1,683 research outputs found

    Sharp lines in the absorption edge of EuTe and Pb0.1_{0.1}Eu0.9_{0.9}Te in high magnetic fields

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    The optical absorption spectra in the region of the \fd transition energies of epitaxial layers of of EuTe and \PbEuTe, grown by molecular beam epitaxy, were studied using circularly polarized light, in the Faraday configuration. Under \sigmam polarization a sharp symmetric absorption line (full width at half-maximum 0.041 eV) emerges at the low energy side of the band-edge absorption, for magnetic fields intensities greater than 6 T. The absorption line shows a huge red shift (35 meV/T) with increasing magnetic fields. The peak position of the absorption line as a function of magnetic field is dominated by the {\em d-f} exchange interaction of the excited electron and the \Euion spins in the lattice. The {\em d-f} exchange interaction energy was estimated to be JdfS=0.15±0.01J_{df}S=0.15\pm 0.01 eV. In \PbEuTe the same absorption line is detected, but it is broader, due to alloy disorder, indicating that the excitation is localized within a finite radius. From a comparison of the absorption spectra in EuTe and \PbEuTe the characteristic radius of the excitation is estimated to be ∼10\sim 10\AA.Comment: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2004, at press

    Evolution of population with sexual and asexual reproduction in changing environment

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    Using a lattice model based on Monte Carlo simulations, we study the role of the reproduction pattern on the fate of an evolving population. Each individual is under the selection pressure from the environment and random mutations. The habitat ("climate") is changing periodically. Evolutions of populations following two reproduction patterns are compared, asexual and sexual. We show, via Monte Carlo simulations, that sexual reproduction by keeping more diversified populations gives them better chances to adapt themselves to the changing environment. However, in order to obtain a greater chance to mate, the birth rate should be high. In the case of low birth rate and high mutation probability there is a preference for the asexual reproduction.Comment: 11 pages including figs., for Int. J. Mod. Phys. C 15, issue 2 (2004

    Risk analysis of marine activities in the Belgian part of the North Sea (RAMA): final report

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    RAMA is a 2-year project (04/2004 - 04/2006) executed by two Belgian partners, Ecolas NV (Environmental Consultancy Agency) and the Maritime Institute (University of Ghent), and financed by the SPSD II research program, specific actions, of the Belgian Science Policy (BELPSO). RAMA aims to assess the environmental risks of spills by commercial shipping activities on the Belgian Part of the North Sea. Shipping patterns, transports of dangerous goods, probability of risks and the potential impact of spill incidents (oil & hazardous and noxious substances) will be assessed. The risk analysis within this project studies both the chances of a spill accident happening and the environmental impacts in case of an accident. The valorisation of the RAMA project will result in a thorough analysis of the current status of the shipping at the North Sea in relation to the issue of safety. The scope of the project will however go beyond the mere result of a fundamental risk analysis of the commercial shipping at the North Sea. It is also aiming at the formulation of recommendations to improve the safety level for the environment and at an optimization of response in the framework of the Belgian "North Sea Disaster Plan"

    Linear and nonlinear optical characteristics of the Falicov-Kimball model

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    We calculate the linear and nonlinear optical properties of the Falicov-Kimball model for a mixed-valent system within the self-consistent mean-field approximation. Second-harmonic generation can only occur if the mixed-valent state has a built-in coherence between the itinerant d-electrons and the localized f-holes. By contrast, second-harmonic generation cannot occur for solutions of the model with f-site occupation as a good quantum number. As an experimental test of coherence in mixed-valent compounds we propose a measurement of the dynamic second-order susceptibility.Comment: 4 pages, 2 PostScript figures, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Polarised infrared emission from X-ray binary jets

