701 research outputs found

    Execution Without Trial: Police Homicide and the Constitution

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    This analysis of police homicide and the Constitution leads to the conclusion that the present state laws are unconstitutional, not just in the common-law states, but in the Model Penal Code and forcible felony states as well.\u27 The present laws of every state in the union deny police homicide victims fifth and fourteenth amendment rights to due process, allow the punishment of death to be imposed in a cruel and unusual fashion, and appear to deny equal protection to blacks. The only constitutional alternative apparent is to remove police homicide from the realm of punishment and confine justification for it to the self-defense doctrine, more properly called a defense-of-life doctrine. In short, the conclusion is that the police throughout the country should adopt the first section of the firearms policy of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

    A Microeconomic Study of Commercial Real Estate Brokerage Firms

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    While residential brokerage has been widely studied, the operating characteristics on income property brokerage firms have received little attention in the literature. In this paper, we analyze results from a survey of income property brokers to measure profitability scale effects, and expenditures at the firm level. We find that while scale economies exist for expenses, net income per producer falls as firms grow; the optimally sized firm is comparatively small. Although inconsistencies with results from recent residential brokerage studies may relate to the survey period, they may also support a view that residential and income brokerage firms are structurally different.

    Measuring Homicide by Police Officers

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