29 research outputs found

    Fluctuation of Aquaporin 1, 5, and 9 Expression in the Pig Oviduct during the Estrous Cycle and Early Pregnancy

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    Thirteen mammalian aquaporin (AQPs) isoforms with a unique tissue-specific pattern of expression have been identified. To date, 11 isoforms of AQP have been reported to be expressed in female and male reproductive systems. The purpose of our study was to determine the localization and quantitative changes in the expression of AQP1, 5 and 9 within the pig oviduct during different stages of the estrous cycle and early pregnancy. The results demonstrated that AQP1, 5, and 9 were clearly detected in all studied stages of the estrous cycle and pregnancy. AQP1 was localized within oviductal blood vessels. In cyclic gilts, the expression of AQP1 protein did not change significantly between days 10–12 and 14–16 but increased on days 2–4 and 18–20. AQP5 was localized in smooth muscle cells and oviductal epithelial cells. The expression of AQP5 protein did not change significantly between days 10–12 and 14–16 of the estrous cycle but increased on days 2–4 and 18–20. The anti-AQP9 antibody labeled epithelial cells of the oviduct. The expression of AQP9 did not change significantly between days 10–12 and 14–16 of the estrous cycle but increased on days 2–4 and 18–20. In pregnant gilts, expression of AQP1, 5, and 9 did not change significantly in comparison with the estrous cycle. Therefore, a functional and distinctive collaboration seems to exist among diverse AQPs in water handling during the different oviductal phases in the estrous cycle and early pregnancy