94 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Attitude Change in Senior Citizen and College Age Subjects

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    The present study was designed to examine the validity of generally held assumptions of decreased attitudinal flexibility in the aged. A preliminary study preceded the formal study and identified a target attitude, sources of varying credibility, and evaluated self-esteem as a possible confounding variable. Subsequently 40 college age and 40 senior citizen subjects\u27 attitude toward the Equal Rights Amendment were measured by a paper and pencil survey. Two weeks later an anti- E.R.A. attitude change message, attributed to sources of varying age and credibility, was presented and its impact measured by a posttest survey. Follow-up measures were taken three weeks later. An analysis of covariance yielded a significant subject age effect at the posttest with greater attitude change exhibited by the senior citizens. Neither source age nor source credibility main effects reached significance and there were no significant interactions. On the follow-up measure there were no significant main effects or interactions, though subject age approached significance. The results were interpreted as being contrary to assumptions of increased rigidity in the elderly and not supportive of the decrement model of aging. Methodological difficulties were discussed with respect to the results found and further research was recommended

    Attraction of a Senior Citizen to a Hypothetical Stranger as a Function of the Stranger\u27s Age, Sex, and Attitude Similarity

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    The present study was designed to examine the variables which affect attraction in a senior citizen population. In particular, variables which have been shown to affect attraction in younger persons were examined as to their relevancy to older subjects. It was predicted that a stranger’s age, sex, and proportion of similar attitudes would have a significant effect on a senior citizen\u27s attraction rating of the stranger. A stranger’s age, sex, and proportion of similar attitudes were varied according to a 3 (proportion of similar attitudes) X 3 (age of stranger) X 2 (sex of stranger) factorial design. Male and female senior-citizen subjects responded to attitude surveys representing the age, sex, and attitudes of the hypothetical stranger. The subject’s response was completion of a rating scale of his attraction toward the stranger based on the information in the attitude survey. It was found that only the proportion of similar attitudes had a significant effect on a senior citizen\u27s attraction rating of a stranger. Age and sex of the stranger had no significant effect and none of the interactions among the variables reached significance. It was also found th^t the sex of the subject had no effect on his attraction rating of the stranger. Further research was suggested to study the use of paper and pencil techniques with older subjects

    Technological effort in industrial development

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    Stellar Populations at the Center of IC 1613

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    We have observed the center of the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy IC 1613 with WFPC2 aboard the Hubble Space Telescope in the F439W, F555W, and F814W filters. We find a dominant old stellar population (aged ~7 Gyr), identifiable by the strong red giant branch (RGB) and red clump populations. From the (V-I) color of the RGB, we estimate a mean metallicity of the intermediate-age stellar population [Fe/H] = -1.38 +/- 0.31. We confirm a distance of 715 +/- 40 kpc using the I-magnitude of the RGB tip. The main-sequence luminosity function down to I ~25 provides evidence for a roughly constant SFR of approximately 0.00035 solar masses per year across the WFPC2 field of view (0.22 square kpc) during the past 250-350 Myr. Structure in the blue loop luminosity function implies that the SFR was ~50% higher 400-900 Myr ago than today. The mean heavy element abundance of these young stars is 1/10th solar. The best explanation for a red spur on the main-sequence at I = 24.7 is the blue horizontal branch component of a very old stellar population at the center of IC 1613. We have also imaged a broader area of IC 1613 using the 3.5-meter WIYN telescope under excellent seeing conditions. The AGB-star luminosity function is consistent with a period of continuous star formation over at least the age range 2-10 Gyr. We present an approximate age-metallicity relation for IC 1613, which appears similar to that of the Small Magellanic Cloud. We compare the Hess diagram of IC 1613 to similar data for three other Local Group dwarf galaxies, and find that it most closely resembles the nearby, transition-type dwarf galaxy Pegasus (DDO 216).Comment: To appear in the September 1999 Astronomical Journal. LaTeX, uses AASTeX v4.0, emulateapj style file, 19 pages, 12 postscript figures, 2 tables. 5 of the figures available separately via the WW

    Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the Draco Dwarf Spheroidal

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    We present an F606W-F814W color-magnitude diagram for the Draco dwarf spheroidal galaxy based on Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2 images. The luminosity function is well-sampled to 3 magnitudes below the turn-off. We see no evidence for multiple turnoffs and conclude that, at least over the field of the view of the WFPC2, star formation was primarily single-epoch. If the observed number of blue stragglers is due to extended star formation, then roughly 6% (upper limit) of the stars could be half as old as the bulk of the galaxy. The color difference between the red giant branch and the turnoff is consistent with an old population and is very similar to that observed in the old, metal-poor Galactic globular clusters M68 and M92. Despite its red horizontal branch, Draco appears to be older than M68 and M92 by 1.6 +/- 2.5 Gyrs, lending support to the argument that the ``second parameter'' which governs horizontal branch morphology must be something other than age. Draco's observed luminosity function is very similar to that of M68, and the derived initial mass function is consistent with that of the solar neighborhood.Comment: 16 pages, AASTeX, 9 postscript figures, figures 1 and 2 available at ftp://bb3.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/draco/. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Growth factor-mediated augmentation of long bones: evaluation of a BMP-7 loaded thermoresponsive hydrogel in a murine femoral intramedullary injection model

