16 research outputs found

    Estudo comparativo dos meios de contraste baritado e iodado-iônico e não-iônico no trato respiratório de ratos Comparative study of barium and iodine agents - ionic and nonionic on the respiratory tract of the rats

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    OBJETIVO: Durante estudos radiológicos pode ocorrer a passagem do meio de contraste para a árvore traqueo-brônquica, determinando reações adversas e até fatais. O objetivo deste estudo é conhecer as alterações desencadeadas no trato respiratório pela presença do meio de contraste. MÉTODOS: Utilizaram-se 91 ratos divididos, aleatoriamente, em 4 grupos. Um grupo de controle não manipulado com 7 animais e os demais grupos com 21 ratos. O grupo controle manipulado recebeu solução fisiológica e os grupos de experimento: bário, iodo ônico e iodo não iônico conforme o grupo a que pertenciam. Sob anestesia e visibilização direta da traquéia, injetou-se 0,75 ml/kg (0,25 ml) do meio de contraste de acordo com o grupo ao qual pertencesse o animal. Realizaram-se as aferições com 1 hora, 1 dia e 1 semana. Os ratos foram sorteados para a autanásia nos três tempos estudados. Fez-se documentação radiográfica seguida da ressecção dos pulmões e exame histo-patológico. RESULTADOS: Na primeira hora, no grupo que recebeu bário, os campos médios e o superior direito ficaram acometidos. Nos grupos que receberam iodo iônico e iodo não iônico, todo o pulmão direito mostrava-se opacificado. Nas avaliações de uma dia e 1 semana os grupos que receberam iodo estavam normais enquanto que o grupo que recebeu bário mostrava comprometimento dos campos médios. No estudo histo-patológico observou-se, no grupo que recebeu bário, na avaliação de uma semana, grande quantidade de macrófagos intra-alveolares, perivasculares e peribrônquicos. CONCLUSÃO: Os contrastes iodados iônico e não iônico levam a alterações passageiras enquanto que o bário promove reação inflamatória crônica com manutenção da tradução radiográfica, no rato.<br>PURPOSE: During roadiologic studies, passage of the contrast medium to the tracheobronchial tree may occur, causibng adverse or even fatal reactions. The objective of the present study was to determine the changes in the respiratory tract triggered by the presence of contrast medium. METHODS: Ninety-one rats were divided at random into 5 groups, i.e., an intact control group of 7 animals and 4 groups of 21 rats each. The manipulated control group received physiological saline and the experimental groups respectively received barium, ionic iodine and non-ionic iodine. Under anesthesia and direct visualization of the trachea, 0.75 ml/kg (0.25 ml) of the contrast medium was injected into the animals of each group. The effects of the procedure were determined after 1 hour, 1 day and 1 week, with the animals being sacrificed at each time point by drawing lots. Radiographic documentation was obtained, followed by resection and histopathologic examination of the lungs. RESULTS: After 1 hour, the middle fields and the right upper field were involved in the group injected with barium. In the groups injected with ionic iodine and non-ionic iodine, the entire right lung was found to be opacified. After 1 day and 1 week, the groups injected with iodine were normal, whereas the group injected with barium showed involvement of the middle fields. After 1 week, histopathologic examination revealed that the group injected with barium exhibited large amounts of intra-alveolar, perivascular and peribronchial macrophages CONCLUSION: The ionic and non-ionic iodine contrast media led to temporary changes, whereas barium promoted a chronic inflammatory reaction with maintenance of radiographic translation

    Market Deregulation and Insurer Pricing Strategies: The Japanese Experience

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    In 1998, rate regulation in the Japanese auto insurance industry shifted from a tightly controlled tariff regime to that of a less regulated (theoretically) prior approval system. While actual rate regulation is generally not directly observable, Danzon (1983) contends that the “true” character of regulation is indirectly observable in the pricing strategies of insurers. This paper applies Danzon's hypothesis to the Japanese auto insurance market. The empirical analysis employs a two-way random-effects panel data methodology that includes data from the domestic competitors in the Japanese auto insurance market over the 1991–2000 period. Even though an increased dispersion of pricing strategies corresponding to insurer size is observed after deregulation, our analysis reveals that the Japanese auto insurance market still operates much like a cartel. The implication is that despite formal deregulation, Japan's regulatory body still maintains significant control. The Geneva Papers (2005) 30, 312–326. doi:10.1057/palgrave.gpp.2510028

    Perceived Problems of Beginning Teachers

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