66 research outputs found

    AdhÀsion zwischen Polymer und Metall oder Halbleiter. Beobachtungen mit spektroskopischen Methoden

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    Spectroscopic methods have been well proved as versatile tools for characterizing the bulk properties of materials. However, the successful exploitation of their potential in adhesion science depends on access to the interphase between polymer and substrate in the measurement. The paper describes several suitable special techniques of the electron and the infrared spectroscopies in general terms. Experimental results are presented for both model compounds and prepolymers containing triazin rings and/or cyanate groups. The data illustrate the scope of information that is obtainabie nowadays. With that stage of research in mind some aspects of a model for the interphase are discussed and open questions are deduced

    Ermittlung von SchÀdigungsmechanismen in Klebungen nichtrostender StÀhle als Beitrag zur Fertigungssicherheit und ZuverlÀssigkeit

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    Die Arbeit vergleicht die Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher technischer Alterungstests auf die mechanischen Eigenschaften der Klebverbindung mit den chemisch-strukturellen VerĂ€nderungen des Klebstoffpolymers unter BerĂŒcksichtigung von Grenzschichteffekten. Dazu werden die BruchflĂ€chen von Zugscherproben ungealterter und gealterter Klebungen mit oberflĂ€chenanalytischen Methoden untersucht, wobei unterschiedliche Bereiche der BruchflĂ€chen hinsichtlich SchĂ€digung und Versagensmechanismen differenziert behandelt werden. Der VDA-Test fĂŒhrt zu klebstoffstimulierter Korrosion an der GrenzflĂ€che Substrat-Klebstoff. Dieser Prozess dominiert die Festigkeitsabnahme des Klebverbundes. Das Klebstoffpolymer altert nur langsam mit annĂ€hernd linearer Progression. Die Verschlechterung der mechanischen Verbundeigenschaften korreliert nicht direkt mit chemisch-strukturellen VerĂ€nderungen des Klebstoffpolymers. Eine irreversible Änderung der elastischen Polymereigenschaften ist nicht nachzuweisen. Der VW-Test schĂ€digt das Klebstoffpolymer in Bulk und Grenzschicht massiv. Diese Polymerdegradation dominiert die Festigkeitsabnahme. Die Verschlechterung der mechanischen Eigenschaften ist eng mit chemisch-strukturellen VerĂ€nderungen auf den BruchflĂ€chen korreliert. Die Progression ĂŒber den gesamten Alterungszeitraum ist nichtlinear und lĂ€uft bereits im ersten Alterungsmonat mit maximaler Geschwindigkeit ab. Das Polymer zeigt alterungsbedingte Versprödung

    Functional nano fillers in epoxy-dicyandiamide adhesives for prolonged shelf life and efficient cure

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    Shelf life at room temperature and curing behaviour at elevated temperature are studied for hot-curing accelerated epoxies (EP, diglycidylether of bisphenol A plus dicyandiamide (Dicy)) by FTIR-spectroscopy and modulated DSC. The accelerator is added either directly or with nano-zeolite filler to the EP. Due to the immobilization of the accelerator in the pores of the nano-zeolite, the shelf life of this EP is 5 times longer than for the EP containing free accelerator. While the free accelerator acts during the whole heating step to curing temperature, the nano-zeolite does not release the accelerator before ca. 100 °C. As monitored by light microscopy, the released accelerator not only supports the curing but also stimulates the dissolution of the solid Dicy. As the result, network formation at 170 °C finishes within less than 25 minutes for the nano-filled EP

    Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Size Effects in Polyurethane Adhesive Sealings

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    In our contribution we present an extended continuum-based material model which is able to capture size effects in adhesive bonds. The model is based on the introduction of a scalar-valued structure parameter and its related postulated balance equation. On the experimental side we perform shear tests on polyurethane bonds of anodised aluminium by using diferent shear rates and different thicknesses of the bonded joints. The results of these shear tests show a thickness-dependent stiffness behaviour of the specimens. Finally the obtained experimental data are fitted with the extended material model. The introduced model parameters are identified by using an optimisation tool based on biologic evolution strategies

    Adsorption and growth of polycyanurate films on silicon wafers and aluminium substrates

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    We have investigated thin films of a DCBA prepolymer on Si and Al substrates. High-resolution Cls, Ols and Nls x-ray photoelectron spectra reveal some thickness-dependent features, which lead to an adsorption model for the DCBA prepolymer molecules. The adsorption of the first layer is governed by the interaction of the triazine rings with the substrate interface
