26 research outputs found

    Benzine-keuzegedrag van automobilisten

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    Most gas stations in the Netherlands offer three types of gasoline: Euro (unleaded, low octane grade), Superplus (unleaded, high octane grade), and Super (leaded, high octane grade). Depending on the type of the car, many car drivers can choose between two or three types of gasoline. According to the oil-companies, many car drivers still fuel leaded gasoline, while their car is appropriate for unleaded gasoline. This led the Transportation and Traffic Research Division of the Dutch Ministry of Transport and Public Works to initiate a study of gasoline choice behaviour among car drivers. The aim of this study is three-fold: A: to gain insight into the knowledge and opinions of car drivers about some aspects related to the choice of gasoline, B: to gain insight into the discrepancy between objective and subjective choice sets (types of gasoline), C: to gain insight into the gasoline choice behaviour of car drivers. A sample of about 700 car drivers were asked to fill out a questionnaire, just after refueling their car. The survey was conducted at 10 gas stations in the Randstad region of the Netherlands. Five gas stations were located along a national highway, while the other stations were located within the built-up area of some cities. The results of the survey revealed some differences between car drivers refueling along a highway and car drivers refueling within the built - up area. The observed market shares for the three types of gasoline are about 40% (Euro), 20% (Superplus), and 40% (Super). The main reason for choosing a particular type of gasoline is because the chosen type of gasoline is recommended by the car manufacturer or because respondents think it is the best alternative for their car. It should be noted, however, that many respondents are not well informed about the technical possibilities of their car. Fifty percent of the respondents appeared to be unaware of all types of gasoline that are suitable for their car. This is especially the case for Superplus gasoline (unleaded, high octane grade). Many respondents don't know the price of the chosen gasoline exactly, however, most respondents agree about the most (Super) and least (Euro) expensive type of gasoline. Furthermore, according to the majority of the respondents, Euro gasoline causes less damage to the environment than other types of gasoline. About a quarter of the cars is equipped with a catalytic converter. The main motive for buying such a car was to decrease air pollution by traffic. A notable number of respondents has no knowledge about the expected duration of life and the solidity of catalytic converters. A simple choice model was used to get insight into the fuel choice behaviour of car drivers. Based on the observed choice behaviour of 150 respondents, a multinomial logit model was estimated. The model contained two variables describing the types of gasoline: leaded vs unleaded and octane grade (high vs low). The estimated parameters indicate that the car drivers prefer unleaded to leaded gasoline and (to a less extent) low octane grade to high octane grade gasoline. The model performed well, the discrepancy between predicted and observed market shares was small. Unfortunately, it was impossible to determine the role of prices in the process of decision making, because the price variable appeared to be strongly correlated with the leaded/unleaded and octane grade variables. The preference for unleaded gasoline benefits the environment. Hence, gasoline choice behaviour need not be adjusted. However, it is recommended to improve car drivers' knowledge about the possibilities of their car. Still many car drivers select leaded gasoline because they (incorrectly) suppose that there is no suitable alternative

    Space-time consumption on the move

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    Synchronicity of activity engagement and travel in time and space : descriptors and correlates of field observations

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    \u3cp\u3eThis paper reports some main findings of a study that was conducted to understand individuals' use of time better for travel, in particular on public transport. Based on methodological considerations, field observations were used to collect the relevant information. Results of various multivariate analyses indicate that time allocation to various activities, including sleeping, while traveling on public transport (specifically, San Francisco's Bay Area Rapid Transport System in California) primarily depends on sociodemographies such as gender, age, travel party, and race. However, results also indicate effects of contextual variables such as travel duration and time of day, which are particularly relevant for discriminating between different segments of activities while traveling. It is argued that a better understanding of time allocation during travel and the related concept of multitasking is crucial for better estimates of the value of time savings. These enhanced understandings should eon-tribute to several discussions on time use in society and ultimately be used to develop dynamic activity-based travel demand models.\u3c/p\u3

    Hoogwaardig Openbaarvervoer Eindhoven: Verkenning van Succesfactoren

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    Travelers’ preferences regarding the interior of public buses:a hierarchical information integration approach

