41 research outputs found
Learning media is a tool in learning that can be used by teachers in conveying information to stimulate students to acquire knowledge during learning activities. Word cards (flash card) is tangible media cards with sizes that can be changed as needed and consist of: pictures, words or simple sentences that can facilitate learning activities to be more fun and effective. Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic is happening offline and online, so it is necessary to develop media such as word card applications (flash card) that can be used during online and offline learning activities. The formulation of the problem from this article is how the process of developing a word card applications (flash card) for German writing skills. This research aims to develop a word card applications (flash card) and determine the feasibility of Learning media based on validation from experts. The research method of this article applies the 4D development model (Four-D model) developed by Thiagarajan. The data source of this article is andere Vorstellen material from the book Deutsch ist Einfach 1, internet and validator. The assessment instrument of this article is the learning media validation questionnaire sheet. The results of the validation of this Learning media obtained a percentage of 86.1% with very good eligibility criteria
Increasing vocabulary mastery is one of the basics for students to learn four language skills, namely, lesen(reading), schreiben (writing), hören (listening), and sprechen (speaking). In writing skills, mastery ofvocabulary is an important element so that students can assemble vocabulary into a sentence. However,mastering German vocabulary is not easy because apart from the large number of vocabulary words,especially in German, every noun has its own article. So Deutsch Domino media product was made forlearning German simple sentence writing skills. This media has the theme "Schule" which consists of Nomen(nouns), Verben (verbs), and Adjekctiv (adjectives), which are packaged in an attractive appearance so thatstudents can learn and play. The purpose of this article is to determine the feasibility of Deutsch Dominomedia for learning German simple sentence writing skills based on the validation of material experts andmedia experts. This article uses the development research method with the ADDIE model up to thedevelopment stage, the subject used is class X high school students. The results obtained from the validationof media experts say that Deutsch Domino is feasible to use with a presentation of 78,66% in the goodcategory. While the results of the material experts obtained a percentage of 94% in the very good category
AnalisisPodcastGermaninaNutshell“MeineFamilie”sebagaiBahanAjarBahasaJerman KeterampilanMenyimakKelasXISemester
AbstractListeningisoneofthelanguageskillsthathavetheadvantageofseveralotherskills,becauselisteningprovidesperceptionsorassumptionsthatproducenewthinking(Grotjahn,2010).Ittakesinnovationtosupportlisteningskills.Oneoftheinnovationsistheuseofpodcastmedia,whichisatechnologicaldevelopmentinthisdigitalera.From theresultsofresearchconductedby(Madiope,2013:4)thataudiomediapodcastform isinhighdemand.Theproblem thatarisesishow thecontentoftheMeineFamiliepodcastasateachingmaterialforgermanlisteningskillsclassXIsemester1.Relatedtothis,ananalysiswasconductedthatobtainedthesuitabilityofthecontentofpodcastmaterialentitledMeineFamiliebasedonthe2013curriculum asteachingmaterialandutilizingtechnologyinlearning.Thisarticleisanalyzedwiththetheoryofdatacontentanalysistechniques(Sugiyono,2008:244)withthestagesofdecryptingpodcastcontent,reducingtheinformationobtained,andselectingthecoreoftheteachingmaterialcontained.From theresultsoftheanalysisusinglikertscalecalculations(Sugiyono,2009:14)itwasfoundthatthepercentageofmaterialcontentintheMeineFamiliepodcastasateachingmaterialforlisteningskillsinclassXIsemester1showedthat98%wasverysuitablebasedonthe2013curriculum.Keywords:ListeningSkills,Podcasts,Curriculum201
Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Permainan Monopoli 3 Dimensi dengan Tema “Reisen” Untuk Pembelajaran Siswa Kelas XII SMA
The development of 3-dimensional monopoly game learning media is carried out based on the problems of learning German in high school by observing in class XII it is known that students feel bored in learning German so that students are less able to understand the material that has been delivered by the teacher but if invited to material while playing students are able to interact actively. Based on these problems, this development aims to develop game-based learning media, namely 3-dimensional monopoly game learning media using the Reisen theme. The development model used is the R&D (Research and Development) development model by Borg and Gall. This development research activity was carried out in several stages, namely media expert validation, material expert validation, and product trials conducted by class XII SMA students. For data collection instruments using observation sheets, validation sheets, media evaluation sheets, and questionnaires. The results of the feasibility test of 3-dimensional monopoly game learning media with media experts obtained 82.6% results and with material experts obtained 82% results. In the product trial, the results were 88.8%. Thus it can be concluded that the 3-dimensional monopoly game learning media is suitable for use as a learning medium
