3 research outputs found
An object-oriented control architecture for flexible manufacturing cells
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1994
- Field of study
Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Analysis: Expert Systems and Neural Networks
- Author
- A Barr
- A Barr
- A Waibel
- BG Buchanan
- BP Yuhas
- C Landauer
- CL Chang
- CM Weatherwax
- D Khera
- D Rumelhart
- D Volovik
- DA Waterman
- DG Tatar
- E Feigenbaum
- EA Feigenbaum
- EC Payne
- EH Shortliffe
- F Nadi
- G Shafer
- J Bachant
- J Kierstead
- J Pearl
- JA Walls
- JB Adams
- JP Dishaw
- JS Aikins
- JY-C Pan
- K Funakoshi
- K Marko
- L Brownston
- L Liu
- L Steels
- LA Zadeh
- NE Reed
- Nestor
- NH Chang
- P Shea
- PE Hart
- PE Johnson
- PP Bonissone
- R Davis
- R Duda
- R Fikes
- RA Marose
- RP Gorman
- RP Lippmann
- SB Dolins
- V Venkatasubramanian
- W Melle van
- W Mettrey
- WB Rauch-Hindin
- WF Clocksin
- WR Nelson
- Y Cun Le
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1993
- Field of study
Reuse Bibliography
- Author
- A Cross
- A Gargaro
- A Wirfs-Brock
- AJ Rockmore
- B Adelson
- B Meyer
- B Meyer
- BA Burton
- BA Burton
- BD Shriver
- BR Dillistone
- Brena. Program Synthesis through Problem Splitting
- BW Kernighan
- C Ausnit
- C Boldyreff
- C Boldyreff
- C Bron
- C Macanairchinnigh
- C Reuse
- C Rich
- C Rich
- C Rich
- CA Murnan
- Cheatham TE.Jr
- CL Braun
- CV Ramamoorthy
- CV Ramamoorthy
- D Barstow
- D Tajima
- DD Smith
- Dhama HS Shtern V. A Net Method for Specification of Reusable Software. Proceedings Fifth International Workshop on Software Specification and Design
- DL Parnas
- DL Parnas
- DL Parnas
- DL Parnas
- DM Volpano
- DR Barstow
- DR Musser
- DW Embley
- DW Embley
- E Horowitz
- E Kant
- EB Swanson
- ED Prywes
- EE Wald
- EJ Chikofsky
- EMP Coelho
- EV Berard
- F Ververs
- FJ Polster
- G Arango
- G Arango
- G Booch
- G Fischer
- G Fischer
- G Jones
- G Mcwilliams
- GA Ayers
- GA Curry
- GE Kaiser
- GE Russell
- GJ Myers
- GO Mendal
- GO Mendal
- GR Bruns
- GSOFTDOC Jandrasics
- H Albrechtson
- H Jones
- H Jones
- H Sugimoto
- HM Sneed
- I Shemer
- I Sommerville
- J Clapp
- J Hill
- J Karimi
- J Martin
- J Neighbors
- J Parker
- JA Goguen
- JA Goguen
- JB Horowitz
- JG Carbonell
- JH Barnard
- JM Boyle
- JM Neighbors
- JM Purtilo
- JP Ambras
- JR Foster
- K Bowles
- K Geary
- K Kandt
- K Soloway
- KE Sivley
- L Ledbetter
- M Aoyama
- M Dausmann
- M Feather
- M Lenz
- M Macanairchinnigh
- M Ratcliffe
- M Spivey
- M Ward
- M Wood
- MD Lubars
- MD Lubars
- MD Lubars
- MD Lubars
- MD Mcillroy
- MF Bott
- MF Bott
- MJ Cavaliere
- MT Harandi
- MW Masters
- NA Software
- NW Ricket
- O Roubine
- O Truzzi
- P Antonini
- P Freeman
- P Hall
- P Henderson
- P Keenan
- P Truzzi
- P Wegner
- P Wegner
- PAV Hall
- PE Presson
- PG Bassett
- PH Winston
- PP Puncello
- R Balzer
- R Balzer
- R Conn
- R Conradi
- R Dennis
- R Mccain
- R Morrison
- R Prieto-Diaz
- R Prieto-Diaz
- R Prieto-Diaz
- R Studer
- RC Waters
- Reed N
- RG Lanergan
- RG Lanergan
- RG Lanergan
- RK Raj
- RL London
- RT Mittermeir
- RT Mittermeir
- RT Yeh
- S Barra
- S Barra
- S Barra
- S Gerhart
- S Katz
- S Machida
- S Pressman
- S Shlaer
- S Yamamoto
- SD Litvintchouk
- SD Matsumoto
- SG Metcalf
- SK Afshar
- SM Przybylinksi
- SN Woodfield
- SP Stepoway
- T Biggerstaff
- TA Biggerstaff
- TA Standish
- TC Jones
- TJ Biggerstaff
- TJ Biggerstaff
- TJ Biggerstaff
- TJ Biggerstaff
- V Karakostas
- V Seppanen
- W Kazaczynski
- W Rauch-Hindin
- W Tracz
- W Tracz
- W Tracz
- W Tracz
- W Wong
- WB Rouse
- WC Johnson
- WL Johnson
- WL Scherlis
- Woodfield SN
- Y Matsumoto
- Y Matsumoto
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1991
- Field of study