901 research outputs found

    Flash Point and Chemical Composition of Aviation Kerosene (Jet A)

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    The relationship between chemical composition, flash point, and ignition energy was examined for eight samples of aviation kerosene (Jet A) with flash points between 29°C (84°F) and 74°C (165°F). We report the results of liquid characterization by two different laboratories. We use the results of headspace gas chromatography carried out by Woodrow and Seiber to characterize the vapor composition at liquid mass loading fractions of 3 and 400 kg/m^3. The composition data were analyzed to obtain analytical representations of vapor pressure and average molar mass as a function of temperature for each flash point fuel. The relationship between composition and flash point is examined by using two prediction methods. The first method is based on the notion of a critical value of fuel-air mass ratio at the flammability limit. The second method is based on Le Chatelier's rule for flammability limits. Both methods show a reasonable correlation between measured and predicted flash point. The relationship between flash point and ignition temperature threshold at a fixed spark ignition energy was examined for four fuels. A linear correlation was obtained for an ignition energy of 0.3 J. The effect of fuel weathering was examined by determining the flashpoints of seven fuel samples obtained from flight tests. The flash point increased about 8°C for fuel that had been exposed to 5 take-off, cruise, and landing cycles

    Effects of network topology, transmission delays, and refractoriness on the response of coupled excitable systems to a stochastic stimulus

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    We study the effects of network topology on the response of networks of coupled discrete excitable systems to an external stochastic stimulus. We extend recent results that characterize the response in terms of spectral properties of the adjacency matrix by allowing distributions in the transmission delays and in the number of refractory states, and by developing a nonperturbative approximation to the steady state network response. We confirm our theoretical results with numerical simulations. We find that the steady state response amplitude is inversely proportional to the duration of refractoriness, which reduces the maximum attainable dynamic range. We also find that transmission delays alter the time required to reach steady state. Importantly, neither delays nor refractoriness impact the general prediction that criticality and maximum dynamic range occur when the largest eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix is unity

    Graph coloring satisfying restraints

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    AbstractFor an integer k⩾2, a proper k-restraint on a graph G is a function from the vertex set of G to the set of k-colors. A graph G is amenably k-colorable if, for each nonconstant proper k-restraint r on G, there is a k-coloring c of G with c(v)≠r(v) for each vertex v of G. A graph G is amenable if it is amenably k-colorable and k is the chromatic number of G. For any k≠3, there are infinitely many amenable k-critical graphs. For k ⩾ 3, we use a construction of B. Toft and amenable graphs to associate a k-colorable graph to any k-colorable finite hypergraph. Some constructions for amenable graphs are given. We also consider a related property—being strongly critical—that is satisfied by many critical graphs, including complete graphs. A strongly critical graph is critical and amenable, but the converse is not always true. The Dirac join operation preserves both amenability and the strongly critical property. In addition, the Hajós construction applied to a single edge in each of two strongly k-critical graphs yields an amenable graph. However, for any k⩾5, there are amenable k-critical graphs for which the Hajós construction on two copies is not amenable

    Biosolids, mycorrhizal fungi and Eucalypts for phytostabilization purposes of sulphidic mine tailings

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    11 pages, 4 figures, 5 tables, 33 references.In mine tailings facilities, phytostabilisation is an attractive technology for long-term remediation. We tested the effect of the addition of biosolids combined with a native arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculum (AMF) on growth of a eucalypt (E. cladocalyx), and on trace element stabilization of sulphidic gold mine tailings. A glasshouse trial was established using four substrates: tailings (T); tailings with a layer of 5 cm topsoil (TS); tailings amended with 100 dry t ha-1 biosolids (LB), and tailings amended with 500 dry t ha-1 biosolids (HB). Half pots were inoculated with a mixture of Glomus sp. (WUM51 - 9227), Scutelaspora aurigloba (WUM51 - 53) and Acaulospora levis (WUM46) culture mix, and others were uninoculated controls. Two seeds per pot were sown in the pots and after 30 days all pots were uniformly thinned to 1 plant/pot. Plants were destructively harvested at 150 days after the sowing. Leaf and stem weights, leaf area and plant height were measured for each plant. Nutrients and trace element concentrations in leaves and stems were also determined. Addition of biosolids significantly increased mycorrhizal colonization (both ectomycorrhizal (ECM) and arbuscular mycorrhizal) in roots compared with the other treatments. Biosolids clearly improved the establishment and growth of the eucalypts. At low biosolid doses, mycorrhizal inoculum increased plant biomass production and the effectiveness of nutrient uptake. Trace element concentrations in trees of the biosolid-amended pots were in general high. It is therefore important to reduce the uptake of toxic elements by plants, which can be done successfully by adjusting amendment addition and the use of mycorrhizal inoculation, and then monitoring trace element contents of different taxa growing in the affected area.Dr. E. Madejón received financial support for her work at The University of Melbourne (Australia) from Program Salvador de Madariaga of the Spanish MEC. P Madejón thanks her Ramon y Cajal Contract financed by the Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Science.Peer reviewe

    Digital storytelling and Co-creative Media: The role of community arts and media in propagating and coordinating population-wide creative practice

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    How is creative expression and communication extended among whole populations? What is the social and cultural value of this activity? What roles do formal agencies, community-based organisations and content producer networks play? Specifically, how do participatory media and arts projects and networks contribute to building this capacity in the contemporary communications environment

    Nitrogen supply and cyanide concentration influence the enrichment of nitrogen from cyanide in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.)

