3 research outputs found
Increased mercury emissions from modern dental amalgams
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Vision is the Art of Seeing Things Invisible - An invitro Comparative Evaluation
- Author
- Andrew ED Clescei LS, Greenbag AE.
- Beiswanger BB Stookey GK.
- Benington PCM Gillgrass TJ, Foye RH, Millett DT, Gilmour WH.
- Bilgin Z Ozalp N.
- Cehreli ZC Yazici R, Garcia GF.
- Dionysopoulos P Kotsanos N, Papadogiannisy Y, Konstantinidis A.
- Donly KJ Nelson JJ.
- Donly KJ Segura A, Welfel JS, Hogan MM.
- Eichmiller FC Marjenhoff WA.
- Forsten L.
- Godoy FG Abarzua l.
- Hatibovic KS Koch G, Ekstrand J.
- Hicks JM Flaitz CM.
- Kreulen CM De Soet JJ, Weerheijm KL.
- Nikiforuk G.
- Retient DH Bradley EL, Denton JC, Switzer P.
- Robertello FJ Coffey JP, Lynde TA, King P.
- Shinji H Vohimura N, Ishida M, Motokawa W, Miyazak K, Garcia GF.
- Wefel JS Donly KJ.
- Wei S.
- Yip HK Smales RJ.
- Publication venue
- 'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Evaluation of Marginal Adaptation of Composite Restorations Reinforced with Novel Enamel Inserts (Biofillers) in Class V Cavities
- Author
- AlHabdan AA.
- Bhushan S Logani A, Shah N.
- Bowen RL Eichmiller FC, Marjenhoff WA.
- Crim GA.
- Current JL.
- Donly KJ Wild TW, Bowen RL, et al.
- Duarte S Jr Saad JR.
- El-Nawawy M Koraitim L, Abouelatta O, et al.
- Ferrari M Garcia-Godoy F.
- Hervás-GarcĂa A MartĂnez-Lozano MA, Cabanes-Vila J, et al.
- Hisamatsu N Atsuta M, Matsumura H.
- Karthick K Kailasam S, Priya PR, et al.
- Magdy. AW
- Meiers JC Kazemi RB, Donadio M.
- Mensudar R Karthick A, Amudha D, et al.
- N Roopa B Anupriya, Usha G, Karthik J, et al.
- O'Brien WJ.
- Salim S Santini A, Safar KN.
- Santini A Plasschaert A, Mitchell S.
- Sharafeddin F Yousefi H, Modiri SH, et al.
- Strobel WO Petschelt A, Kemmoona M, et al.
- Suna J Eidelmanb N, Lin-Gibsona S.
- Takahashi H Finger WJ, Wegner K, et al.
- Tammy B Davis G, Donarummo Jr J, et al.
- Tjan AHL Dingman TA, Woolsey BL.
- Usha HL Kumari A, Mehta D, et al.
- Wahab FK Shaini FJ.
- Publication venue
- 'Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study