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    Near-infrared (NIR) and optical polarimetric observations of a selection of X-ray binaries are presented. The targets were observed using the Very Large Telescope and the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope. We detect a significant level (3 sigma) of linear polarisation in four sources. The polarisation is found to be intrinsic (at the > 3 sigma level) in two sources; GRO J1655-40 (~ 4-7% in H and Ks-bands during an outburst) and Sco X-1 (~ 0.1-0.9% in H and K), which is stronger at lower frequencies. This is likely to be the signature of optically thin synchrotron emission from the collimated jets in these systems, whose presence indicates a partially-ordered magnetic field is present at the inner regions of the jets. In Sco X-1 the intrinsic polarisation is variable (and sometimes absent) in the H and K-bands. In the J-band (i.e. at higher frequencies) the polarisation is not significantly variable and is consistent with an interstellar origin. The optical light from GX 339-4 is also polarised, but at a level and position angle consistent with scattering by interstellar dust. The other polarised source is SS 433, which has a low level (0.5-0.8%) of J-band polarisation, likely due to local scattering. The NIR counterparts of GRO J0422+32, XTE J1118+480, 4U 0614+09 and Aql X-1 (which were all in or near quiescence) have a linear polarisation level of < 16% (3 sigma upper limit, some are < 6%). We discuss how such observations may be used to constrain the ordering of the magnetic field close to the base of the jet in such systems.Comment: Accepted to be published in MNRAS; 13 pages, 6 figure

    First Spitzer Space Telescope Observations of Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables: Evidence for Excess Emission at 3--8 microns

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    We present the first observations of magnetic cataclysmic variables with the Spitzer Space Telescope. We used the Infrared Array Camera to obtain photometry of the polars EF Eri, GG Leo, V347 Pav, and RX J0154.0-5947 at 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8.0 μ\mum. In all of our targets, we detect excess mid-infrared emission over that expected from the component stars alone. We explore the origin of this IR excess by examining bremsstrahlung, cyclotron emission, circumbinary dust, and L/T brown dwarf secondary stars. Bremsstrahlung and cyclotron emission appear unlikely to be significant contributors to the observed fluxes. At present, the most likely candidate for the excess emission is dust that is probably located in a circumbinary disk with an inner temperature near 800 K. However, a simple dust disk plus any reasonable low mass or brown dwarf-like secondary star is unable to fully explain the observed flux densities in the 3--8 μ\mum region.Comment: Accepted to ApJ Letter

    Valence and magnetic ordering in intermediate valence compounds : TmSe versus SmB6

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    The intermediate valent systems TmSe and SmB6 have been investigated up to 16 and 18 GPa by ac microcalorimetry with a pressure (p) tuning realized in situ at low temperature. For TmSe, the transition from an antiferromagnetic insulator for p<3 GPa to an antiferromagnetic metal at higher pressure has been confirmed. A drastic change in the p variation of the Neel temperature (Tn) is observed at 3 GPa. In the metallic phase (p>3 GPa), Tn is found to increase linearly with p. A similar linear p increase of Tn is observed for the quasitrivalent compound TmS which is at ambiant pressure equivalent to TmSe at p=7 GPa. In the case of SmB6 long range magnetism has been detected above p=8 GPa, i.e. at a pressure slightly higher than the pressure of the insulator to metal transition. However a homogeneous magnetic phase occurs only above 10 GPa. The magnetic and electronic properties are related to the renormalization of the 4f wavefunction either to the divalent or the trivalent configurations. As observed in SmS, long range magnetism in SmB6 occurs already far below the pressure where a trivalent Sm3+ state will be reached. It seems possible, to describe roughly the physical properties of the intermediate valence equilibrium by assuming formulas for the Kondo lattice temperature depending on the valence configuration. Comparison is also made with the appearance of long range magnetism in cerium and ytterbium heavy fermion compounds.Comment: 22 pages including figure

    Optical study of the electronic phase transition of strongly correlated YbInCu_4

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    Infrared, visible and near-UV reflectivity measurements are used to obtain conductivity as a function of temperature and frequency in YbInCu_4, which exhibits an isostructural phase-transition into a mixed-valent phase below T_v=42 K. In addition to a gradual loss of spectral weight with decreasing temperature extending up to 1.5 eV, a sharp resonance appears at 0.25 eV in the mixed-valent phase. This feature can be described in terms of excitations into the Kondo (Abrikosov-Suhl) resonance, and, like the sudden reduction of resistivity, provides a direct reflection of the onset of coherence in this strongly correlated electron system.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures (to appear in Phys. Rev. B
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