6 research outputs found
“Nisbah Bagi Hasil pada Produk Dirham Barokah Perspektif Fatwa No.115DSN-MUIIX2017 tentang Akad Mudarabah (Studi Kasus di KSPPS ANDA Boyolali)”
Akad mudarabah merupakan akad yang diaplikasikan dalam produk penghimpunan dan penyaluran dana di Lembaga Keuangan Syariah. Salah satu produk yang menggunakan akad mudarabah yaitu produk Dirham Barokah yang ada di KSPPS ANDA Boyolali, akan tetapi ketentuan yang diterapkan oleh KSPPS belum diketahui apakah sesuai dengan ketentuan Fatwa No. 115/DSN-MUI/IX/2017 tentang Akad Mudarabah. Sehingga penulisan ini mengkaji tentang implementasi Fatwa No. 115/DSN-MUI/IX/2017 tentang Akad mudarabah terhadap nisbah bagi hasil yang terjadi pada produk Dirham Barokah di KSPPS ANDA Boyolali. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penulisan ini adalah pendekatan yuridis normatif yang berdasarkan ketentuan fatwa DSN-MUI. Bahwasannya, KSPPS sebelum memunculkan suatu produk harus diperhatikan suatu pedoman yang berlaku baik dalam transaksi apapun. Hal tersebut dilakukan untuk menghindari ketidaksesuaian dengan peraturan yang berlaku dan mempertahankan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap produk yang dilakukan sesuai dengan prinsip syariah.
This study discusses the Islamic legal methodology used by Al-Ghazali. Al-Ghazali was the first to formulate methodological theory of Islamic law. In addition, Al-Ghazali is a very influential scholar in the Muslim community ini the word who is addressed through his works. Therefore, it is interesting to study the differences from other scholars in the method is library research is library research method by analizing various sources of literature related to this research. The result of this research is that the method used by Al-Ghazali has a different view, even against the Imam of the mazhab, one of which is about the argument of Maslahah al-Mursalah as a legal argument if the mashlalah is at the dharuriyah level. For the methodology agreed upon by Al-Ghazali, namely al-Qur’an, Sunnah, Ijma’ and Nalar reasionable/ istishab. Meanwhile, Islamic legal methods that not agreed upon are syar’u man qablana, istihsan, qaul sahaby, and mashalahah mursalah/ istishlah.Keywords: Al-Ghazali; Islamic law; methodology.Penelitian ini membahas tentang metodologi hukum Islam yang digunakan oleh Al-Ghazali. Al-Ghazali merupakan merupakan orang pertama yang merumuskan dalam teori metodologi hukum Islam. Selain itu, Al-Ghazali merupakan ulama yang sangat berpengaruh dalam kalangan masyarakat Muslim di dunia yang ditujukan melalui karya-karyanya. Oleh karena itu, menarik untuk dikaji perbedaan dari ulama-ulama lain dalam metode hukum Islam yang digunakan oleh Al-Ghazali. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode penelitian pustaka (library research) dengan menganalisis dari berbagai sumber pustaka yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah metode yang digunakan oleh Al-Ghazali memiliki pandangan yang berbeda, bahkan berlawanan imam mazhab salah satunya tentang hujjah Mashlahah al-Mursalah sebagai dalil hukum apabila mashlahah tersebut pada tingkatan dharuriyah. Untuk metodologi yang disepakati oleh Al-Ghazali yaitu al-Qur’an, Sunnah, Ijma’ dan Nalar akal/istishab. Sedangkan metode hukum Islam yang tidak disepakati yaitu syar’u man qablana, istihsan, qaul sahaby, dan mashlahah mursalat/istishlah
The Covid-19 pandemic has led to income degradation of the Indonesia population which potentially triggers poverty. According to the Indonesian Central Statistics Agency, the Province of Central Java is one of the areas that is most affected by Covid-19 especially on the economic aspect. In 2020, the percentage of poor people has increased by 0.6% from 2019. If this condition is ignored for the long term, it will have a negative impact on hampering national development. As a first step in designing a strategy for mitigating the impact of poverty, it is necessary to carry out an appropriate profiling of the areas affected on the economic aspect based on poverty indicators. This study compares the K-Means Clustering and Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) in providing the best data grouping based on clustering indexes, including: connectivity, Dunn, and silhouette. GMM is a generalization of K-Means clustering to include information about the covariance structure of the data as well as latent Gaussian centers. We used poverty indicators data from Central Statistics Agency of Central Java, such as poverty line, percentage of poor population, poverty depth index, and poverty severity index. The results obtained from this study indicate that the GMM gives the best results with the 3 clusters, with the number of members for the first, second, third is 10, 19, and 6 respectively
