33 research outputs found

    Advanced Technology Section semiannual progress report, April 1-September 30, 1977. Volume 1. Biotechnology and environmental programs. [Lead Abstract]

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    Research efforts in six areas are reported. They include: centrifugal analyzer development; advanced analytical systems; environmental research; bioengineering research;bioprocess development and demonstration; and, environmental control technology. Individual abstracts were prepared for each section for ERA/EDB. (JCB

    Design of fluidized-bed, biological denitrification systems

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    Many commercial processes yield nitrate-containing wastewaters that are being discharged to the environment because traditional recovery or disposal methods are economically unacceptable. The anticipated discharge limits (i.e., 10 to 20 g (NO/sub 3//sup -/)/m/sup 3/) being considered by many states will not allow continued release of these wastewaters. The new discharge standards can be met economically by use of the fluidizied-bed, biological denitrification process. Research and development studies were conducted with 0.05-, 0.10-, 0.20-, and 0.50-m-diam fluidized-bed bioreactor systems. Feed nitrate concentrations were in the 0 to 10,000 g (NO/sub 3//sup -/)/m/sup 3/ range. Using the data from these studies, rate expressions were developed for the destruction of nitrate as a function of nitrate concentration. Methods were also developed for sizing bioreactors and biomass control systems. The sizing methods for fluidized-bed denitrification systems are described, and support systems such as sampling and analysis, instrumentation and controls, utilities, and bacteria storage are discussed. Operation of the process is also briefly discussed to aid the designer. Using the methods presented in this report, fluidized-bed, biological denitrification systems can be designed to treat nitrate wastewater streams

    Logic-based Agent Communication Protocols

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    An agent communication protocol specifies the rules of interaction governing a dialogue between agents in a multiagent system. In non-cooperative interactions (such as negotiation dialogues) occurring in open societies, the problem of checking an agent's conformance to such a protocol is a central issue. We identify di#erent levels of conformance (weak, exhaustive, and robust conformance) and explore, for a specific class of logic-based agents and an appropriate class of protocols, how to check an agent's conformance to a protocol a priori, purely on the basis of the agent's specification

    A Social Approach to Communication in Multiagent Systems

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    Abstract. This paper aims at defining the semantics of Agent Communication Languages (ACLs) in terms of changes in the social relationships between agents, represented in terms of social commitments. We take commitment to be a primitive concept underlying the social dimension of multiagent systems, and define a basic artificial institution that provides agents with the means to affect the commitment network that binds them to each other. Two different approaches are adopted for the presentation of our proposal: a logical formalization and an operational specification.