isotope labelling is essential for future NMR structure elucidation of mammalian biomaterials, which are either poorly expressed, or unexpressable, using micro-organisms. We present a detailed protocol for high level (13)C enrichment even in slow turnover murine biomaterials (fur keratin), using a customized diet supplemented with commercial labelled algal hydrolysate and formulated as a gel to minimize wastage, which female mice consumed during pregnancy and lactation. This procedure produced approximately eightfold higher fur keratin labelling in pups, exposed in utero and throughout life to label, than in adults exposed for the same period, showing both the effectiveness, and necessity, of this approach.The authors would like to acknowledge funding from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council for DGR and RR; Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council for WYC and VWCW; National Institute of Health Research for RAB.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10858-015-9977-

    Can heart rate variability be a bio-index of hope? A pilot study

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    BackgroundHope can affect the thinking habits, emotional regulations, and behaviors of individuals. Hope is considered as a positive trait by clinicians, who often assess the level of hope in psychological evaluations. Previous measurements of hope were largely based on self-reported questionnaires leading to the problem of subjectivity. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a bio index that is an objective, quick, cost effective, and non-invasive measurement. HRV has been used in the evaluation of physical health and some psychiatric conditions. However, it has not been tested for its potential to be a bio-index of the level of hope.MethodThis pilot cross-sectional observational study aimed to examine the relationships between HRV and the level of hope among adult Chinese people in Hong Kong. Convenience sampling was used and 97 healthy participants were recruited. Their level of hope was measured by the Dispositional Hope Scale-Chinese (DHS-C), and their HRV was quantified by emWave Pro Plus, a reliable sensor of HRV. Spearman’s correlation coefficient analysis was performed on the HRV measurements and DHS-C.ResultsThe DHS-C’s overall mean score was 45.49. The mean scores of the subscale DHS-C (Agency) was 22.46, and the mean scores of DHS-C (Pathway) was 23.03. It was also revealed that there were significant, weak, and negative correlations between the level of hope and four out of ten HRV metrics. One HRV metric was found to have a significant, weak, and positive correlation with the level of hope.ConclusionThis study provided initial evidence to support the use of HRV as a bio-index of hope. Implications of the current study and recommendations for future research directions are discussed

    Biomechanics and bioengineering of orthopedic and cardiovascular rehabilitation

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    Musculoskeletal problem, such as traumatic injury, osteoporosis, and osteoarthritis, is one of the leading causes of disability worldwide and is therefore a crucial branch of public health. Biomechanics has been proven to play a critical role in musculoskeletal pathology, treatment, and rehabilitation. Rehabilitation describes specialized healthcare dedicated to improving, maintaining, or restoring physiological strength, cognition, and mobility with maximized results. It helps an individual achieve the highest level of function or greatest independence and quality of life possible after illness, injury, or surgery using physical training, instruments, devices, or other methods. Advances in rehabilitation, including the theory, paradigm, protocol, modality, invention, and engineering, can improve the development of modern medicine and also the quality of life especially for the disabled and elderly people. The main focus of this special issue is on innovative theory and application of biomechanics to understand musculoskeletal pathology and to improve the techniques for the treatment and rehabilitation

    Knowledge, practices, compliance and beliefs of university nursing students’ toward hand hygiene: A cross-sectional survey

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    Nursing students can contribute to healthcareassociated infections if having inadequate knowledge and noncompliance of hand hygiene. Effective hand hygiene is considered the most effective measure for preventing healthcare-associated infections. This study investigated the knowledge, practices, compliance, and beliefs of university nursing students toward hand hygiene. By using a well-validated, self-report hand hygiene questionnaire, a cross-sectional survey was performed. In the convenience sampling, 421 out of 506 questionnaires were returned (83.2%). There were 169 (40.14%), 170 (40.38%) and 82 (19.48%) nursing students from Years 1, 2 and 3, respectively. The respondents’ overall mean score for hand hygiene knowledge was 7.33/10 (SD = 1.52) with an increasing trend of knowledge performance along study year was observed. The hand hygiene practice inventory was 4.76/5 (SD = 0.303). The mean scores for respondents from Years 1, 2 and 3 were 4.75 (SD = 0.367), 4.82 (SD = 0.20) and 4.69 (SD = 0.290), respectively. The self-reported hand hygiene compliance rate was 88.17% (SD = 11.922) and the mean score on the health beliefs scale was 4.03/5 (SD = 0.34). The university nursing students demonstrated moderate knowledge, good practices, a high compliance rate and positive beliefs toward hand hygiene. More effort on educating healthcare professionals about alcohol-based hand rubs and the promotion of hand cream usage to prevent hand-hygiene-induced skin irritations are suggested. Regular training workshops or seminars could be arranged to maintain knowledge levels and cultivate a positive attitude toward hand hygiene

    Protective effects and potential mechanisms of Pien Tze Huang on cerebral chronic ischemia and hypertensive stroke

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Stroke caused by brain ischemia is the third leading cause of adult disability. Active prevention and early treatment of stroke targeting the causes and risk factors may decrease its incidence, mortality and subsequent disability. Pien Tze Huang (PZH), a Chinese medicine formula, was found to have anti-edema, anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic effects that can prevent brain damage. This study aims to investigate the potential mechanisms of the preventive effects of Pien Tze Huang on brain damage caused by chronic ischemia and hypertensive stroke in rats.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The effects of Pien Tze Huang on brain protein expression in spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) and stroke prone SHR (SHRsp) were studied with 2-D gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometric analysis with a matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF)/TOF tandem mass spectrometer and on brain cell death with enzyme link immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunostaining.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Pien Tze Huang decreased cell death in hippocampus and cerebellum caused by chronic ischemia and hypertensive stroke. Immunostaining of caspase-3 results indicated that Pien Tze Huang prevents brain cells from apoptosis caused by ischemia. Brain protein expression results suggested that Pien Tze Huang downregulated QCR<sub>2 </sub>in the electron transfer chain of mitochondria preventing reactive oxygen species (ROS) damage and possibly subsequent cell death (caspase 3 assay) as caused by chronic ischemia or hypertensive stroke to hippocampus and cerebellum.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Pien Tze Huang showed preventive effects on limiting the damage or injury caused by chronic ischemia and hypertensive stroke in rats. The effect of Pien Tze Huang was possibly related to prevention of cell death from apoptosis or ROS/oxidative damage in mitochondria.</p