6 research outputs found
The Value of Security Agreements
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1986
- Field of study
Gegenstand der Betriebswirtschaftslehre
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1998
- Field of study
Creditor- and Debtor-Oriented Corporate Bankruptcy Regimes Revisited
- Author
- A Flessner
- AM Amsterdam van
- BE Adler
- BE Adler
- CA Hill
- CJ Fortgang
- DA Skeel Jr.
- DA Skeel Jr.
- DB Johnsen
- DG Baird
- DG Baird
- E Hotchkiss
- FA Elayan
- FH Buckley
- G Triantis
- J Armour
- J Armour
- J Armour
- JE Stiglitz
- JF Weston
- L LoPucki
- L LoPucki
- LH Fenning
- M Bradley
- M Harris
- MC Jensen
- OE Williamson
- RE Scott
- RG Hansen
- RK Rasmussen
- S Franken
- SC Gilson
- Sefa Franken
- TH Jackson
- WH Meckling
- WH Meckling
- WW Bratton
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Single Use of Sumatriptan: A Patient Interview Study
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Der sachlich abwägende Wähler: Zum Stellenwert sachlich-rationaler Motive der Wahlentscheidung im Rahmen des Rational-Choice-Ansatzes
- Author
- A Downs
- B Grofman
- C Lumer
- D Fuchs
- D Roth
- G Maier
- H Esser
- H Esser
- H Esser
- H Garding
- H Garding
- H Rattinger
- H Shahla
- H-D Klingemann
- H-D Klingemann
- H-D Klingemann
- H-D Klingemann
- H-D Klingemann
- HA Simon
- HA Simon
- I Lakatos
- J Bortz
- J Elster
- J Zaller
- JG March
- JS Long
- K-D Opp
- K-H Reuband
- KR Monroe
- LJ Savage
- LW Bennett
- M Kaase
- M Kuchler
- MP Fiorina
- P Abell
- R Zimmerling
- S Lindenberg
- S Lindenberg
- S Lindenberg
- SL Popkin
- SL Popkin
- SM Kühnel
- T Parsons
- U Kelle
- U Kelle
- U Klingemann
- U Kort-Krieger
- VO Key Jr.
- WH Meckling
- WH Riker
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2001
- Field of study
Family Business in Italy: a Humanistic Transition of Assets and Values from One Generation to the Next
- Author
- A Antoci
- A Busani
- A De Massis
- A Dell’Atti
- A Fusaro
- A Habisch
- A Nicholls
- A Pavan
- A Sen
- A Valeriani
- A Vollero
- B Dunn
- B Fortado
- B Franceschini
- B Lemke
- BS Hollander
- C Christensen
- C Devecchi
- C Dizionario
- C Grieco
- C Laszlo
- CA Decker
- CE Schillaci
- D Fletcher
- D Melé
- D Melé
- DJ Hayton
- E Arroyo Amayuelas
- E v Kimakowitz
- EH Schien
- FM Cesaroni
- G Ailon
- G Bonazzi
- G Castellani
- G Corbetta
- G Mion
- G Nigri
- G Nigri
- G Oberto
- G Rizzi
- GR Weaver
- H Kota
- H Spitzeck
- H Spitzeck
- HL Tosi
- IL Breton-Miller
- J Allouche
- J Hancock
- J Lee
- J Tàpies
- JE Amorós
- JH Astrachan
- JJ Chrisman
- JJ Chrisman
- JM Rosanas
- KE Weick
- KL Baudout
- L Becchetti
- L Bruni
- L Bruni
- L Bruni
- L Bruni
- L Bruni
- L Iurcovich
- L Salvatore
- L Santoro
- LR Gomez-Mejia
- LS Wolbert
- M Del Baldo
- M Del Baldo
- M Dobbs
- M Filser
- M Koiranen
- M Pirson
- M Weber
- MP Hornsby-Smith
- N Haigh
- N Kammerlander
- N Yamamoto-Mitani
- Notaires de France
- O Aktouf
- P Jaskiewicz
- P Marelli
- P Pounder
- P Preti
- P Riva
- P Sharma
- P Sharma
- P Singer
- R Cafferata
- R Lessem
- R Regni
- R Ruggieri
- RL Sorenson
- RS Kaplan
- S Carunchio
- S Charbel
- S Montanari
- S Sciascia
- S Zamagni
- SA Hershon
- SA Zahra
- SP Bornheim
- TJ VanderWeele
- U Morello
- United Nations
- V Bertella
- WG Dyer
- WH Meckling
- Å Björnberg
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study