3 research outputs found
Assessment of breath volatile organic compounds in acute cardiorespiratory breathlessness: a protocol describing a prospective real-world observational study
Introduction Patients presenting with acute undifferentiated breathlessness are commonly encountered in admissions units across the UK. Existing blood biomarkers have clinical utility in distinguishing patients with single organ pathologies but have poor discriminatory power in multifactorial presentations. Evaluation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in exhaled breath offers the potential to develop biomarkers of disease states that underpin acute cardiorespiratory breathlessness, owing to their proximity to the cardiorespiratory system. To date, there has been no systematic evaluation of VOC in acute cardiorespiratory breathlessness. The proposed study will seek to use both offline and online VOC technologies to evaluate the predictive value of VOC in identifying common conditions that present with acute cardiorespiratory breathlessness.
Methods and analysis A prospective real-world observational study carried out across three acute admissions units within Leicestershire. Participants with self-reported acute breathlessness, with a confirmed primary diagnosis of either acute heart failure, community-acquired pneumonia and acute exacerbation of asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease will be recruited within 24 hours of admission. Additionally, school-age children admitted with severe asthma will be evaluated. All participants will undergo breath sampling on admission and on recovery following discharge. A range of online technologies including: proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry, gas chromatography ion mobility spectrometry, atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation-mass spectrometry and offline technologies including gas chromatography mass spectroscopy and comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry will be used for VOC discovery and replication. For offline technologies, a standardised CE-marked breath sampling device (ReCIVA) will be used. All recruited participants will be characterised using existing blood biomarkers including C reactive protein, brain-derived natriuretic peptide, troponin-I and blood eosinophil levels and further evaluated using a range of standardised questionnaires, lung function testing, sputum cell counts and other diagnostic tests pertinent to acute disease.
Ethics and dissemination The National Research Ethics Service Committee East Midlands has approved the study protocol (REC number: 16/LO/1747). Integrated Research Approval System (IRAS) 198921. Findings will be presented at academic conferences and published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Dissemination will be facilitated via a partnership with the East Midlands Academic Health Sciences Network and via interaction with all UK-funded Medical Research Council and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council molecular pathology nodes.
Trial registration number NCT0367299
Hypertension artérielle maligne (étude rétrospective dans un service de néphrologie)
Etude rétrospective comportant 49 patients, 41 hommes et 8 femmes, adressés dans un service de néphrologie dans une banlieue parisienne. L hypertension artérielle maligne est une vascularite nécrosante d évolution aigue ou subaigue. Cinquante sept pourcent des patients étaient d ethnie africaine, 33% caucasien, 8% asiatique et 2% originaire du Maghreb. Soixante treize pourcent des patients avaient des antécédents d hypertension (HTA) mais seulement 47% avaient un traitement à leur prise en charge. La durée d évolution d hypertension avant la phase maligne était très variable: moyenne 8,2 ans+-6,8 ans, médiane 6,1 ans. Le délai entre présentation et prise en charge était très variable : dix huit pourcent étaient pris en charge le jour même de présentation, moyenne de 45 semaines +-187, médiane 22 semaines. Deux sous populations pathologiques émergent: 95,5% des noirs présentent une hypertension essentielle et 62,5% des blancs une hypertension secondaire, différence significative, x2=15,72, p<O,OO1. La présentation clinique était polymorphe, riche en signes fonctionnels et peu spécifiques exprimant l atteinte des différents systèmes fonctionnels. On propose qu une meilleure connaissance de la population à risque et de l expression clinique puisse améliorer le dépistage précoce et la prise en charge de l hypertension maligne.PARIS13-BU Serge Lebovici (930082101) / SudocSudocFranceF
Risk Factors for Nonadherence to Antihypertensive Treatment
Nonadherence to antihypertensive treatment is a critical contributor to suboptimal blood pressure control. There are limited and heterogeneous data on the risk factors for nonadherence because few studies used objective-direct diagnostic methods. We used high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry of urine and serum to detect nonadherence and explored its association with the main demographic- and therapy-related factors in 1348 patients with hypertension from 2 European countries. The rates of nonadherence to antihypertensive treatment were 41.6% and 31.5% in the UK and Czech populations, respectively. Nonadherence was inversely related to age and male sex. Each increase in the number of antihypertensive medications led to 85% and 77% increase in nonadherence (
<0.001) in the UK and Czech populations, respectively. The odds of nonadherence to diuretics were the highest among 5 classes of antihypertensive medications (
≤0.005 in both populations). The predictive model for nonadherence, including age, sex, diuretics, and the number of prescribed antihypertensives, showed area under the curves of 0.758 and 0.710 in the UK and Czech populations, respectively. The area under the curves for the UK model tested on the Czech data and for the Czech model tested on UK data were calculated at 0.708 and 0.756, respectively. We demonstrate that the number and class of prescribed antihypertensives are modifiable risk factors for biochemically confirmed nonadherence to blood pressure–lowering therapy. Further development of discriminatory models incorporating these parameters might prove clinically useful in assessment of nonadherence in countries where biochemical analysis is unavailable.