7 research outputs found

    Frequent Fires in Ancient Shrub Tundra: Implications of Paleorecords for Arctic Environmental Change

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    Understanding feedbacks between terrestrial and atmospheric systems is vital for predicting the consequences of global change, particularly in the rapidly changing Arctic. Fire is a key process in this context, but the consequences of altered fire regimes in tundra ecosystems are rarely considered, largely because tundra fires occur infrequently on the modern landscape. We present paleoecological data that indicate frequent tundra fires in northcentral Alaska between 14,000 and 10,000 years ago. Charcoal and pollen from lake sediments reveal that ancient birch-dominated shrub tundra burned as often as modern boreal forests in the region, every 144 years on average (+/− 90 s.d.; n = 44). Although paleoclimate interpretations and data from modern tundra fires suggest that increased burning was aided by low effective moisture, vegetation cover clearly played a critical role in facilitating the paleofires by creating an abundance of fine fuels. These records suggest that greater fire activity will likely accompany temperature-related increases in shrub-dominated tundra predicted for the 21st century and beyond. Increased tundra burning will have broad impacts on physical and biological systems as well as on land-atmosphere interactions in the Arctic, including the potential to release stored organic carbon to the atmosphere

    Histological responses of host and non-host plants to Hyaloperonospora parasitica

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    Differences in Hyaloperonospora parasitica development and plant tissue responses were compared for 10 cruciferous hosts (including both resistant and susceptible genotypes), 3 leguminous and 1 graminaceous non-host species. Cotyledons, or true leaves in the case of Triticum aestivum and Pisum sativum, were studied at 2, 8, 24 h and 3, 5, 7 days post inoculation (dpi). The high levels of zoosporangial germination observed on all species tested, as well as on glass slides, suggested that inhibition of germination did not play a significant role in distinguishing host versus non-host resistance. During the early stages of infection, at spore germination and host penetration, there was no evidence of a clear-cut difference between Brassica host species which displayed a hypersensitive, partially resistant or susceptible reaction compared with non-host species. Haustoria formation was the key infection phase for the establishment of biotrophy. Across all tested species, haustoria were initiated inside the epidermal cells. However, there were significant differences in the frequency and timing of haustorial formation and the final size of haustoria among the tested species at early infection stage. Fully developed haustoria were never observed in Raphanus raphanistrum, Triticum aestivum, Lupinus angustifolius nor Trifolium subterraneum. Instead, the haustorium development appears to abort in the penetrated epidermal cells of these species. Although haustoria were formed in the epidermal and mesophyll cells of Sinapsis alba and Pisum sativum, subsequent hyphal growth and/or continued haustoria formation were rare or few, respectively. Hypersensitive reaction was the key resistance response observed among the host and non-host resistant species tested. It is noteworthy that, in the initial stages of pathogenesis, there was no differentiating point that separated the non-host species from those that were hosts

    Synthesis and Reaction of Pyrimidine Nucleosides

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