280 research outputs found

    Discovery of an ~2-h high-frequency X-ray QPO and iron Kα reverberation in the active galaxy MS 2254.9-3712

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    We report the discovery of a 1.5×104\sim 1.5 \times 10^{-4} Hz (2\sim 2 hr) X-ray quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) in the active galaxy MS 2254.9-3712, using a 70\sim 70 ks XMM-Newton observation. The QPO is significantly detected (3.3σ\sim 3.3 \sigma) in the - 5.0 keV band only, connecting its origin with the primary X-ray power-law continuum. We detect a highly coherent soft lag between the - 0.7 keV and - 5.0 keV energy bands at the QPO frequency and at a frequency band in a 3:2 ratio, strongly suggesting the presence of a QPO harmonic. An iron Kα\alpha reverberation lag is found at the harmonic frequency, indicating the reflecting material subtends some angle to the primary continuum, which is modulated by the QPO mechanism. Frequency resolved spectroscopy reveals the QPO and harmonic to have a hard energy dependence. These properties of the QPO variability, together with the current black hole mass estimate, Mbh4×106MsunM_{\rm bh} \sim 4 \times 10^{6} M_{\rm sun}, are consistent with the QPO originating from the same process as the high frequency QPO phenomenon observed in black hole X-ray binaries. Principle component analysis reveals the spectral variability in MS 2254.9-3712 is similar to that of the active galaxy RE J1034+396, a source which also displays an X-ray QPO. This suggests a distinct spectral variability pattern for accreting black holes when in a state where QPOs are present

    Revealing the ultrafast outflow in IRAS 13224-3809 through spectral variability

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    We present an analysis of the long-term X-ray variability of the extreme narrow-line Seyfert 1 (NLS1) galaxy IRAS 13224-3809 using principal component analysis (PCA) and fractional excess variability (Fvar) spectra to identify model-independent spectral components. We identify a series of variability peaks in both the first PCA component and Fvar spectrum which correspond to the strongest predicted absorption lines from the ultra-fast outflow (UFO) discovered by Parker et al. (2017). We also find higher order PCA components, which correspond to variability of the soft excess and reflection features. The subtle differences between RMS and PCA results argue that the observed flux-dependence of the absorption is due to increased ionization of the gas, rather than changes in column density or covering fraction. This result demonstrates that we can detect outflows from variability alone, and that variability studies of UFOs are an extremely promising avenue for future research

    XMM–Newton campaign on ultraluminous X-ray source NGC 1313 X-1: wind versus state variability

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    Most ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) are thought to be powered by neutron stars and black holes accreting beyond the Eddington limit. If the compact object is a black hole or a neutron star with a magnetic field ≲1012 G, the accretion disc is expected to thicken and launch powerful winds driven by radiation pressure. Evidence of such winds has been found in ULXs through the high-resolution spectrometers onboardXMM–Newton, but several unknowns remain, such as the geometry and launching mechanism of these winds. In order to better understand ULX winds and their link to the accretion regime, we have undertaken a major campaign with XMM–Newton to study the ULX NGC 1313 X-1, which is known to exhibit strong emission and absorption features from a mildly relativistic wind. The new observations show clear changes in the wind with a significantly weakened fast component (0.2c) and the rise of a new wind phase which is cooler and slower (0.06–0.08c). We also detect for the first time variability in the emission lines which indicates an origin within the accretion disc or in the wind. We describe the variability of the wind in the framework of variable super-Eddington accretion rate and discuss a possible geometry for the accretion disc

    Interprofessional communication with hospitalist and consultant physicians in general internal medicine : a qualitative study

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    This study helps to improve our understanding of the collaborative environment in GIM, comparing the communication styles and strategies of hospitalist and consultant physicians, as well as the experiences of providers working with them. The implications of this research are globally important for understanding how to create opportunities for physicians and their colleagues to meaningfully and consistently participate in interprofessional communication which has been shown to improve patient, provider, and organizational outcomes

    Assessing data availability for the development of REDD-plus national reference levels

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Data availability in developing countries is known to be extremely varied and is one of the constraints for setting the national reference levels (RLs) for the REDD-plus (i.e. 'Policy approaches and positive incentives on issues relating to reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries; and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries') under the UNFCCC. Taking Thailand as a case study country, this paper compares three types of RLs, which require different levels of datasets, including a simple historic RL, a projected forest-trend RL, and a business-as-usual (BAU) RL.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Other than the finding that different RLs yielded different estimations on future deforestation areas, the analysis also identified the characteristics of each RL. The historical RL demanded simple data, but can be varied in accordance with a reference year or period. The forest-trend RL can be more reliable than the historical RL, if the country's deforestation trend curve is formed smoothly. The complicated BAU RL is useful as it can demonstrate the additionality of REDD-plus activities and distinguish the country's unintentional efforts.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>With the REDD-plus that involves widespread participation, there should be steps from which countries choose the appropriate RL; ranging from simpler to more complex measures, in accordance with data availability in each country. Once registered with REDD-plus, the countries with weak capacity and capability should be supported to enhance the data collection system in that country.</p

    The First New Zealanders? An Alternative Interpretation of Stable Isotope Data from Wairau Bar, New Zealand.

