36 research outputs found

    Cyberbiosecurity: A New Perspective on Protecting U.S. Food and Agricultural System

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    Our national data and infrastructure security issues affecting the “bioeconomy” are evolving rapidly. Simultaneously, the conversation about cyber security of the U.S. food and agricultural system (cyber biosecurity) is incomplete and disjointed. The food and agricultural production sectors influence over 20% of the nation's economy ($6.7T) and 15% of U.S. employment (43.3M jobs). The food and agricultural sectors are immensely diverse and they require advanced technologies and efficiencies that rely on computer technologies, big data, cloud-based data storage, and internet accessibility. There is a critical need to safeguard the cyber biosecurity of our bio economy, but currently protections are minimal and do not broadly exist across the food and agricultural system. Using the food safety management Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point system concept as an introductory point of reference, we identify important features in broad food and agricultural production and food systems: dairy, food animals, row crops, fruits and vegetables, and environmental resources (water). This analysis explores the relevant concepts of cyber biosecurity from food production to the end product user (such as the consumer) and considers the integration of diverse transportation, supplier, and retailer networks. We describe common challenges and unique barriers across these systems and recommend solutions to advance the role of cyber biosecurity in the food and agricultural sectors

    Microbiota and chronic inflammatory arthritis: an interwoven link

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    Physiological and Molecular Traits Associated with Nitrogen Uptake under Limited Nitrogen in Soft Red Winter Wheat

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    A sufficient nitrogen (N) supply is pivotal for high grain yield and desired grain protein content in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Elucidation of physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) will enhance our ability to develop new N-saving varieties in wheat. In this study, we analyzed two soft red winter wheat genotypes, VA08MAS-369 and VA07W-415, with contrasting NUE under limited N. Our previous study demonstrated that higher NUE in VA08MAS-369 resulted from accelerated senescence and N remobilization in flag leaves at low N. The present study revealed that VA08MAS-369 also exhibited higher nitrogen uptake efficiency (NUpE) than VA07W-415 under limited N. VA08MAS-369 consistently maintained root growth parameters such as maximum root depth, total root diameter, total root surface area, and total root volume under N limitation, relative to VA07W-415. Our time-course N content analysis indicated that VA08MAS-369 absorbed N more abundantly than VA07W-415 after the anthesis stage at low N. More efficient N uptake in VA08MAS-369 was associated with the increased expression of genes encoding a two-component high-affinity nitrate transport system, including four NRT2s and three NAR2s, in roots at low N. Altogether, these results demonstrate that VA08MAS-369 can absorb N efficiently even under limited N due to maintained root development and increased function of N uptake. The ability of VA08MAS-369 in N remobilization and uptake suggests that this genotype could be a valuable genetic material for the improvement of NUE in soft red winter wheat

    Physiological and Molecular Traits Associated with Nitrogen Uptake under Limited Nitrogen in Soft Red Winter Wheat

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    A sufficient nitrogen (N) supply is pivotal for high grain yield and desired grain protein content in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Elucidation of physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) will enhance our ability to develop new N-saving varieties in wheat. In this study, we analyzed two soft red winter wheat genotypes, VA08MAS-369 and VA07W-415, with contrasting NUE under limited N. Our previous study demonstrated that higher NUE in VA08MAS-369 resulted from accelerated senescence and N remobilization in flag leaves at low N. The present study revealed that VA08MAS-369 also exhibited higher nitrogen uptake efficiency (NUpE) than VA07W-415 under limited N. VA08MAS-369 consistently maintained root growth parameters such as maximum root depth, total root diameter, total root surface area, and total root volume under N limitation, relative to VA07W-415. Our time-course N content analysis indicated that VA08MAS-369 absorbed N more abundantly than VA07W-415 after the anthesis stage at low N. More efficient N uptake in VA08MAS-369 was associated with the increased expression of genes encoding a two-component high-affinity nitrate transport system, including four NRT2s and three NAR2s, in roots at low N. Altogether, these results demonstrate that VA08MAS-369 can absorb N efficiently even under limited N due to maintained root development and increased function of N uptake. The ability of VA08MAS-369 in N remobilization and uptake suggests that this genotype could be a valuable genetic material for the improvement of NUE in soft red winter wheat

