21 research outputs found

    Notes on Marine Algae Collected in Guinea-Bissau,Tropical West Africa

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    A total of 15 taxa of marine benthic algae from GuineaBissau are identified, namely 3 in the Chlorophyceae, 5 in the Phaeophyceae and 7 in the Rhodophyceae. All of these are new records for GuineaBissau

    Adiciones al catálogo de las algas marinas bentónicas para el Archipiélago Canario. III.

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    The checklist of benthic algae from Canary Island is extended to include eleven new taxa; three Phaeophyta: Cylin drocarpus berkeleyi (Greville) Crouan frat., Liebmannia leveillei J. Agardh & Dictyota dichotoma (Hudson) Lamouroux var. intricata (c. Agardh) Greville and eigth Rhodophyta: Audouinella micros copica (Nageli in Kützing) Woelkerling, Peyssonnelia dubyi Crouan frat., Peyssonnelia inamoena Pilger, Lomentaria baileyana (Harvey) farlow, Pleonosporium borreri (Smith) Nageli, Dasyopsis cervicomis (J. Agardh) Schmitz, Polysiphania tripinnata J. Agardh and Polysiphonia urceolata (Lightfoot) Greville.Se amplía el catálogo de algas marinas bentónicas para el Archipiélago Canario en once especies; tres Phaeophyta: Cylindrocarpus berkeleyi (Greville) Crouan frat., Liebmannia Teveillei J. Agardh y Dictyota dichotom (Hudson) Lamou roux var. intricata (c. Agardh) Greville y ocho Rhodophyta:Audouinella microscopica (Nageli in Kützing) Woelkerling, Peyssonnelia duby Crouan frat., Peyssonnelia inamoena Pilger, Lomentaria baileyan (Harvey) Farlow, Pleonosporium borreri (Smith) Nageli Dasyopsis cervicomis (J. Agardh) Schmitz, Polysiphonia tripinnata J. Agardh y Polysiphonia urceolata (Light foot) Greville

    Polyphysa parvula (Solms-Laubach) Schnetter & Bula Meyer (Dasycladaceae, Chlorophyta) en la Región Macaronésica

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    The distribution of Polyphysa parvula (Solms-Laubach) Schnetter & Bula Meyer, Dasycladaceae has been ampliated to three Archipelagos of Macaronesian Region ( Madeira, Canary Islands and Cape Verde Islands) being collected until now only in the island of Gran Canaria Canary Islands).Se amplia a tres Archipiélagos de la Región Macaronésica (A. de Madeira, Canarias y Cabo Verde) la distribución de Polyphysa parvula (Solms Laubach) Schnetter & Bula Meyer, una Dasycladaceae, recolectada hasta ahora sólo en la isla de Gran Canaria (Archipiélago Canario)

    Seaweeds of the Snellius-II expedition: Chlorophyta: Dasycladales

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    A survey is given of algae collected during the Snellius-II Expedition (1984) in the Banda, Sawu and Flores Seas, in particular the genera Acetabularia, Bornetella, Cymopolia, Neomeris and Polyphysa (Dasycladales). Their morphology and anatomy are discussed, biogeographical data are added and a comparison is made with the material from the earlier Siboga Expedition (1899-1900)

    The oceanographic <i>Snellius-II</i> expedition botanical results: list of stations and collected plants

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    The Snellius-II oceanographic expedition took place between July 1984 and July 1985 in the E area of the Indonesian archipelago; 450 researchers took part (200 Indonesians, 248 Dutch and 2 Belgians). Collection of benthic macroalgae and higher plants were mainly carried out on the reef flats, their rock pools and slopes, lagoons, sea-grass meadows and mangals. A total of 1500 herbarium numbers has been collected. They contain at least 300 different species of macroalgae, at least identified to genus. Up to now, the Dasycladales and Bryopsidales have been studied in detail and dealt with in various publications; a publication on Gelidiales is in press. The present study gives a list of 73 collection stations and lists more than 300 taxa, including some new precise identifications, in particular for Caulerpaceae, Halimedaceae (Bryopsidales), Gelidiales and Corallinales

    Seaweeds of the Snellius-II Expedition (E. Indonesia): the genus <i>Caulerpa</i> (Chlorophyta-Caulerpales)

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    The representatives of the genus Caulerpa, collected during the Snellius-II Expedition (1984) in the Banda, Sawu and Flores Seas (Indonesia) are described and illustrated. Twelve species have been individualized, some including several growth forms (resulting in 26 entities): C. brachypus (2 ecads), C. cupressoides (6 ecads), C. elongata, C. fergusonii, C. lentillifera, C. lessonii, C. microphysa, C. racemosa (7ecads), C. serrulata (2 ecads), C. sertularioides, C. taxifolia (2 ecads), C. verticillata. An identification key is also added

    A note on <i>Rhipilia nigrescens</i> Coppejans & Prud'homme van Reine (Chlorophyta)

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    In our paper on seaweeds of the Snellius-II expedition (Coppejans & Prud'homme van Reine, 1989) we suggested that the new species Rhipilia nigrescens had been described in Phycologia. Due to regulations of that journal and corroborated by the short spell between acceptance and publication in Blumea, the Latin description can no longer be expected to be published as suggested. To validate the name of the new species a Latin description of the holotype is published here

    A Taxonomic Survey of Seaweeds from Eritrea

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