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    Background Due to our aging population, an increase in proximal femur fractures can be expected, which is associated with impaired activities of daily living and a high risk of mortality. These patients are also at a high risk to suffer a secondary osteoporosis-related fracture on the contralateral hip. In this context, growth factors could open the field for regenerative approaches, as it is known that, i.e., the growth factor BMP-7 (bone morphogenetic protein 7) is a potent stimulator of osteogenesis. Local prophylactic augmentation of the proximal femur with a BMP-7 loaded thermoresponsive hydrogel during index surgery of an osteoporotic fracture could be suitable to reduce the risk of further osteoporosis-associated secondary fractures. The present study therefore aims to test the hypothesis if a BMP-7 augmented hydrogel is an applicable carrier for the augmentation of non-fractured proximal femurs. Furthermore, it needs to be shown that the minimally invasive injection of a hydrogel into the mouse femur is technically feasible. Methods In this study, male C57BL/6 mice (n = 36) received a unilateral femoral intramedullary injection of either 100 Όl saline, 100 Όl 1,4 Butan-Diisocyanat (BDI)-hydrogel, or 100 Όl hydrogel loaded with 1 Όg of bone morphogenetic protein 7. Mice were sacrificed 4 and 12 weeks later. The femora were submitted to high-resolution X-ray tomography and subsequent histological examination. Results Analysis of normalized CtBMD (Cortical bone mineral density) as obtained by X-ray micro-computed tomography analysis revealed significant differences depending on the duration of treatment (4 vs 12 weeks; p < 0.05). Furthermore, within different anatomically defined regions of interest, significant associations between normalized TbN (trabecular number) and BV/TV (percent bone volume) were noted. Histology indicated no signs of inflammation and no signs of necrosis and there were no cartilage damages, no new bone formations, or new cartilage tissues, while BMP-7 was readily detectable in all of the samples. Conclusions In conclusion, the murine femoral intramedullary injection model appears to be feasible and worth to be used in subsequent studies that are directed to examine the therapeutic potential of BMP-7 loaded BDI-hydrogel. Although we were unable to detect any significant osseous effects arising from the mode or duration of treatment in the present trial, the effect of different concentrations and duration of treatment in an osteoporotic model appears of interest for further experiments to reach translation into clinic and open new strategies of growth factor-mediated augmentation

    Stellar Populations in Three Outer Fields of the LMC

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    We present HST photometry for three fields in the outer disk of the LMC extending approximately four magnitudes below the faintest main sequence turnoff. We cannot detect any strongly significant differences in the stellar populations of the three fields based on the morphologies of the color-magnitude diagrams, the luminosity functions, and the relative numbers of stars in different evolutionary stages. Our observations therefore suggest similar star formation histories in these regions, although some variations are certainly allowed. The fields are located in two regions of the LMC: one is in the north-east field and two are located in the north-west. Under the assumption of a common star formation history, we combine the three fields with ground-based data at the same location as one of the fields to improve statistics for the brightest stars. We compare this stellar population with those predicted from several simple star formation histories suggested in the literature, using a combination of the R-method of Bertelli et al (1992) and comparisons with the observed luminosity function. The only model which we consider that is not rejected by the observations is one in which the star formation rate is roughly constant for most of the LMC's history and then increases by a factor of three about 2 Gyr ago. Such a model has roughly equal numbers of stars older and younger than 4 Gyr, and thus is not dominated by young stars. This star formation history, combined with a closed box chemical evolution model, is consistent with observations that the metallicity of the LMC has doubled in the past 2 Gyr.Comment: 30 pages, includes 10 postscript figures. Figure 1 avaiable at ftp://charon.nmsu.edu/pub/mgeha/LMC. Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    Coherent diffraction of single Rice Dwarf virus particles using hard X-rays at the Linac Coherent Light Source

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    Single particle diffractive imaging data from Rice Dwarf Virus (RDV) were recorded using the Coherent X-ray Imaging (CXI) instrument at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). RDV was chosen as it is a wellcharacterized model system, useful for proof-of-principle experiments, system optimization and algorithm development. RDV, an icosahedral virus of about 70 nm in diameter, was aerosolized and injected into the approximately 0.1 mu m diameter focused hard X-ray beam at the CXI instrument of LCLS. Diffraction patterns from RDV with signal to 5.9 angstrom ngstrom were recorded. The diffraction data are available through the Coherent X-ray Imaging Data Bank (CXIDB) as a resource for algorithm development, the contents of which are described here.11Ysciescopu
