21 research outputs found

    Confidentiality and serious harm in genetics - preserving the confidentiality of one patient and preventing harm to relatives

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    Genetics can pose special challenges to the principle of confidentiality within the health professional-patient relationship, since genetic information is by its nature both individual and familial. Most professional guidelines allow confidentiality to be broken in rare circumstances, where it will prevent a 'serious', 'imminent' and 'likely' harm. We argue that the types of harms that may result from genetic medicine are particularly diverse. Using clinical examples, we explore ethical issues that arise when balancing individual and family member interests. As genetic testing becomes more, widespread situations will arise where clinicians are faced with a choice between preserving the confidentiality of one patient and preventing harm to another. Professionals need to incorporate the notion of familial implications in their counseling of individuals. Since such dilemmas have been relatively rare in the pre-genetic age, we call for a wider debate on the balance between confidentiality and harm to others

    Fusionen und Übernahmen im Licht der Hybris – Überblick über den Forschungsstand

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    Eine hohe Anzahl von Fusionen und Übernahmen scheitert. Gleichwohl sind Fusionen und Übernahmen an der Tagesordnung. Als eine Erklärung hierfür wird die Hybris-Hypothese diskutiert, d.h. die These, dass sich Entscheidungsträger der aufnehmenden Unternehmen systematisch überschätzen. Um diese These zu testen und um gegebenenfalls Maßnahmen gegen Hybris zu ergreifen, sind verlässliche Indikatoren für Hybris erforderlich. Die Arbeit stellt die in der Literatur entwickelten Indikatoren vor und diskutiert deren Vor- und Nachteile. Although corporate acquisitions are ubiquitous a large number of M&A fails. One explanation for such failure is the hubris hypothesis for corporate takeovers. A decision maker affected with hubris (or overconfidence) will overestimate his abilities in raising potential synergies and is likely to make investment decisions destroying shareholder wealth. The growing literature on CEO hubris proposes various ways to measure hubris. We present these indicators and discuss possible advantages and drawbacks. (71 words) Schlüsselwörter Hybris - Mergers & Acquisitions Keywords Hubris - Mergers & Acquisitions JEL Classification G34 - M1

    Cross-border M&As and Performance: Empirical Evidence

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