5 research outputs found
Pengaruh Kejelasan Sasaran Anggaran, Desentralisasi dan Akuntabilitas Publik terhadap Kinerja Manajerial Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (Studi Empiris pada SKPD Pemerintah Kota Pekanbaru)
The purpose of this research is to know whether the influence of budget goal clarity, decentralization and public accountability of SKPD managerial performance. The technical data collection of this survey is the questionnaire directly sent to the SKPD city government of pekanbaru. Total of respondents used in this research is 94 respondents (78,33%). The method of analysis used is the multiple linear regression using SPSS version 21. The result of this research showed that simultaneous regression test (F-test) is budget goal clarity, decentralization and public accountability influence to the managerial performance on SKPD. The result of partial regression test (T-test) showed that decentralization have significant influence to managerial performance of SKPD, but budget goal clarity and public accountability is contrary. The coefficient determination (R2) effect by all independent variables are 24,8% while the remaining 75,2% influenced by other variables were not examined in this study.Keywords: Managerial Perfomance, Budget Goal Clarity, Decentralization and Public Accountabilit
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Ropes (Review, Overview, Presentation, Exercise, Summary) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Fisika Pada Materi Alat-alat Optik Di Kelas X Ia-1 SMA Negeri 4 Banda Aceh
This research aims to determine the student's and the teacher's learning activities, the teacher's skills in managing learning, the response and study result of students by applying the ROPES learning model. The kind of this research is classroom action research (CAR). The subject of this research is students of class X IA-1 SMAN 4 Banda Aceh with total number of students 30, while the research object is physics study result. The research instrument which had been used to assess the student's and the teacher's learning activities as well as the teachers' skills in managing learning, namely the observation sheet. The objective test used to determine study result while the response of students is known from student response sheet. The activities of teachers and students during learning using ROPES model increased. Activities teachers in the first cycle are categorized good, in cycle II and III categorized as very good. The student activity in cycle I and II considered good, while the third cycle categorized as very good. Most of the teacher's skill in managing learning considered good. A learning model while 33% were not interested. The study result individually increases 3% in the first cycle to the second cycle while in the second cycle to the third cycle increases 20%. The study result classically increases 5% in the first cycle to the second cycle while in the second cycle to the third cycle increases 8%. In order the result of learning using ROPES model in line with expectations, teachers must hold the principles contained in the model.total of 67% of the number of students interested in learning the steps of ROPES
Pop-up Card to Teach Regular and Irregular Past Verbs
This paper is based on an experimental research aiming to explain to what extent the achievement of the students who were taught by using pop-up card differs from those who were taught by using regular teaching media used by the teacher in attaining regular and irregular past verbs and to describe how effective pop-up card is to teach regular and irregular past verbs. The subject of the study was the students of VIII C, as the control group, and VIII D, as the experimental group, of one of junior high schools in Semarang in the academic year of 2016/2017, consisting of 60 students, chosen by using convenience sampling. This study used pretest-posttest control group design as a part of quasi-experimental design. The experimental group was taught regular and irregular past verbs by using pop-up cards and the control group was taught by using regular teaching media used by the teacher. T-test of the data showed that tvalue is higher than ttable (2.494 > 1.67). It can be concluded that there was a significant difference between the achievement of the students who were taught by using pop-up card and those who are taught by using regular teaching media used by the teacher
Training and Assistance of Elderly Exercise in Pakmonti (Poncowati Monument Creative Market) Poncowati, Central of Lampung
According to the Ministry of Health, the decline in elderly health is a natural process experienced when a person enters the age of 60 years and over. This decline in fitness can occur due to the lack of complete nutrition consumed and the lack of physical activity carried out. This community service activity aims to determine whether the implementation of elderly gymnastics that is applied to the elderly and carried out regularly can improve the fitness of the elderly in PAKMONTI, Poncowati, Terbanggi Besar, Central Lampung. The method used in this activity is to provide exercise training for the elderly. This training is carried out according to the PAKMONTI schedule, namely on Sunday mornings. The implementation of the introduction and training of elderly gymnastics is that the lecturer and students provide examples of light and easy elderly gymnastics for the elderly. The results of these community service activities are that the elderly feel more fit with these activities and feel happy to do gymnastics. Physical movements performed during gymnastics are also very light and adapt to the abilities of the elderly who have limitations for physical activity. In this activity, the elderly looked so happy and happy because at the end of the gymnastics activity, the elderly received prizes from coupons that had been provided by the activity implementation committee. Prize coupons provided by the committee were drawn at random, the forms of prizes given to participants were also varied so that the elderly seemed very happy to participate in this activity to the end. This community service activity in the form of implementing elderly gymnastics is very helpful for the community, especially the elderly in PAKMONTI, Poncowati, Terbanggi Besar, Central Lampung in improving their physical fitness
Penataan Destinasi dan Strategi Promosi Guna Meningkatkan Jumlah Wisatawan di Kawasan Wisata Pantai Tanjung Karang Mataram
Salah satu potensi wisata yang ada di Kota Mataram yang menarik perhatian banyak wisatawan antara lain: Pantai Gading, Pantai Long Baloq, Pantai Ampenan dan Pantai Tanjung Karang. Diantara empat destinasi pantai, Pantai Tanjung Karanglah yang paling natural, belum tertata dengan rapih, tetapi yang menarik disini adalah tempat ini merupakan kampung nelayan, dimana nelayan sering pulang dari berlayar dengan bawaan ikan segarnya. Hal ini menarik para pengunjung untuk sekedar melihat jenis-jenis ikan yang diperoleh atau mau beli untuk oleh-oleh. Pantai Tanjung Karang terletak di Lingkungan Bangsal Kecamatan Sekarbela. Potensi alam dan budaya yang beragam di Lingkungan Bangsal, membuat Lingkungan ini ditetapkan menjadi salah satu dari 4 Desa Wisata di Kota Mataram. memilih Lokasi Pantai Tanjung Karang dipilih sebagai program kerja yang direncanakan dapat terlaksana dengan optimal. Tujuan dari program ini adalah penataan Pantai Tanjung karang dan proposi tempat destinasi wisata pantai, untuk meningkatkan kunjungan wisatawan dimasa pandeni COVID 19, dengan melengkapi tempat cuci tangan. Metode yang digunakan adalah education and action partisipation bersama masyarakat dengan membuat program pembersihan pantai, pembuatan bak sampah, sosialisasi sadar wisata, pembuatan papan informasi dan denah wilayah, pembuatan spot foto, pembenahan taman bermain, pembuatan papan nama ilmiah, promosi digital, event lomba anak-anak dan penerapan protokol Kesehatan serta strategi promosi. Hasil kegiatan ini ternyata dapat menaikkan kunjungan wisata domestic dan dapat menyadarkan masyarakan akan penerapan protocol Kesehatan di masa pandemic CAVID 19