75,074 research outputs found

    Bounds on Effective Dynamic Properties of Elastic Composites

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    We present general, computable, improvable, and rigorous bounds for the total energy of a finite heterogeneous volume element or a periodically distributed unit cell of an elastic composite of any known distribution of inhomogeneities of any geometry and elasticity, undergoing a harmonic motion at a fixed frequency or supporting a single-frequency Bloch-form elastic wave of a given wave-vector. These bounds are rigorously valid for \emph{any consistent boundary conditions} that produce in the finite sample or in the unit cell, either a common average strain or a common average momentum. No other restrictions are imposed. We do not assume statistical homogeneity or isotropy. Our approach is based on the Hashin-Shtrikman (1962) bounds in elastostatics, which have been shown to provide strict bounds for the overall elastic moduli commonly defined (or actually measured) using uniform boundary tractions and/or linear boundary displacements; i.e., boundary data corresponding to the overall uniform stress and/or uniform strain conditions. Here we present strict bounds for the dynamic frequency-dependent constitutive parameters of the composite and give explicit expressions for a direct calculation of these bounds

    The Nub of an Automorphism of a Totally Disconnected, Locally Compact Group

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    To any automorphism, α\alpha, of a totally disconnected, locally compact group, GG, there is associated a compact, α\alpha-stable subgroup of GG, here called the \emph{nub} of α\alpha, on which the action of α\alpha is topologically transitive. Topologically transitive actions of automorphisms of compact groups have been studied extensively in topological dynamics and results obtained transfer, via the nub, to the study of automorphisms of general locally compact groups. A new proof that the contraction group of α\alpha is dense in the nub is given, but it is seen that the two-sided contraction group need not be dense. It is also shown that each pair (G,α)(G,\alpha), with GG compact and α\alpha topologically transitive, is an inverse limit of pairs that have `finite depth' and that analogues of the Schreier Refinement and Jordan-H\"older Theorems hold for pairs with finite depth

    Wealth, income, earnings and the statistical mechanics of flow systems

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    This paper looks at empirical data from economics regarding wealth, earnings and income, alongside a flow model for an economy based on the general Lotka-Volterra models of Levy & Solomon. The data and modelling suggest that a simple economic system might provide a tractable model for giving an exact statistical mechanical solution for an 'out of equilibrium' flow model. This might also include an exact mathematical definition of a 'dissipative structure' derived from maximum entropy considerations. This paper is primarily a qualitative discussion of how such a mathematical proof might be achieved

    Why Money Trickles Up - Wealth & Income Distributions

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    This paper combines ideas from classical economics and modern finance with the general Lotka-Volterra models of Levy & Solomon to provide straightforward explanations of wealth and income distributions. Using a simple and realistic economic formulation, the distributions of both wealth and income are fully explained. Both the power tail and the log-normal like body are fully captured. It is of note that the full distribution, including the power law tail, is created via the use of absolutely identical agents. It is further demonstrated that a simple scheme of compulsory saving could eliminate poverty at little cost to the taxpayer.Comment: 45 pages of text, 36 figure

    Trauma and Affective Spill

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    A review of Bryoni Trezise, Performing Feeling in Cultures of Memory(Palgrave Macmillan, 2014)