16 research outputs found

    DPP4 in Cardiometabolic Disease

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    Virtual microscopy in virtual tumor banking.

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    Many systems have already been designed and successfully used for sharing histology images over large distances, without transfer of the original glass slides. Rapid evolution was seen when digital images could be transferred over the Internet. Nowadays, sophisticated virtual microscope systems can be acquired, with the capability to quickly scan large batches of glass slides at high magnification and compress and store the large images on disc, which subsequently can be consulted through the Internet. The images are stored on an image server, which can give simple, easy to transfer pictures to the user specifying a certain magnification on any position in the scan. This offers new opportunities in histology review, overcoming the necessity of the dynamic telepathology systems to have compatible software systems and microscopes and in addition, an adequate connection of sufficient bandwidth. Consulting the images now only requires an Internet connection and a computer with a high quality monitor. A system of complete pathology review supporting biorepositories is described, based on the implementation of this technique in the European Human Frozen Tumor Tissue Bank (TuBaFrost)

    TuBaFrost: European virtual tumor tissue banking.

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    TuBaFrost is a consortium responsible for the task to create a virtual European human frozen tumor tissue bank, composed of high quality frozen tumor tissue collections with corresponding accurate diagnosis stored in European cancer centers and universities, searchable on the Internet, providing rules for access and use and a code of conduct to comply with the various legal and ethical regulations in European countries. Such infrastructure would enlarge tissue availability and accessibility in large amounts of specified or even rare tumor samples. Design of an infrastructure for European residual tissue banking with the described characteristics, clear focus points emerge that can be broken down in dedicated subjects: (1) standardization and quality assurance (QA) to avoid inter-institute quality variation; (2) law and ethics enabling exchange of tissue samples possible between institutes in the different European countries, where law and ethics are characterized by a strong variability; (3) rules for access, with sufficient incentives for collectors; (4) central database application containing innovations on search and selection procedures; (5) support when needed with histology images; and (6) Internet access to search and upload, with in addition a solid website giving proper information on the procedures, intentions and activities not only to the scientific community, but also to the general public. One consortium decision, part of the incentives for collectors, had major impact on the infrastructure; custodianship over the tissues as well as the tissues stay with the collector institute. Resulting in specimens that are not given to an organization, taking decisions on participation of requests, but instead the local collected tissues stay very easy to access by the collector and allows autonomous negotiation between collector and requestor on cooperation, coauthorship in publication or compensation in costs. Thereby, improving availability of large amounts of high quality samples of a highly specified or rare tumor types and contact opportunities for cooperation with other institutes

    TuBaFrost 3: regulatory and ethical issues on the exchange of residual tissue for research across Europe.

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    The regulatory regimes for research with residual tissue and accompanying data differ widely between countries in the European Union (EU): from specific consent to opt-out or even no consent at all. This could greatly hamper research where the exchange of tissue and accompanying data has become the gold standard, like in TubaFrost. Instead of adhering to international guidelines, which have a democratic deficit, or an attempt for a new set of possible harmonising rules, TubaFrost chose to create a coordinating rule: if tissue may legitimately be used for a certain kind of research in the country where it was taken and under whose jurisdiction the patient falls, it may also be used for such research in the country where it is sent to in the context of a scientific program even if in that other country other regulations would apply for research with residual tissue taken from patients under their jurisdiction. This coordinating rule has a sound basis in EU law in general and will solve the problems related to diverging national regulatory regimes in the case of cross national research with residual tissue

    TuBaFrost 4: access rules and incentives for a European tumour bank.