    Hemp Seed Yield Responses to Nitrogen Fertility Rates

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    Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) holds promise as a crop for more sustainable supply chains given its potential as a source of high-strength fibers, adsorbents, and nutrient-dense feedstuffs. Developing nutrient management guidelines for hemp will be an important part of optimizing the crop’s sustainability attributes. This study measured hemp seed yield in response to N fertilization rate (0, 60, 120, 180, and 240 kg N ha−1). Treatments were tested with four hemp cultivars (‘Joey’ and ‘Grandi’ in 2020, 2021, and 2022 and ‘NWG 2463’ and ‘NWG 4113’ in 2023) in Virginia. Nitrogen input influenced (p ≀ 0.0177) seed yield in all four experimental years, although the pattern of response varied substantially. In 2020, following delayed seeding, hemp showed a weak quadratic (p = 0.0113) response to N inputs, with peak yield (1640 kg ha−1) occurring with 120 kg N ha−1. In 2021, hemp displayed a strong linear (p −1) at 240 kg N ha−1. In 2022, a season characterized by low precipitation and high weed pressure, a weak, linear (p = 0.0111) response to the N rate was observed. The greatest seed yield (380 kg ha−1) was again observed with 240 kg N ha−1. In 2023, weed pressure remained an issue, but the response to N was strong and linear (p −1) again measured at 240 kg N ha−1. These findings indicate hemp can be quite responsive to N inputs but that the magnitude of response is sensitive to other factors such as available soil moisture, weed pressure, and growing period

    Quantifying Nutrient and Economic Consequences of Residue Loss from Harvest Weed Seed Control

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    Harvest weed seed control (HWSC) methods destroy, remove, or concentrate weed seeds collected during harvest. Depending on the method of HWSC, chaff and straw fractions may also be destroyed, removed, or concentrated. Observations at soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) harvest in this study estimated the distribution of aboveground biomass between seed, straw, and chaff fractions and the nutrient composition of straw and chaff. Measurements were combined to predict nutrient consequences of HWSC, which have not been documented. The average harvest index of soybean was 0.57:1. Soybean biomass that enters the combine partitions into 7.25 ± 0.37% chaff, 36.05 ± 1.2% straw, and 56.7 ± 1.2% seed. Chaff and straw residues equal 13.4% and 68.5% of the seed weight, respectively. In a soybean crop yielding 3368 kg ha−1 (50 bu a−1), chaff yields 9.4, 0.8, 5.0, and 0.6 kg ha−1 and straw 31.6, 2.1, 1.1, and 2.0 kg ha−1 of N, P, K, and S, respectively. Using 5-year average fertilizer prices ending in 2021, the cost to replace chaff, straw, and the combination of both residues is USD 1.58, USD 5.88, and USD 7.46, respectively. These results give insight into the nutrient consequences and replacement costs of HWSC

    Quantifying Nutrient and Economic Consequences of Residue Loss from Harvest Weed Seed Control

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    Harvest weed seed control (HWSC) methods destroy, remove, or concentrate weed seeds collected during harvest. Depending on the method of HWSC, chaff and straw fractions may also be destroyed, removed, or concentrated. Observations at soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) harvest in this study estimated the distribution of aboveground biomass between seed, straw, and chaff fractions and the nutrient composition of straw and chaff. Measurements were combined to predict nutrient consequences of HWSC, which have not been documented. The average harvest index of soybean was 0.57:1. Soybean biomass that enters the combine partitions into 7.25 ± 0.37% chaff, 36.05 ± 1.2% straw, and 56.7 ± 1.2% seed. Chaff and straw residues equal 13.4% and 68.5% of the seed weight, respectively. In a soybean crop yielding 3368 kg ha−1 (50 bu a−1), chaff yields 9.4, 0.8, 5.0, and 0.6 kg ha−1 and straw 31.6, 2.1, 1.1, and 2.0 kg ha−1 of N, P, K, and S, respectively. Using 5-year average fertilizer prices ending in 2021, the cost to replace chaff, straw, and the combination of both residues is USD 1.58, USD 5.88, and USD 7.46, respectively. These results give insight into the nutrient consequences and replacement costs of HWSC