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    Cyanide assimilation by the beta-cyanoalanine pathway produces asparagine, aspartate and ammonium, allowing cyanide to serve as alternate or supplemental source of nitrogen. Experiments with wheat and sorghum examined the enrichment of (15)N from cyanide as a function of external cyanide concentration in the presence or absence of nitrate and/or ammonium. Cyanogenic nitrogen became enriched in plant tissues following exposure to (15)N-cyanide concentrations from 5 to 200 microm, but when exposure occurred in the absence of nitrate and ammonium, (15)N enrichment increased significantly in sorghum shoots at solution cyanide concentrations of \u3e or =50 microm and in wheat roots at 200 microm cyanide. In an experiment with sorghum using (13)C(15)N, there was also a significant difference in the tissue (13)C:(15)N ratio, suggestive of differential metabolism and transport of carbon and nitrogen under nitrogen-free conditions. A reciprocal (15)N labelling study using KC(15)N and (15)NH(4)(+) and wheat demonstrated an interaction between cyanide and ammonium in roots in which increasing solution ammonium concentrations decreased the enrichment from 100 microm cyanide. In contrast, with increasing solution cyanide concentrations there was an increase in the enrichment from ammonium. The results suggest increased transport and assimilation of cyanide in response to decreased nitrogen supply and perhaps to ammonium supply

    Loss of Function and Inhibitory Effects of Human CSX/NKX2.5 Homeoprotein Mutations Associated with Congenital Heart Disease

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    CSX/NKX2.5 is an evolutionarily conserved homeodomain-containing (HD-containing) transcription factor that is essential for early cardiac development. Recently, ten different heterozygous CSX/NKX2.5 mutations were found in patients with congenital heart defects that are transmitted in an autosomal dominant fashion. To determine the consequence of these mutations, we analyzed nuclear localization, DNA binding, transcriptional activation, and dimerization of mutant CSX/NKX2.5 proteins. All mutant proteins were translated and located to the nucleus, except one splice-donor site mutant whose protein did not accumulate in the cell. All mutants that had truncation or missense mutations in the HD had severely reduced DNA binding activity and little or no transcriptional activation function. In contrast, mutants with intact HDs exhibit normal DNA binding to the monomeric binding site but had three- to ninefold reduction in DNA binding to the dimeric binding sites. HD missense mutations that preserved homodimerization ability inhibited the activation of atrial natriuretic factor by wild-type CSX/NKX2.5. Although our studies do not characterize the genotype-phenotype relationship of the ten human mutations, they identify specific abnormalities of CSX/NKX2.5 function essential for transactivation of target genes

    Diagnosing Severe Falciparum Malaria in Parasitaemic African Children: A Prospective Evaluation of Plasma PfHRP2 Measurement.

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    In African children, distinguishing severe falciparum malaria from other severe febrile illnesses with coincidental Plasmodium falciparum parasitaemia is a major challenge. P. falciparum histidine-rich protein 2 (PfHRP2) is released by mature sequestered parasites and can be used to estimate the total parasite burden. We investigated the prognostic significance of plasma PfHRP2 and used it to estimate the malaria-attributable fraction in African children diagnosed with severe malaria. Admission plasma PfHRP2 was measured prospectively in African children (from Mozambique, The Gambia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo) aged 1 month to 15 years with severe febrile illness and a positive P. falciparum lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH)-based rapid test in a clinical trial comparing parenteral artesunate versus quinine (the AQUAMAT trial, ISRCTN 50258054). In 3,826 severely ill children, Plasmadium falciparum PfHRP2 was higher in patients with coma (p = 0.0209), acidosis (p<0.0001), and severe anaemia (p<0.0001). Admission geometric mean (95%CI) plasma PfHRP2 was 1,611 (1,350-1,922) ng/mL in fatal cases (n = 381) versus 1,046 (991-1,104) ng/mL in survivors (n = 3,445, p<0.0001), without differences in parasitaemia as assessed by microscopy. There was a U-shaped association between log(10) plasma PfHRP2 and risk of death. Mortality increased 20% per log(10) increase in PfHRP2 above 174 ng/mL (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] 1.21, 95%CI 1.05-1.39, p = 0.009). A mechanistic model assuming a PfHRP2-independent risk of death in non-malaria illness closely fitted the observed data and showed malaria-attributable mortality less than 50% with plasma PfHRP2≤174 ng/mL. The odds ratio (OR) for death in artesunate versus quinine-treated patients was 0.61 (95%CI 0.44-0.83, p = 0.0018) in the highest PfHRP2 tertile, whereas there was no difference in the lowest tertile (OR 1.05; 95%CI 0.69-1.61; p = 0.82). A limitation of the study is that some conclusions are drawn from a mechanistic model, which is inherently dependent on certain assumptions. However, a sensitivity analysis of the model indicated that the results were robust to a plausible range of parameter estimates. Further studies are needed to validate our findings. Plasma PfHRP2 has prognostic significance in African children with severe falciparum malaria and provides a tool to stratify the risk of "true" severe malaria-attributable disease as opposed to other severe illnesses in parasitaemic African children


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