1,307 research outputs found

    Perturbation theory vs. simulation for tadpole improvement factors in pure gauge theories

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    We calculate the mean link in Landau gauge for Wilson and improved SU(3) anisotropic gauge actions, using two loop perturbation theory and Monte Carlo simulation employing an accelerated Langevin algorithm. Twisted boundary conditions are employed, with a twist in all four lattice directions considerably improving the (Fourier accelerated) convergence to an improved lattice Landau gauge. Two loop perturbation theory is seen to predict the mean link extremely well even into the region of commonly simulated gauge couplings and so can be used remove the need for numerical tuning of self-consistent tadpole improvement factors. A three loop perturbative coefficient is inferred from the simulations and is found to be small. We show that finite size effects are small and argue likewise for (lattice) Gribov copies and double Dirac sheets.Comment: 13 pages of revtex

    Irreducible Multiplets of Three-Quark Operators on the Lattice: Controlling Mixing under Renormalization

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    High luminosity accelerators have greatly increased the interest in semi-exclusive and exclusive reactions involving nucleons. The relevant theoretical information is contained in the nucleon wavefunction and can be parametrized by moments of the nucleon distribution amplitudes, which in turn are linked to matrix elements of three-quark operators. These can be calculated from first principles in lattice QCD. However, on the lattice the problems of operator mixing under renormalization are rather involved. In a systematic approach we investigate this issue in depth. Using the spinorial symmetry group of the hypercubic lattice we derive irreducibly transforming three-quark operators, which allow us to control the mixing pattern.Comment: 13 page

    Diffusive transport in networks built of containers and tubes

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    We developed analytical and numerical methods to study a transport of non-interacting particles in large networks consisting of M d-dimensional containers C_1,...,C_M with radii R_i linked together by tubes of length l_{ij} and radii a_{ij} where i,j=1,2,...,M. Tubes may join directly with each other forming junctions. It is possible that some links are absent. Instead of solving the diffusion equation for the full problem we formulated an approach that is computationally more efficient. We derived a set of rate equations that govern the time dependence of the number of particles in each container N_1(t),N_2(t),...,N_M(t). In such a way the complicated transport problem is reduced to a set of M first order integro-differential equations in time, which can be solved efficiently by the algorithm presented here. The workings of the method have been demonstrated on a couple of examples: networks involving three, four and seven containers, and one network with a three-point junction. Already simple networks with relatively few containers exhibit interesting transport behavior. For example, we showed that it is possible to adjust the geometry of the networks so that the particle concentration varies in time in a wave-like manner. Such behavior deviates from simple exponential growth and decay occurring in the two container system.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures, REVTEX4; new figure added, reduced emphasis on graph theory, additional discussion added (computational cost, one dimensional tubes

    The B_s and D_s decay constants in 3 flavor lattice QCD

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    Capitalizing on recent advances in lattice QCD, we present a calculation of the leptonic decay constants f_{B_s} and f_{D_s} that includes effects of one strange sea quark and two light sea quarks. The discretization errors of improved staggered fermion actions are small enough to simulate with 3 dynamical flavors on lattices with spacings around 0.1 fm using present computer resources. By shedding the quenched approximation and the associated lattice scale ambiguity, lattice QCD greatly increases its predictive power. NRQCD is used to simulate heavy quarks with masses between 1.5 m_c and m_b. We arrive at the following results: f_{B_s} = 260 \pm 7 \pm 26 \pm 8 \pm 5 MeV and f_{D_s} = 290 \pm 20 \pm 29 \pm 29 \pm 6 MeV. The first quoted error is the statistical uncertainty, and the rest estimate the sizes of higher order terms neglected in this calculation. All of these uncertainties are systematically improvable by including another order in the weak coupling expansion, the nonrelativistic expansion, or the Symanzik improvement program.Comment: 4 page

    One-loop matching coefficients for improved staggered bilinears

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    We calculate one-loop matching factors for bilinear operators composed of improved staggered fermions. We compare the results for different improvement schemes used in the recent literature, all of which involve the use of smeared links. These schemes aim to reduce, though not completely eliminate, O(a^2) discretization errors. We find that all these improvement schemes substantially reduce the size of matching factors compared to unimproved staggered fermions. The resulting corrections are comparable to, or smaller than, those found with Wilson and domain-wall fermions. In the best case (``Fat-7'' and mean-field improved HYP links) the corrections are 10 % or smaller at 1/a = 2 GeV.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure (misleading sentence in sec. II removed; version to appear in Physical Review D

    Initial bound state studies in light-front QCD

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    We present the first numerical QCD bound state calculation based on a renormalization group-improved light-front Hamiltonian formalism. The QCD Hamiltonian is determined to second order in the coupling, and it includes two-body confining interactions. We make a momentum expansion, obtaining an equal-time-like Schrodinger equation. This is solved for quark-antiquark constituent states, and we obtain a set of self-consistent parameters by fitting B meson spectra.Comment: 38 pages, latex, 5 latex figures include

    Improved lattice operators for non-relativistic fermions

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    In this work I apply a recently proposed improvement procedure, originally conceived to reduce finite lattice spacing effects in transfer matrices for dilute Fermi systems, to tuning operators for the calculation of observables. I construct, in particular, highly improved representations for the energy and the contact, as a first step in an improvement program for finite-temperature calculations. I illustrate the effects of improvement on those quantities with a ground-state lattice calculation at unitarity.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures; replaced with published versio

    Perturbative matching of staggered four-fermion operators with hypercubic fat links

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    We calculate the one-loop matching coefficients between continuum and lattice four-fermion operators for lattice operators constructed using staggered fermions and improved by the use of fattened links. In particular, we consider hypercubic fat links and SU(3) projected Fat-7 links, and their mean-field improved versions. We calculate only current-current diagrams, so that our results apply for operators whose flavor structure does not allow ``eye-diagrams''. We present general formulae, based on two independent approaches, and give numerical results for the cases in which the operators have the taste (staggered flavor) of the pseudo-Goldstone pion. We find that the one-loop corrections are reduced down to the 10-20% level, resolving the problem of large perturbative corrections for staggered fermion calculations of matrix elements.Comment: 37 pages, no figure, 20 table

    Generalised Spin Projection for Fermion Actions

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    The majority of compute time doing lattice QCD is spent inverting the fermion matrix. The time that this takes increases with the condition number of the matrix. The FLIC(Fat Link Irrelevant Clover) action displays, among other properties, an improved condition number compared to standard actions and hence is of interest due to potential compute time savings. However, due to its two different link sets there is a factor of two cost in floating point multiplications compared to the Wilson action. An additional factor of two has been attributed due to the loss of the so-called spin projection trick. We show that any split-link action may be written in terms of spin projectors, reducing the additional cost to at most a factor of two. Also, we review an efficient means of evaluating the clover term, which is additional expense not present in the Wilson action.Comment: 4 page

    Progress on Perfect Lattice Actions for QCD

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    We describe a number of aspects in our attempt to construct an approximately perfect lattice action for QCD. Free quarks are made optimally local on the whole renormalized trajectory and their couplings are then truncated by imposing 3-periodicity. The spectra of these short ranged fermions are excellent approximations to continuum spectra. The same is true for free gluons. We evaluate the corresponding perfect quark-gluon vertex function, identifying in particular the ``perfect clover term''. First simulations for heavy quarks show that the mass is strongly renormalized, but again the renormalized theory agrees very well with continuum physics. Furthermore we describe the multigrid formulation for the non-perturbative perfect action and we present the concept of an exactly (quantum) perfect topological charge on the lattice.Comment: 14 pages, 17 figures, Talk presented at LATTICE96(improvement
