107 research outputs found

    Phase-field investigation of the coarsening of porous structures by surface diffusion

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    International audienceNano and microporous connected structures have attracted increasing attention in the past decades due to their high surface area, presenting interesting properties for a number of applications. These structures generally coarsen by surface diffusion, leading to an enlargement of the structure characteristic length scale. We propose to study this coarsening behavior using a phase-field model for surface diffusion. In addition to reproducing the expected scaling law, our simulations enable to investigate precisely the evolution of the topological and morphological characteristics along the coarsening process. In particular, we show that after a transient regime, the coarsening is self-similar as exhibited by the evolution of both morphological and topological features. In addition, the influence of surface anisotropy is discussed and comparisons with experimental tomographic observations are presented


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    A Late Cretaceous ammonite was discovered from the lower section of the Mugi Melange of the Shimanto Belt in the Kusunoura area, Mugi, Tokushima Prefecture, Japan. The ammonite is identified with Gaudryceras cf. tombetsense reported from the K2 unit (Maastrichian) of the Krasnoyarka Formation, Makarov area, southern Sakhalin, Russia. The lower section of the Mugi Melange is assigned to the early Paleogene, based on a recently obtained U-Pb zircon age. It is reasonable to assume that the ammonite from the Kusunoura area was trapped as an exotic block within the lower section of the Mugi Melange.徳島県牟岐町楠之浦地域に分布する四万十帯牟岐メランジュ下部セクションより,後期白亜紀アンモナイトを発見した.このアンモナイトは,ロシア・サハリン南部マカロフ地域のクラスノヤルカ層の岩相ユニットK2(マストリヒチアン階)から報告されたGaudryceras cf. tombetsenseに最も似ている.最近のジルコンU-Pb年代に関する研究に従うと,牟岐メランジュ下部セクションの年代は古第三紀初頭を示す.現時点では,楠之浦地域から発見された後期白亜紀アンモナイトは,古第三紀堆積物である牟岐メランジュ下部セクションの中に外来岩塊として含まれたと考えるのが妥当である

    Edaravone Attenuated Angiotensin II-Induced Atherosclerosis and Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms in Apolipoprotein E-Deficient Mice

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    Background: The aim of the study was to define whether edaravone, a free-radical scavenger, influenced angiotensin II (AngII)-induced atherosclerosis and abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) formation. Methods: Male apolipoprotein E-deficient mice (8-12 weeks old) were fed with a normal diet for 5 weeks. Either edaravone (10 mg/kg/day) or vehicle was injected intraperitoneally for 5 weeks. After 1 week of injections, mice were infused subcutaneously with either AngII (1000 ng/kg/min, n = 16-17 per group) or saline (n = 5 per group) by osmotic minipumps for 4 weeks. Results: AngII increased systolic blood pressure equivalently in mice administered with either edaravone or saline. Edaravone had no effect on plasma total cholesterol concentrations and body weights. AngII infusion significantly increased ex vivo maximal diameters of abdominal aortas and en face atherosclerosis but was significantly attenuated by edaravone administration. Edaravone also reduced the incidence of AngII-induced AAAs. In addition, edaravone diminished AngII-induced aortic MMP-2 activation. Quantitative RT-PCR revealed that edaravone ameliorated mRNA abundance of aortic MCP-1 and IL-1 beta. Immunostaining demonstrated that edaravone attenuated oxidative stress and macrophage accumulation in the aorta. Furthermore, edaravone administration suppressed thioglycolate-induced mice peritoneal macrophages (MPMs) accumulation and mRNA abundance of MCP-1 in MPMs in male apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. In vitro, edaravone reduced LPS-induced mRNA abundance of MCP-1 in MPMs. Conclusions: Edaravone attenuated AngII-induced AAAs and atherosclerosis in male apolipoprotein E-deficient mice via anti-oxidative action and anti-inflammatory effect

    The Protective Effect of Chlorogenic Acid on Vascular Senescence via the Nrf2/HO-1 Pathway

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    The world faces the serious problem of aging. In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of chlorogenic acid (CGA) on vascular senescence. C57/BL6 female mice that were 14 +/- 3 months old were infused with either Angiotensin II (AngII) or saline subcutaneously for two weeks. These mice were administered CGA of 20 or 40 mg/kg/day, or saline via oral gavage. AngII infusion developed vascular senescence, which was confirmed by senescence associated-beta-galactosidase (SA-beta-gal) staining. CGA administration attenuated vascular senescence in a dose-dependent manner, in association with the increase of Sirtuin 1 (Sirt1) and endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), and with the decrease of p-Akt, PAI-1, p53, and p21. In an in vitro study, with or without pre-treatment of CGA, Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells (HUVECs) were stimulated with H(2)O(2)for an hour, then cultured in the absence or presence of 0.5-5.0 mu M CGA for the indicated time. Endothelial cell senescence was induced by H2O2, which was attenuated by CGA treatment. Pre-treatment of CGA increased Nrf2 in HUVECs. After H(2)O(2)treatment, translocation of Nrf2 into the nucleus and the subsequent increase of Heme Oxygenase-1 (HO-1) were observed earlier in CGA-treated cells. Furthermore, the HO-1 inhibitor canceled the beneficial effect of CGA on vascular senescence in mice. In conclusion, CGA exerts a beneficial effect on vascular senescence, which is at least partly dependent on the Nuclear factor erythroid 2-factor 2 (Nrf2)/HO-1 pathway