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    PLOS ONE Volume 8 includes an article “The First New Zealanders: Patterns of Diet and Mobility Revealed through Isotope Analysis”. The paper proposes that burial groups within the settlement phase site of Wairau Bar differ in terms of dietary stable isotopes and 87Sr/86Sr. The authors argue this difference is probably due to one group being a founding population while the other burials are later. Here we review the work of Kinaston et al. and present an alternative analysis and interpretation of the isotopic data. Treating the isotope data independently from cultural and biological factors we find that sex best explains dietary variation. Our reassessment of 87Sr/86Sr confirms the authors original finding of high mobility of early New Zealanders but suggests a larger range of individuals should be considered ‘non-local’ on current evidence

    Expression Signature of IFN/STAT1 Signaling Genes Predicts Poor Survival Outcome in Glioblastoma Multiforme in a Subtype-Specific Manner

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    Previous reports have implicated an induction of genes in IFN/STAT1 (Interferon/STAT1) signaling in radiation resistant and prosurvival tumor phenotypes in a number of cancer cell lines, and we have hypothesized that upregulation of these genes may be predictive of poor survival outcome and/or treatment response in Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) patients. We have developed a list of 8 genes related to IFN/STAT1 that we hypothesize to be predictive of poor survival in GBM patients. Our working hypothesis that over-expression of this gene signature predicts poor survival outcome in GBM patients was confirmed, and in addition, it was demonstrated that the survival model was highly subtype-dependent, with strong dependence in the Proneural subtype and no detected dependence in the Classical and Mesenchymal subtypes. We developed a specific multi-gene survival model for the Proneural subtype in the TCGA (the Cancer Genome Atlas) discovery set which we have validated in the TCGA validation set. In addition, we have performed network analysis in the form of Bayesian Network discovery and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis to further dissect the underlying biology of this gene signature in the etiology of GBM. We theorize that the strong predictive value of the IFN/STAT1 gene signature in the Proneural subtype may be due to chemotherapy and/or radiation resistance induced through prolonged constitutive signaling of these genes during the course of the illness. The results of this study have implications both for better prediction models for survival outcome in GBM and for improved understanding of the underlying subtype-specific molecular mechanisms for GBM tumor progression and treatment response

    The remarkable X-ray variability of IRAS 13224-3809 - I. The variability process

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    We present a detailed X-ray timing analysis of the highly variable NLS1 galaxy, IRAS 13224-3809. The source was recently monitored for 1.5 Ms with XMM-Newton which, combined with 500 ks archival data, makes this the best studied NLS1 galaxy in X-rays to date. We apply standard time- and Fourier-domain in order to understand the underlying variability process. The source flux is not distributed lognormally, as would be expected for accreting sources. The first non-linear rms-flux relation for any accreting source in any waveband is found, with rmsflux2/3\mathrm{rms} \propto \mathrm{flux}^{2/3}. The light curves exhibit significant strong non-stationarity, in addition to that caused by the rms-flux relation, and are fractionally more variable at lower source flux. The power spectrum is estimated down to 107\sim 10^{-7} Hz and consists of multiple peaked components: a low-frequency break at 105\sim 10^{-5} Hz, with slope α<1\alpha < 1 down to low frequencies; an additional component breaking at 103\sim 10^{-3} Hz. Using the high-frequency break we estimate the black hole mass MBH=[0.52]×106MM_\mathrm{BH} = [0.5-2] \times 10^{6} M_{\odot}, and mass accretion rate in Eddington units, m˙Edd1\dot m_{\rm Edd} \gtrsim 1. The non-stationarity is manifest in the PSD with the normalisation of the peaked components increasing with decreasing source flux, as well as the low-frequency peak moving to higher frequencies. We also detect a narrow coherent feature in the soft band PSD at 0.70.7 mHz, modelled with a Lorentzian the feature has Q8Q \sim 8 and an rms3\mathrm{rms} \sim 3 %. We discuss the implication of these results for accretion of matter onto black holes

    Is there a UV/X-ray connection in IRAS 13224-3809?

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    We present results from the optical, ultraviolet and X-ray monitoring of the NLS1 galaxy IRAS 13224-3809 taken with Swift and XMM-Newton during 2016. IRAS 13224-3809 is the most variable bright AGN in the X-ray sky and shows strong X-ray reflection, implying that the X-rays strongly illuminate the inner disc. Therefore, it is a good candidate to study the relationship between coronal X-ray and disc UV emission. However, we find no correlation between the X-ray and UV flux over the available ~40 day monitoring, despite the presence of strong X-ray variability and the variable part of the UV spectrum being consistent with irradiation of a standard thin disc. This means either that the X-ray flux which irradiates the UV emitting outer disc does not correlate with the X-ray flux in our line of sight and/or that another process drives the majority of the UV variability. The former case may be due to changes in coronal geometry, absorption or scattering between the corona and the disc