49 research outputs found
Participatory art project to develop the creative potential of students of senior high school in Surakarta / Adam Wahida
This study aims to:
1) Develop creativity students of senior high
school through participatory art project,
2) Creating works of art according
to the socio-cultural conditions of students. This research method based participatory arts practices that is done through the phase of preparation and formation.
The preparation phase is done through:
1) elaboration, establishes the idea, and integrates the project material with socio-cultural context of students,
2) create a synthesis of learning / workshop with art
participatory practice to realize the conception of the artwork,
3) define the concepts of creation sourced of youth culture into a variety of art media,
4) plotting embodiment the concept to the final form of participatory art work in the format of two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and installation.
Phase of formation is done with:
1) exploration to seek solutions that can foster an interest and potential students through the study of art.
2) improvisation/ experimentation by giving a artistic creation workshops that involves students.
3) the embodiment of ideas into works of art done together participants (students). The results of this study indicate that students are able to express their ideas and gave rise to a personal character that is typical of young people. The works of art with the medium of comics, graphic, and the stencil is a tangible manifestation of the growth of students creativity . Involved as participants in this art project, the students were able to show the spirit of communality and solidarity to be more concerned to socio-cultural conditions
Empowerment Of The Crafters Of Traditional Ceramic Through Development Of Design Based Local Wisdom
This research aims to empower traditional ceramic crafters in Melikan Village the district of Klaten in Central Java through the form design development, ornaments, and plastic mold technique, so that the resulting ceramic products are able to compete with modern products. This research uses methodology of research development, which includes three main components: 1) model of development, 2) procedure of development, 3) product test. The steps are: 1) collecting information and identify problems of crafters, 2) identify the skills crafters, formulating development goals, determining the order of development, and limited test, 3) developing the design of a product, including: forms, ornaments, and technique of forming, 4) field testing and data analysis, 5) revise the design of the product based on the suggestions of the results of the field test. This research has been generates the shapes of ceramic products are more varied
Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan di SMA Selama Pandemi Covid-19
The objectives of this study are: 1) to describe the implementation of entrepreneurship learning in high school during the Covid-19 pandemic, and 2) to provide solutions on how to improve the quality of entrepreneurship learning. This study uses a descriptive method. Collecting data using a questionnaire. Respondents were 1,347 high school students in grades XI and XII from 10 high schools in Sragen The results showed that during the Covid-19 pandemic, entrepreneurship learning taught more about theory (69.1%). The method used by teachers when teaching is assignments (54.8%) on assignments/homework on entrepreneurship theory. The digital platforms used by teachers are google classroom (39.3%), zoom (9.6%, WhatsApp (25.5%), google meet (16%), and other platforms 9.5%. In general, students assessed that entrepreneurship lessons are in accordance with their needs and provide provisions to become entrepreneurs. As many as 64.5% of students feel enthusiastic about participating in lessons. Improvements in entrepreneurship learning according to students' perceptions are: the material is more applicable and interesting, trained in how to overcome real problems, and balanced with practice. Entrepreneurship education can be done through intra-curricular activities in class, co-curricular, and extra-curricula
Contemporary painting based on the philosophical meaning of Surakarta Classical Batik / Adam Wahida and Endang Sri Handayani
This article is a result of a study to create contemporary paintings that have a local identity and character. The ideas of paintings creation are based on the philosophical meaning of Surakarta classical batiks, such as Sidoasih, Sidomukti and Sidoluhur which teach noble guidance about the life expectancy, existence, establishment, behavior and glory. Material related to forms and philosophical meanings is developed and linked to life today. The method of painting creation uses development research with steps that are namely: (1) information collecting, (2) development of the preliminary product, (3) preliminary product testing, (4) main product revision and (5) main field testing. The results of the study are contemporary paintings with a symbolic approach created using block, brushstroke and drip techniques on mixed media. The ideas behind paintings produced are representatives of the philosophical meanings of classical batik of Surakarta that are adapted to current life
Bathara Kala : An Interpretation of The Concept of Time in Javanese Culture
This study aims to analyze the concept of time in Javanese culture through the existence of the character Bathara Kala in the wayang kulit play Ruwat Murwakala and its influence on people's attitudes and habits in living daily life. The concept of time affects the cognitive processes in a person and subsequently has an impact on his reasoning. This will then also affect his behavior and character. In contrast to the western perspective, eastern people, including Indonesia, have a different perception of time. Javanese people have their own view of time. This can be seen from social attitudes, spiritual attitudes and attitudes towards what was being faced yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The semiotic perspective was chosen to analyze the data obtained through literature study techniques, interviews, direct observation and documentation. The results of this study shows that the Javanese concept and perception of time reflected through the character of Bathara Kala in ruwatan murwakala has an impact on the behavior and habits of everyday people. The influence is, among others, through a metaphor for time, for example the word "sesuk (tomorrow)" does not always mean the day after today, but can also mean the day after tomorrow or some time in the future. In addition, the Javanese view of time also has an impact on the way Javanese people respond to important events by looking for "sangat" or good days because it is based on the understanding that the fate and fortune of human life are in absolute terms of the circle of time so that it must adjust to good momentum on that round of time
Waste recycling being Biomassa and high economic potency handmade to solve the waste problematic and to solve the poverty
Waste recycle has done for TPA Winong Boyolali at Winong Village. Organic
waste was recycled being biomassa and the anorganic waste (plastic) was recycled to be
unique bags handmade. Some of waste were made into products which has high
economic in order to increase the income for Winong village society.