Teaching materials are important components for the process of learning and teaching activities so that thelearning process can be carried out properly, smoothly, and efficiently. Therefore, effective teaching materialsare needed in order to achieve the learning objectives to be achieved. One of the teaching materials used todayis a book Deutsch ist Einfach 2 revised edition published in 2018. This book is intended for class XI highschool students. This article are written using qualitative approach, with the aim of describing the data in adescriptive form, while the data collection technique is carried out using the literature study method. Theformulation of the problem in this article is "How to qualify content from Deutsch ist Einfach 2 book subthemes (Wohnung) as teaching materials for reading skill”. The main purpose of this writing is to describe thefeasibility of textbooks Deutsch ist Einfach 2 for the reading skills of class XI semester II students. Thediscussion in this article contains the results in form of descriptive analysis from the book Deutsch ist Einfach2 Wohnung sub-theme. The results of the analysis itself contain a description of each item of the instrumentaccompanied by a table that refers to the points of assessment of teaching materials in terms of the feasibilityof the content obtained from the questionnaire instrument which is validated by the teacher as a materialexpert. The points obtained from the analysis are then calculated to show that the textbook Deutsch ist Einfach2 has a percentage of 75% which can be said to be feasible in terms of it’s content eligibility to be used asteaching material for class XI semester II when learning about residence (Wohnung) sub-theme
Die Anziehungskraft in dem Drama Emilia Galotti offenbart im Detail die grundlegenden Fragen der Menschheit in der Beziehung von sozialen Problemen und miteinander. Diese Forschung kann passen auf Georg Simmels Theorie der Sozialtheorie basiert werden sein. Die Soziologie der Literatur ist nichts anderes als ein literarischer Ansatz, der gesellschaftliche Aspekte berücksichtigt. Das menschliche Leben wird oft in den künstlerischen Aktivitäten gut illustriert, von denen einer in den literarischen Werken illustriert wird. In Übereinstimmung mit dieser Meinung zeigt (endraswara, 2011: 6), dass zwischen Soziologie und Literatur tatsächlich komplementär sind, wenn beide Menschen gleichermaßen verstehen wollen. Diese Forschung geht diese Untersuchung um: (1) Wie die soziale Konflikte im Drama Emilia Galotti von Gotthold Ephraim Lessing (2) Was sind die Faktoren des Konflikt im Drama Emilia Galotti von Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, und (3) Was sind die Problemlösungsformen im Drama Emilia Galotti von Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Aus der Formulierung der obigen Probleme folgt dann der Zweck dieser Studie: (1) den Konflikt von Zeichen in dem Drama Emilia Galotti von Lessing beschreiben, (2), um die Ursachen des Konflikts der Zeichen in der Drama Emilia Galotti von Lessing zu beschreiben, und (3) zu beschreiben die Konfliktlösung der Charaktere im Drama Emilia Galotti von Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Ergebnisse der Untersuchung sind (1) Es gibt 10 Figuren in diesem Drama aber nur 9 Figuren wo Konflikt haben. Die Figuren sind der Prinz, Marinelli, Appiani, Orsina, Odoardo Galotti, Claudia Galotti, Emilia Galotti, Angelo und Pirro. (2) Die Faktoren des Konflikt von Georg Simmel sind (a) Unterschiede von Interessen, (b) die antagonische Rivalität, (c) der juristische Faktor, und (d) die nahe Verwandtschaft. Von 4 Konfliktarten von Georg Simmel gibt es nur keinen juristische Faktor in diesem Drama. Unterschiede von Interessen ist die Meitens Faktor des Konflikt in diesem Drama. (3) Problemlösungsform von Georg Simmel haben in diesem Drama gefunden, nämlich Versöhnung oder Streichung von Konflikten, einer Sieg von einer Seite, und Kompromiss
Currently learning German speaking skills is considered very lacking, it is proven by the number of students who are still wrong in pronouncing Wortschatz and Redemittel. This can be overcome by using appropriate methods, teaching materials, and learning media. In the current technological era, the use of YouTube as a multimedia-based teaching material is favored by most of Generation Z. One of the YouTube that can be used as teaching materials to improve students's German speaking skills is the Useful German with Chris. This channel contains a variety of German learning materials that can be easily accessed anytime and anywhere, there are various themes in each video, it contains interesting animations and sounds filled by native German speakers so that it can be a clear examplefor students to learn. imitate the words correctly. In this article, the analyzed video is entitled Meine Hobbys. The formulation of the problem in this article is how the content of the - Meine Hobbys videoas teaching material for German speaking skills for class XII odd semester students based on the 2013 curriculum. Chris withThe 2013 curriculum is for odd semester 12th graders with storytelling speaking skills related to the theme Freizeitbeschӓftigung und Hobbys. The writing in this article is processed with qualitative descriptive. The source of data in this study is the youtube Useful German with Chris - Meine Hobbys, dan data This research was collected from the content of the video content in the form of oral discourse containing Wortschatz and Redemittel. The technique used in this study is the listening technique, then continued with the note-taking technique for recording something that has been listened to in writing. After all the data has been collected, the next step is data analysis using content analysis techniques by analyzing the suitability between the material items from the video content and the material for the odd semester class XII students with the Freizeitbeschӓftigung und Hobby contained in the 2013 Curriculum. 80% conformity. So with this percentage figure, the YouTube video Useful German with Chris is concluded to be very suitable as teaching material for speaking skills with the type of storytelling with the theme Freizeitbeschӓftigung und Hobby for class XII students in First semester
