719 research outputs found

    Compactification, topology change and surgery theory

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    We study the process of compactification as a topology change. It is shown how the mediating spacetime topology, or cobordism, may be simplified through surgery. Within the causal Lorentzian approach to quantum gravity, it is shown that any topology change in dimensions 5\geq 5 may be achieved via a causally continuous cobordism. This extends the known result for 4 dimensions. Therefore, there is no selection rule for compactification at the level of causal continuity. Theorems from surgery theory and handle theory are seen to be very relevant for understanding topology change in higher dimensions. Compactification via parallelisable cobordisms is particularly amenable to study with these tools.Comment: 1+19 pages. LaTeX. 9 associated eps files. Discussion of disconnected case adde

    Localized Exotic Smoothness

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    Gompf's end-sum techniques are used to establish the existence of an infinity of non-diffeomorphic manifolds, all having the same trivial R4{\bf R^4} topology, but for which the exotic differentiable structure is confined to a region which is spatially limited. Thus, the smoothness is standard outside of a region which is topologically (but not smoothly) B3×R1{\bf B^3}\times {\bf R^1}, where B3{\bf B^3} is the compact three ball. The exterior of this region is diffeomorphic to standard R1×S2×R1{\bf R^1}\times {\bf S^2}\times{\bf R^1}. In a space-time diagram, the confined exoticness sweeps out a world tube which, it is conjectured, might act as a source for certain non-standard solutions to the Einstein equations. It is shown that smooth Lorentz signature metrics can be globally continued from ones given on appropriately defined regions, including the exterior (standard) region. Similar constructs are provided for the topology, S2×R2{\bf S^2}\times {\bf R^2} of the Kruskal form of the Schwarzschild solution. This leads to conjectures on the existence of Einstein metrics which are externally identical to standard black hole ones, but none of which can be globally diffeomorphic to such standard objects. Certain aspects of the Cauchy problem are also discussed in terms of RΘ4{\bf R^4_\Theta}\models which are ``half-standard'', say for all t<0,t<0, but for which tt cannot be globally smooth.Comment: 8 pages plus 6 figures, available on request, IASSNS-HEP-94/2

    Twisted topological structures related to M-branes II: Twisted Wu and Wu^c structures

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    Studying the topological aspects of M-branes in M-theory leads to various structures related to Wu classes. First we interpret Wu classes themselves as twisted classes and then define twisted notions of Wu structures. These generalize many known structures, including Pin^- structures, twisted Spin structures in the sense of Distler-Freed-Moore, Wu-twisted differential cocycles appearing in the work of Belov-Moore, as well as ones introduced by the author, such as twisted Membrane and twisted String^c structures. In addition, we introduce Wu^c structures, which generalize Pin^c structures, as well as their twisted versions. We show how these structures generalize and encode the usual structures defined via Stiefel-Whitney classes.Comment: 20 page

    A handlebody calculus for topology change

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    We consider certain interesting processes in quantum gravity which involve a change of spatial topology. We use Morse theory and the machinery of handlebodies to characterise topology changes as suggested by Sorkin. Our results support the view that that the pair production of Kaluza-Klein monopoles and the nucleation of various higher dimensional objects are allowed transitions with non-zero amplitude.Comment: Latex, 32 pages, 7 figure

    Towards a CPT Invariant Quantum Field Theory on Elliptic de Sitter Space

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    Consequences of Schr\"{o}dinger's antipodal identification on quantum field theory in de Sitter space are investigated. The elliptic Z2\mathbb{Z}_2 identification provides observers with complete information. We show that a suitable confinement on dimension of the elliptic de Sitter space guarantees the existence of globally defined spinors and orientable dS/Z2dS/\mathbb{Z}_2 manifold. In Beltrami coordinates, we give exact solutions of scalar and spinor fields. The CPT invariance of quantum field theory on the elliptic de Sitter space is presented explicitly.Comment: 16 pages, some references have been added, the structure of paper have been revised, accepted for publication in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Invertible Dirac operators and handle attachments on manifolds with boundary

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    For spin manifolds with boundary we consider Riemannian metrics which are product near the boundary and are such that the corresponding Dirac operator is invertible when half-infinite cylinders are attached at the boundary. The main result of this paper is that these properties of a metric can be preserved when the metric is extended over a handle of codimension at least two attached at the boundary. Applications of this result include the construction of non-isotopic metrics with invertible Dirac operator, and a concordance existence and classification theorem.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Topology and Analysi

    Duality properties of indicatrices of knots

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    The bridge index and superbridge index of a knot are important invariants in knot theory. We define the bridge map of a knot conformation, which is closely related to these two invariants, and interpret it in terms of the tangent indicatrix of the knot conformation. Using the concepts of dual and derivative curves of spherical curves as introduced by Arnold, we show that the graph of the bridge map is the union of the binormal indicatrix, its antipodal curve, and some number of great circles. Similarly, we define the inflection map of a knot conformation, interpret it in terms of the binormal indicatrix, and express its graph in terms of the tangent indicatrix. This duality relationship is also studied for another dual pair of curves, the normal and Darboux indicatrices of a knot conformation. The analogous concepts are defined and results are derived for stick knots.Comment: 22 pages, 9 figure

    The multipliers of periodic points in one-dimensional dynamics

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    It will be shown that the smooth conjugacy class of an SS-unimodal map which does not have a periodic attractor neither a Cantor attractor is determined by the multipliers of the periodic orbits. This generalizes a result by M.Shub and D.Sullivan for smooth expanding maps of the circle

    Electrical networks on nn-simplex fractals

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    The decimation map D\mathcal{D} for a network of admittances on an nn-simplex lattice fractal is studied. The asymptotic behaviour of D\mathcal{D} for large-size fractals is examined. It is found that in the vicinity of the isotropic point the eigenspaces of the linearized map are always three for n4n \geq 4; they are given a characterization in terms of graph theory. A new anisotropy exponent, related to the third eigenspace, is found, with a value crossing over from ln[(n+2)/3]/ln2\ln[(n+2)/3]/\ln 2 to ln[(n+2)3/n(n+1)2]/ln2\ln[(n+2)^3/n(n+1)^2]/\ln 2.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Causal continuity in degenerate spacetimes

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    A change of spatial topology in a causal, compact spacetime cannot occur when the metric is globally Lorentzian. One can however construct a causal metric from a Riemannian metric and a Morse function on the background cobordism manifold, which is Lorentzian almost everywhere except that it is degenerate at each critical point of the function. We investigate causal structure in the neighbourhood of such a degeneracy, when the auxiliary Riemannian metric is taken to be Cartesian flat in appropriate coordinates. For these geometries, we verify Borde and Sorkin's conjecture that causal discontinuity occurs if and only if the Morse index is 1 or n-1.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures, Latex2e, important references added, introduction and discussions sections reworded slightl