Methodology of the program has 3 steps, First, socialization ofdisadvantages of
waste and the economics potency. Second, biomassa and bags handmade training. Third,
supervising for the production and then the marketing penetration indeed.
The products from the program were lifeskills making biomassa and bags
handmade. Biomassa center have made the biomassa 35 kg per week succesfully, and
trashion center (bags handmade) have made 10 kinds of bags i.e. sandals, small bags and
medium bags. The products were sold by consignment system in the stores.
Keywords: recycle, waste, handmade, biomassa, winon
This researc aims at : (1) improving the quality of teaching advanced art of painting 1. (2) developing students creativity at creating innovative art of painting work/ (3) increasing lecturers motivation and ability in conducting process and result evaluation in teaching advanced art of painting i. this is a class room action research conducted at fine art study program, FKIP UNS. the subjects of this research were the sixth semester students. there were three cycles and each cycles consists of four steps namely (1) planning (2) implementing (3/ observing and interpreting (4) analyzing and reflecting. the result show that 1) students were able to make creative work and describe creating concept and its process which is well structres. 2) the ability of creating creative work can be reflected from emerging various motifs and individuals style 3) there were 80% students who were be able to do exploring ideas, technique, and media simultaneously. based on the art work, there were 80% students who haave self confidence because they were able to create fresh innovation and new work
Empowerment of the Students Creativity Through Participatory Art Project in Surakarta
The general objective of the participatory art project creation is to provide inspiration and concrete solutions to the creativity problems of senior high school students in Surakarta. While specifically aims to: 1) create useful the art strategies to empower the students creativity, 2) realize the art project that favors the development of students creativity potential, 3) create many artwork that comes from the students socio-cultural context. The methods of participatory art creation were done by: 1) an intensive on-site art project that was on going at SMAN 5 Surakarta, SMA Murni and MA Al-Islam in Surakarta. Object observation included student activities in and outside of school, the learning atmosphere in the classroom, student work documents, and documents teacher (curriculum, syllabus, lesson plans, learning materials). 2) In-deep interviews; with the head master, teachers, and students. 3) The literature review; to examine the theory to reinforce the concepts as a foundation that provides clear direction and path in the process of creating art works for the purpose of creating some participatory artwork. 4) Workshop and experiments; provide workshops of art creation to the students and conduct experiments with materials, techniques and formats in order to achieve a shape that corresponds to the concept of creation. The results of this art project are: 1) the product of participatory art creation strategies that are able to empower the students creativity. 2) the realization of participatory art project moving in the area of art creativity empowerment of students in the school. 3) the creation of art works based on the socio-cultural context, namely: print making, comic strips, comic puppets, etching. Through the creation of a participatory art project has been a change as follows: 1) An increase in the students activity receiving learning material of art creation, especially of the creativity led to the idea in visual forms. 2) Participatory art project can be oriented to direct experience of completing a variety of problems from simple. 3) The students have a skills to creative thinking with a different perspective and can be flexibly applied to solve a of problems as well welcoming the opportunity
Peningatan Penguasaan Keterampilan Ragam Hias Melalui Metode Pemberitan Tugas dan Metode Drill
ABSTRACT This research is aimed to provide mastering technique, understanding,
and recognizing decorative pattern and motif, also to improve the ability of mastering
technique, understanding, and recognizingdecorative pattern and motif at lstsemester
students of Education of Fine Arts Study Program of FKIP UNS Surakarta through an
optimum application of exercise givingand recitation, and also drilling method (exercise).
This research applies class action strates/, while its completion is realized within 3
cycles. Each cycle covers these following activities: (1) planning, (2) implementation of
action, (3) observation, and (4) reflection. The subject ot.this research is 1 semester students in processing
technique of decorative pattern and motif, and also can improve the ability to understand
and to recognize decorative pattern and motif for the students themselves. lt can be
seen by the improvement of score the students acquired and the works (portfolio of
works) done by them.
Keywords: Giving exercise method, drilling method, mastering decorative manner
Ekspresi Seni Warga Kampung Joyoraharjan
Tulisan ini merupakan studi terhadap ekspresi seni warga kampung Joyoraharjan, Purwodiningratan, Jebres Surakarta. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui motivasi warga kampung Joyoraharjan dalam membangun kampungnya melalui kegiatan kesenian dan sejauh mana warga kampung mengelola lingkungan kampung dan mengekspresikan kreativitas seninya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif yang dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara dengan beberapa warga kampung. Dari penelitian ini dapat diketahui bahwa motivasi warga kampung dalam membangun kampungnya adalah memperkuat kolektivitas dalam rangka membangun identitas kampung. Ekspresi seni warga Kampung Joyoraharjan meliputi beberapa bentuk atau medium antara lain seni rupa yang terwujud dalam mural, lukisan dan musik yang berupa permainan Gejluk Lesung. Dari penelitian ini dapat dilihat bahwa kampung sebagai penyangga kota memiliki keterikatan dengan tradisi yang terus-menerus berusaha diartikulasikan kembali oleh warganya