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    When designing infrastructure for a networked virtual tumour bank (samples remain at the collector institutes and sample data are collected in a searchable central database), it is apparent that this can only function properly after developing an adequate set of rules for use and access. These rules must include sufficient incentives for the tissue sample collectors to remain active within the network and maintain sufficient sample levels in the local bank. These requirements resulted in a key TuBaFrost rule, stating that the custodianship of the samples remains under the authority of the local collector. As a consequence, the samples and the decision to issue the samples to a requestor are not transferred to a large organisation but instead remain with the collector, thus allowing autonomous negotiation between collector and requestor, potential co-authorship in publications or compensation for collection and processing costs. Furthermore, it realises a streamlined cost effective network, ensuring tissue visibility and accessibility thereby improving the availability of large amounts of samples of highly specific or rare tumour types as well as providing contact opportunities for collaboration between scientists with cutting edge technology and tissue collectors. With this general purpose in mind, the rules and responsibilities for collectors, requestors and central office were generated

    TuBaFrost 2: Standardising tissue collection and quality control procedures for a European virtual frozen tissue bank network.

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    Tumour Bank Networking presents a great challenge for oncological research as in order to carry out large-scale, multi-centre studies with minimal intrinsic bias, each tumour bank in the network must have some fundamental similarities and be using the same standardised and validated procedures. The European Human Frozen Tumour Tissue Bank (TuBaFrost) has responded to this need by the promotion of an integrated platform of tumour banks in Europe. The operational framework for TuBaFrost has drawn upon the best practice of standard workflows and operating procedures employed by members of the TuBaFrost project and key initiatives worldwide

    TuBaFrost 1: Uniting local frozen tumour banks into a European network: an overview.

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    TuBaFrost is the consortium responsible for the creation of a virtual European human frozen tumour tissue bank: a collection of high quality frozen residual, accurately classified tumour tissue samples, which are stored in European cancer centres and universities. This virtual tissue bank, searchable on the internet, has rules for access and use, and a code of conduct to comply with the various legal and ethical regulations in European countries. The easy accessibility and the European scale of the bank will result in the availability of a large number of samples even of rarer tumour types. Standardisation of collection, storage and quality control throughout the network is achieved minimising inter-institutional variability. A website providing access to upload, search and request samples is a key tool of the tissue bank. The search engine makes use of virtual microscopy. An overview of the development of the European virtual frozen tissue bank infrastructure is described in this paper. The various key aspects are described in more detail in a series of articles to appear in this Journal

    TuBaFrost 6: virtual microscopy in virtual tumour banking.

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    Many systems have already been designed and successfully used for sharing histology images over large distances, without transfer of the original glass slides. Rapid evolution was seen when digital images could be transferred over the Internet. Nowadays, sophisticated Virtual Microscope systems can be acquired, with the capability to quickly scan large batches of glass slides at high magnification and compress and store the large images on disc, which subsequently can be consulted through the Internet. The images are stored on an image server, which can give simple, easy to transfer pictures to the user specifying a certain magnification on any position in the scan. This offers new opportunities in histology review, overcoming the necessity of the dynamic telepathology systems to have compatible software systems and microscopes and in addition, an adequate connection of sufficient bandwidth. Consulting the images now only requires an Internet connection and a computer with a high quality monitor. A system of complete pathology review supporting bio-repositories is described, based on the implementation of this technique in the European Human Frozen Tumor Tissue Bank (TuBaFrost)

    TuBaFrost 5: multifunctional central database application for a European tumor bank.

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    Developing a tissue bank database has become more than just logically arranging data in tables combined with a search engine. Current demand for high quality samples and data, and the ever-changing legal and ethical regulations mean that the application must reflect TuBaFrost rules and protocols for the collection, exchange and use of tissue. To ensure continuation and extension of the TuBaFrost European tissue bank, the custodianship of the samples, and hence the decision over whether to issue samples to requestors, remains with the local collecting centre. The database application described in this article has been developed to facilitate this open structure virtual tissue bank model serving a large group. It encompasses many key tasks, without the requirement for personnel, hence minimising operational costs. The Internet-accessible database application enables search, selection and request submission for requestors, whereas collectors can upload and edit their collection. Communication between requestor and involved collectors is started with automatically generated e-mails