    Inhibition of interleukin-6 signaling attenuates aortitis, left ventricular hypertrophy and arthritis in interleukin-1 receptor antagonist deficient mice

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    The aim of the present study was to examine whether inhibition of Interleukin (IL)-6 signaling by MR16-1, an IL-6 receptor antibody, attenuates aortitis, cardiac hypertrophy, and arthritis in IL-1 receptor antagonist deficient (IL-1RA KO) mice. Four weeks old mice were intraperitoneally administered with either MR16-1 or non-immune IgG at dosages that were adjusted over time for 5 weeks. These mice were stratified into four groups: MR16-1 treatment groups, KO/MR low group (first 2.0 mg, following 0.5 mg/week, n=14) and KO/MR high group (first 4.0 mg, following 2.0 mg/week, n=19) in IL-1RA KO mice, and IgG treatment groups, KO/IgG group (first 2.0 mg, following 1.0 mg/week, n=22) in IL-1RA KO mice, and wild/IgG group (first 2.0 mg, following 1.0 mg/week, n=17) in wild mice. Aortitis, cardiac hypertrophy and arthropathy were histologically analyzed. Sixty-eight percent of the KO/IgG group developed aortitis (53% developed severe aortitis). In contrast, only 21% of the KO/MR high group developed mild aortitis, without severe aortitis (P<0.01, vs KO/IgG group). Infiltration of inflammatory cells, such as neutrophils, T cells, and macrophages, was frequently observed around aortic sinus of the KO/IgG group. Left ventricle and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy were observed in IL-1RA KO mice. Administration of high dosage of MR16-1 significantly suppressed cardiomyocyte hypertrophy. MR16-1 attenuated the incidence and severity of arthritis in IL-1RA KO mice in a dose-dependent manner. In conclusion, blockade of IL-6 signaling may exert a beneficial effect to attenuate severe aortitis, left ventricle hypertrophy, and arthritis

    Intrinsic correlation between the fraction of liquidlike zones and the beta relaxation in high-entropy metallic glasses

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    Lacking the structural information of crystalline solids, the origin of the relaxation dynamics of metallic glasses is unclear. Here, we report the evolution of stress relaxation of high-entropy metallic glasses with distinct ß relaxation behavior. The fraction of liquidlike zones, determined at each temperature by the intensity of stress decay, is shown to be directly related to both the aging process and the spectrum of relaxation modes obtained by mechanical spectroscopy. The results shed light on the intrinsic correlation between the static and dynamic mechanical response in high-entropy and conventional metallic glasses, pointing toward a sluggish diffusion high-entropy effect in the liquid dynamics.Postprint (author's final draft

    The association between hypothyroidism and proteinuria in patients with chronic kidney disease: a cross-sectional study

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    Hypothyroidism is known to be correlated with kidney function and nephrotic range proteinuria. However, it is uncertain whether non-nephrotic proteinuria is associated with hypothyroidism. This study aimed to evaluate the association of proteinuria and hypothyroidism in chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. We conducted a cross-sectional study composed of 421 CKD patients in a single hospital with measurements of 24-h urine protein excretion (UP) and thyroid function tests. Spearman correlation analysis revealed that 24-h Cr clearance (24hrCcr) was positively (r = 0.273, p < 0.001) and UP was negatively (r = - 0.207, p < 0.001) correlated with free triiodothyronine. Frequency distribution analysis stratified by CKD stage and UP for hypothyroidism revealed that the prevalence of hypothyroidism was higher among participants with higher CKD stage and nephrotic range proteinuria. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that 24hrCcr and UP were significantly correlated with hypothyroidism (24hrCcr/10 mL/min decrease: odds ratio [OR], 1.29; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.18-1.41; UP/1 g increase: OR, 1.10; 95% CI, 1.03-1.17). In addition, nephrotic range proteinuria, but not moderate UP (UP: 1.5-3.49 g/day), was significantly correlated with hypothyroidism compared to UP < 0.5 g/day. In summary, decreased kidney function and nephrotic range proteinuria, not non-nephrotic proteinuria, are independently associated with the hypothyroidism