209 research outputs found

    Studies of hot B subdwarfs. Part 2: Energy distributions of three bright sdB/sdOB stars in the 950-5500 angstrom range

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    Voyager ultraviolet spectrometer observations of the subdwarf B or OB stars HD 205805, UV 1758+36 and Feige 66 are presented. All three objects display the H I Layman series in absorption. These observations are combined with low dispersion IUE spectrophotometry and with Stroemgren photometry to construct virtually complete energy distributions, which extend over the range 950-5500 angstroms. Effective temperatures based on model atmosphere calculations for high gravity, hydrogen rich stars are determined. Our analyses yield T Sub e 28,200 + or - 1300 K for HD 205805, T sub e 31, 800 + or - 1100 K for UV 1758+36, and T sub e 35,700 + or - 1500 K for Feige 66. The importance of far ultraviolet observations below L sub alpha in reducing the uncertainties associated with the interstellar extinction and the degradation of the IUE sensitivity is emphasized

    Wall-resolved versus wall-modeled LES of the flow field and surface forced convective heat transfer for a low-rise building

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    Large eddy simulation (LES) is widely used to investigate the aerodynamics and convective heat transfer (CHT) at the surfaces of sharp-edged bluff bodies for a wide range of Reynolds (Re) numbers. Due to the heavy computational costs associated with implicit filtering in LES at high Reynolds number flows (Re ≥ 105), wall-modeled (WM) rather than wall-resolved (WR) LES is often adopted. However, the performance of LES-WM for such applications has not yet been systematically investigated. Therefore, this study evaluates the performance of LES-WM and LES-WR for the flow and thermal field at the facades of a low-rise building immersed in an atmospheric boundary layer. Four grids are constructed for LES-WM, each employing different resolution at the building surfaces reaching maximum non-dimensional wall distance y+ = 43, 57, 70, and 95. In addition, the performance of two wall functions, namely the Werner and Wengle and the enhanced wall function is investigated. The results show that the use of LES-WM can result in significant deviations in the predicted near-facade flow pattern and the surface convective heat transfer coefficient (CHTC). Grid resolution significantly impacts the CHTC results and deviations go up to 88% (at the base of the windward facade). Considerable deviations among the employed wall functions are apparent only on the finest grid. In this case, the implementation of the enhanced wall function indicates better performance compared to the non-blended law of the wall (combined with the Werner and Wengle) for CHTC in the regions of the leeward facade where the flow remains attached to the wall. The deviation of the enhanced wall function for surface-averaged CHTC is found to be 10.8% against the wall-resolved LES results, while for the non-blended law of the wall this is 19.2%.</p

    Discovery of Spectroscopic Variations in the DAB White Dwarf GD 323

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    We report the discovery of spectroscopic variations in GD 323, the prototypical DAB white dwarf. Simultaneous optical spectroscopic observations over five consecutive nights of GD 323 and of PG 1234+482, a non-variable comparison DA white dwarf of similar brightness, are used to reveal quasi-periodic variations in both the hydrogen and helium absorption lines over a timescale of hours. The amplitude of the variation of the equivalent width of Hbeta is ~30 %. Moreover, the strength of the hydrogen lines is shown to vary in opposite phase from that of He I 4471. These results suggest that the model currently thought to be the most viable to account for the simultaneous presence of hydrogen and helium lines in GD 323, namely a static stratified atmosphere, may need to be reexamined. Instead, a model with an inhomogeneous surface composition, resulting perhaps from the dilution of a thin hydrogen atmosphere with the underlying helium convection zone, may be a better representation of GD 323. The observed variation timescale of ~3.5 hours is consistent with the slow rotation rate of white dwarf stars.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    On the effect of pressure coefficient source on the energy demand of an isolated cross-ventilated building

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    Natural ventilation is a simple and effective measure to both reduce the cooling demand of buildings and improve the indoor air quality. In the prediction of heating and cooling demands by means of building energy simulations (BES), the use of pressure coefficients (Cp) from databases as input for the airflow network model is the common approach. Cp values for the same building typology may differ according to the adopted database and are generally unavailable for buildings with complex geometry. Employed Cp values may lead to differences in BES results. This manuscript presents a comparison, for different wind directions, between the Cp distributions and mean values on the facades of a detached building obtained with full-scale CFD – Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) and large eddy simulation (LES) – simulations, from a database and from wind-tunnel experiments. The obtained pressure coefficients are used in the BES of a naturally ventilated building and the energy demand difference between the four approaches is quantified. Four climate zones (tropical, dry/desertic, temperate, continental) are considered. Although, in terms of accuracy of Cp prediction, LES outperforms RANS for all the wind directions considered, annual cooling energy demand is found to be relatively insensitive to the source of Cp for the current case study, while predicted peak cooling values differ up to 10.8%. On the other hand, the prediction of annual heating energy demand in cold climates varies up to 3% depending on the Cp source employed for BES simulations.</p

    Mapping mean total annual precipitation in Belgium, by investigating the scale of topographic control at the regional scale

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    Accurate precipitation maps are essential for ecological, environmental, element cycle and hydrological models that have a spatial output component. It is well known that topography has a major influence on the spatial distribution of precipitation and that increasing topographical complexity is associated with increased spatial heterogeneity in precipitation. This means that when mapping precipitation using classical interpolation techniques (e.g. regression, kriging, spline, inverse distance weighting, etc.), a climate measuring network with higher spatial density is needed in mountainous areas in order to obtain the same level of accuracy as compared to flatter regions. In this study, we present a mean total annual precipitation mapping technique that combines topographical information (i.e. elevation and slope orientation) with average total annual rain gauge data in order to overcome this problem. A unique feature of this paper is the identification of the scale at which topography influences the precipitation pattern as well as the direction of the dominant weather circulation. This method was applied for Belgium and surroundings and shows that the identification of the appropriate scale at which topographical obstacles impact precipitation is crucial in order to obtain reliable mean total annual precipitation maps. The dominant weather circulation is determined at 260°. Hence, this approach allows accurate mapping of mean annual precipitation patterns in regions characterized by rather high topographical complexity using a climate data network with a relatively low density and/or when more advanced precipitation measurement techniques, such as radar, aren't available, for example in the case of historical data