From the result of interview found some problems in speaking skill. Those problems occur in X- Sprache Class in MAN Bangkalan. There are some problems, namely 1) students are not brave to speak German or to express their opinion, 2) students are still minimal in mastering German vocabulary, 3) students are still less motivated in learning foreign languages. Therefore the writer offers a learning technique or method to faciliate students in understanding of learning material. Autogrammjӓgerspiel is one of learning technique that can train speaking skill of student.The problem statement in this article is how the Autogrammjӓger spiel matches with the German speaking skill. The purpose of discussion in this article is to describe the compatibility of the Autogrammjӓger spiel with German speaking skill for theme Schule (school) and subtheme Gegenstӓnde in der Schule (objects at school) in X- Sprache Class in MAN Bangkalan. The focus of discussion in this article is limited only to the suitability of the Autogrammjӓgerspiel with German speaking skill for student in X Sprache Class with theme school and subtheme objects at school in MAN Bangkalan. The Method used in this article is literature study. It means writer takes several sources in the form (comparison thinking and analysis from experts) and the results of a questionnaire from a German language teacher. The results of the discussion in this article can be concluded that the Autogrammjӓgerspiel with German speaking skill has a good compatibility. That result get from the questionnaire from German teacher who has a presentage 93,3 % of 100 % . Besides this result is also reinforced by some thoughts from experts and relevant data which proves that the Autogrammjӓgerspiel is matched with German speaking skill.
Keywords: Autogrammjӓger,game technique, speaking skill
The Duolingo application is one of the innovative solutions offered by advances in technology for educators to choosealternative sources of teaching materials and learning media to support the process of teaching and learning activitiesin schools. The formulation of the problem in this study is how appropriate the material on the Duolingo German courseis for teaching simple descriptive sentence writing skills for students of class XI semester II. This study aims to prove thesuitability of the Essen und Trinken material on Duolingo with the learning material needs of students according to the2013 Curriculum. This research uses a qualitative research approach which is part of the literature study. The datasource used is learning material on Abschnitt 2 with a skill entitled Essen where the data is in the form of phrases,sentences and exercises related to the Essen und Trinken sub-theme. Based on the results of data analysis, it wasconcluded that the Duolingo German Course material for the Essen und Trinken sub-theme was in accordance with thecontents of the 2013 Curriculum material and was suitable for use as an alternative teaching material as evidenced by ascore of 92% using a Likert Scale. The results of the research on the wortschatz aspect found compatibility of 77vocabularies which included verbs, adjectives, nouns and question words, and 10 vocabularies did not match. Thesuitability aspect was also found in the structure of as many as 30 phrases and sentences which included Präsens,Konjunktion, Trennbare Verben, and Imperativesatz, however, 3 sentences were found that were not in accordance withthe 2013 Curriculum. Thus, the Duolingo German course can be used as an alternative for students and educators inlooking for additional learning resources and learning media besides using textbooks
German language learning has four skills, namely writing skills (Schreibfertigkeit), speaking skills (Sprechfertigkeit), listening skills (Hörfertigkeit) and reading skills (Lesefertigkeit) these four skills are competencies that must be understood and mastered. Among the four skills above writing skills are the hardest skills among the other three skills. Writing skills are an aspect of language skills that are considered difficult among learners because at the time of writing learners must involve other skills so as to produce a simple text that can be understood and understood by every reader. According to Sieber (2003 : 208) one of the text models can facilitate in writing skills namely vom Wort zum Satz zum Text. The problem formulation in this article is how the steps of vom Wort zum Satz zum Text in learning German writing skills class XI semester II. While the purpose of writing this article to know the steps vom Wort zum Satz zum Text in learning writing skills. The research method used in this article is descriptive qualitative which discusses the steps of vom Wort zum Satz zum Text in learning writing skills using library study methods by looking at the comparisons and opinions of the figures. From the results of this study can be stated that Vom Wort zum Satz zum Text is a learning model that can be used by learners in understanding learning materials in writing skills, where there are steps kast writing skills ( 1999 : 232 ) based on the text model Vom Wort zum Satz zum Text namely: 1) developing, expanding and collecting vocabulary, 2) making sentences from several vocabularies that have been mastered , 3) using the correct sentence arrangement, 4) combining sentences, 5) combining between sentences using conjunctions, 6) arranging several sentences made into text that has a data source in the form of vocabulary, sentences and simple text taken from studio book D A1. This is reinforced by some relevant experts' opinion that the text model vom Wort zum Satz zum Text can be used in the learning of German writing skills