Berakhirnya Perjanjian Perspektif Hukum Islam dan Hukum Perdata
Agreement is a law relationship which one binds one or more people that cause law consequence. The agreement would be carried out in accordance and it is appropriate by contract that was agreed upon Islamic law or civil law. Agreement of Islamic law are called sharia agreement that implementation systems embrace sharia principle. While agreements of civil law are called conventional agreement that the implementation systems embrace civil law. Every agreement would be raised the rights and obligation of each parties. If the agreement have been fulfiilled or not that caused by deviations. It results bot Islamic or civil law become extinct, it is appropriate with the agreement made by the parties. There is a difference at the end of the agreement in sharia and conventional, it provides a concept for interpreneurs in the field of economics at the sharia or conventional financial institutions which have developed rapidly at this time
Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi karena kurangnya ketersediaan media pembelajaran dan
kurang optimalnya penggunaan media pembelajaran dalam proses pembelajaran pada
materi siklus air. Sebagian siswa menganggap pelajaran IPA sebagai mata pelajaran yang
sulit, terutama dalam memahami dan menghafal sebagian materi dalam pembelajaran
IPA. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut, peneliti mengembangkan media Sika dengan
tujuan untuk menguji tingkat validitas media tersebut. Jenis penelitian ini adalah
penelitian Research and Development (R&D). Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas V
MI Al Ma’ruf Beyan. Teknik pengumpulan data mencakup kegiatan observasi, wawancara,
dokumentasi, tes dan angket. Pada tahap uji coba I didapatkan hasil rata-rata pretest dan
posttest masing-masing sebesar 39,14 dan 62,44, sedangkan pada uji coba II siswa
mengalami peningkatan pada hasil belajar dengan rata-rata pretest 84,74 dan posttest
97,51. Berdasarkan hasil dilapangan, maka dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa
media Sika valid dan efektif untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa dalam mata pelajaran
IPA materi siklus air.
Kata kunci: Media Sika, Siklus Air, Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran, Hasil Belajar
One of the products owned by Koperasi Simpan Pinjam and Pembiayaan Syariah (KSPPS) Tunas Artha Mandiri Syariah Yogyakarta branch is murabahah financing. In the provision in the KHES and the DSN-MUI fatwa if the seller wants to represent the buyer to purchase contract must be made after the goods, in principle, become the poperty of the seller. Meanwhile, in the implementation of murabahah financing, KSPPS uses wakalah system, where the cooperative empowers members to buy their own goods. In addition, the purchase of goods is made after the financing contract is signed by both parties and no goods are the object during the contract.
This type of investigation is a field research with a qualitative approach by presenting factual information obtained from the application of the contract murabahah bil wakalah, as well as normative assumptions about the application of the contract based on KHES and fatwa DSN-MUI.
The results of this study show that: first, the reason of KSPPS TAM Syariah Yogyakarta branch in implementing murabahah financing differ from KHES rules and DSN-MUI fatwas, including conversion, marketing strategy and lack of knowledge about murabahah contracts. Second, that the practice of financing murabahah bil wakalah in KSPPS Tunas Artha Mandiri Syariah Yogyakarta branch there is a difference with the provisions of KHES and fatwa DSN-MUI, which relate to the purchase of murabahah objects from third parties and murabahah contracts are executed before the financing object is fully owned by KSPPS. Its implementation is not in accordance with the provisions of articles 199-120 in KHES and the general provisions of the fatwa murabahah DSN-MUI point 4 and poin 9