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    A study is set up that aims to provide more insights into travelers’ preferences regarding the interior of standard buses serving the urban public transport. To get insights into the travelers’ preferences a stated choice experiment is set up. A list of six perspectives on the bus is composed: the bus as accessible vehicle, as sensory attractive vehicle, as comfortable seating place, as eating and drinking place, as work place, and as relax and entertainment place. All perspectives are described in more detail using five attributes per perspective. The preference data are analysed using regression and multinomial logit models. The analyses show that travelers prefer mostly the bus as comfortable seating place, at some distance followed by the bus as accessible vehicle and the bus as work place. Travelers are willing to pay extra—for a bus trip when the suggested interior is offered

    Ruimtelijke integratie van het Drechtstedengebied met behulp van openbaar vervoer

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    Het Drechtstedengebied, in deze studie bestaande uit de gemeenten Dordrecht, Papendrecht, Hendrik Ido Ambacht en Zwijndrecht, is vanwege de ligging in de Randstad een interessant gebied voor zowel planners als investeerders. Het gebied biedt planners de mogelijkheid om delen van de overvolle Randstad te helpen ontlasten op het terrein van onder andere de woningbouw en de bedrijfslocaties. Ook investeerders zien mogelijkheden om nieuwe activiteiten in dit gebied op te starten. Op dit moment bestaat er functioneel-ruimtelijk gezien weinig samenhang tussen de verschillende delen van het gebied. Dit komt onder andere door het stelsel van rivieren dat het gebied doorsnijdt en de daarop aangepaste weginfrastructuur. De onderlinge afstanden tussen de verschillende gemeenten zijn daardoor dusdanig groot dat van een sterke oriëntatie op elkaars voorzieningen geen sprake is. Mogelijkerwijs kan een verbeterd openbaar vervoerssysteem een rol spelen bij het gebruik van deze voorzieningen. In de studie wordt ingegaan op de invloed van een aangepast openbaar vervoerssysteem op de bereikbaarheid van een aantal belangrijke locaties zowel vanuit de gebruikers van openbaar vervoer als vanuit bedrijven en instellingen. Het systeem kan mogelijkheden bieden voor enerzijds de deelname aan activiteiten van gebruikers van openbaar vervoer en anderzijds de ontwikkelingsmogelijkheden van activiteiten door bedrijven en instellingen

    Parking simulation using a geographical information system

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    Modelling sequential choice processes : the case of two-stop trip chaining

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    Traditional decompositional preferences and choice studies are focused on the prediction of single choices, such as choice of shopping centre or transport mode. Discrete choice experiments are used to derive choice models that predict the probability of choosing a choice alternative as a function of its attributes. In this paper these traditional models are extended by addressing the problem of sequential choice behaviour. It is demonstrated how discrete choice experiments and universal logit models may be used to predict a choice sequence. The approach is illustrated for the problem of trip chaining. The research findings support the suggested approach

    Car drivers’ willingness to pay for design related attributes of parking garages:hierarchical information integration approach

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    \u3cp\u3eThis paper focuses on car drivers’ willingness to pay for design related attributes of parking garages. Car drivers’ willingness is retrieved from a stated choice experiment including three basic attributes (capacity of parking, parking tariff, and walking distance between parking and final destination) and 25 design related attributes. The design related attributes are included in the choice experiment following the principles of Hierarchical Information Integration that grouped the 25 attributes into five constructs: attributes related to the parking area, pedestrian environment, accessibility, service, and safety. Per construct, respondents were invited to choose two times between two parking facilities. The experiment was included in an online questionnaire that was completed by 315 respondents who evaluated in total 3,150 choice tasks. The respondents’ choices are evaluated using a standard multinomial logit model. The results show that the following design related attributes significantly contribute to the total utility of parking garages: the width of parking spaces, the width of road lanes, the type of pedestrians’ routes, the width of staircases, the types of elevator points, the presence of parking guidance systems, the available payment options, the presence of toilets, the level of lighting, the presence of ramps, and the level of cleanliness and maintenance. The respondents are willing to pay most for the available payment options (range €2.91) and the level of cleanliness and maintenance (range €2.69).\u3c/p\u3